The 2 biggest reasons I see them not holding meetings is
- The majority of JWs are in the high risk group of 60+. That is a lot of money to lose in regular donations. But it’s also an opportunity to really cash in if they have willed their home and savings to the Borg. I believe they love money, but not quite enough to desire to see their member base die off.
- PR. They have gotten so much negative PR in the last several years from child sex abuse and Leah Remini to name a few. The last thing they want is to be in the news like other churches who hold meetings and then the pastor and parishioners die. If the CDC had a poster child of a church example to follow for the pandemic, it would most likely be JWs. Possibly other religions are doing just as well, but from what I see, JWs are doing their best to follow everything to the T.