I've had a variety of bikes over the years. Currently have a H-D Heritage Softail. I used to ride a lot. I've travelled all over the USA and Canada by bike. But, alas, I'm getting older and the days of 5,000 mile road trips are most likely behind me. And I've tired of going on charity rides where the ride consists of 30 minute runs and 1 hour stops at some bar (not drinking much anymore makes it even more tedious). But, if the weather is half decent I'll fire up the scooter and go on a 200 mile ride to nowhere. The ride IS the destination.
JoinedPosts by frozen2018
All I need is my motorcycle. Do you ride?
by wannabefree ini began riding motorcycles in my early teens.
my 1979 honda xl500s became my best friend.
i had a few teenage neighbors and school friends that rode too.
3 Types of People?
by minimus inas a rule, there are 3 types.
one is the dramatic over the top person where a hangnail means you might have to get your finger cut off.. the second type is —who me, worry?
i’m not going to let too much of anything bother me unless it really is armageddon.. the third type is the person in between.
There are 3 kinds of learners:
1) Those that learn by reading.
2) Those that learn by watching.
3) Those that go ahead and pee on the electric fence.
Does Politics Affect Your Entertainment Decisions and Choices?
by minimus inif coke disturbed you because of a certain stance would you stop buying coke?
would you stop watching a sport if a certain view was politicized?.
would you boycott a certain product because you did not agree with the corporation’s opinions?
I quit drinking Coke but not for political reasons. I quit drinking Coke and all other sodas because, in my view, the product is little more than flavored poison.
Covid Vaccine Passports
by minimus inwhat do you think of them?
should a business or establishment require that you show proof that you have been vaccinated before they let you in?.
If a private business wants to make some sort of vaccine proof a requirement of receiving services, that is their business. If the government at any level - Federal, State, County, or Local - is making proof of vaccination a condition of receiving services, I have a giant problem with that concept. The logistics of such a scheme would be impossible, too. Can you imagine what would happen if the Feds mandated gov't approved vaccine ID's overnight? Suddenly 250 million people would show up demanding the card and the system would crash. If the policy makers wanted this to be a requirement, it should have been implemented from the beginning.
I was given a card when I had my first shot so I suppose I have proof of vaccination. In a few minutes I could make a reasonable fake of the same card, print it, and hand it out. In reality, the card I was given means nothing. I also had to show ID. I have no idea who the clinic shares the personal information with.
Colorado Mass Shooting
by Simon interrible news out of colorado this morning of a mass shooting in a supermarket leaving 10 dead.. missing from the homepage of cnn is any description of the shooter.
that's because it's a muslim refugee from syria who was apparently anti-trump and not a "maga white guy" which would otherwise be included in every headline.. more kids in cages than ever before (but strangely, now no one in the media seems to care) and now this.. biden doesn't have the magic wand he promised after all, right?.
I watched the opening of the evening national news out of curiosity (haven't watched the national news in a long time). The newsreader went on for a bit about the horror of it all and then said something like, "The alleged shooter has been identified as Ahmad Al-Issa. Authorities would not speak to motive but did say they were not treating this as a hate crime." I turned the channel.
Do You Support The Death Penalty ?
by minimus indo you support the death penalty or do you think the worst punishment should be incarceration?.
HAHAHAHAHA!! Yes! Get rid of those pesky appeals that those scummy death row inmates are always exploiting. That's the solution to the high cost of executing a prisoner. In fact get rid of all appeals across the legal spectrum. The judicial system ALWAYS get it right. And if an innocent happens to get executed by the State, well you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, right? I think Ray "The Snaggletooth Killer" Krone would beg to differ.
Do You Support The Death Penalty ?
by minimus indo you support the death penalty or do you think the worst punishment should be incarceration?.
Lot of pro-death penalty folk here. Great logic, also. "Serial killers should be executed because they are monsters." Ok, that's fine. Kill the serial killers. You know that serial killers are quite rare and executing them won't do much for crime statistics. Fun story about a serial killer. I read that Ted Bundy purposely went to Florida to continue his murder spree because Florida had a death penalty and he wanted to die. He viscously attacked 5 women and a child. Three of them died among them a twelve year old girl. Florida executed Ted. Good job, Florida.
Executing prisoners is cheaper than housing prisoners? Really? In Texas the cost of executing a prisoner is over $2,000,000. That is about 3 times the cost of housing a prisoner in a maximum security facility for 40 years.
I believe that we execute people for all the wrong reasons. The reasons revolve mostly around good old revenge. What would happen if we started executing people based on how much damage they have caused to society? Take DuPont, for example. DuPont manufactured the wonder product Teflon using PFOA. DuPont knew in 1961 that PFOA is highly toxic and exposure to PFOA can lead to a long list of problems. DuPont willfully covered up the danger of PFOA for years and dumped almost 2,000,000 pounds of it on an unsuspecting public. The result? Cancer, birth defects, poisoned water supplies, and so on. In my opinion, if anybody deserved a death penalty it really wasn't Ted Bundy and his ilk. It was the executives and scientists at DuPont who covered up the dangers of PFOA. Instead, DuPont paid out about $700,000,000 while denying any wrong doing. Fun fact, virtually every person living in America today has measurable amounts of PFOA floating around their bodies. Thanks, DuPont!
I can think of a lot of white collar criminals who should face execution. Politicians who use their office to enrich themselves, fraudsters, doctors who perform unnecessary medical procedures for the insurance money, and so on. Execute a couple of these criminals and a whole lot of people would clean up their act. But if executing murderers and such - sometimes decades after the crime was committed - makes society feel better about itself, so be it.
Where do JWs stand on sex toys?
by mickbobcat ini think we all know that if they are used alone it would be a no no, but what about in a marriage?
are there limits such as vibrators ok but torso with dildo not ok?.
Kind of sex toy related. A few years ago I gave an elderly jw (75ish) woman her first motorcycle ride. I was quite impressed that she was game to give it a try. My bike is a Harley and I know that at certain rpm's the passenger seat vibrates. We rode around for a bit and when I dropped her off she said, "Now I know why girls like motorcycle rides." Maybe it was just the feel of wind in her face.
Do You Support The Death Penalty ?
by minimus indo you support the death penalty or do you think the worst punishment should be incarceration?.
Harry, Meghan the Royal Apostates
by Slidin Fast ini just watched the oprah interview.
i know that many view them with little interest as just entitled wastes of space and i get that.. however, the description of how they were "trapped" and silenced and forced into perpetuating the system with little or no personal freedom rang bells for me.
they are effectively shunned, estranged and disparaged by their family and cut off from support.
The whiteness of James Hewitt DNA is STRONG!