How adorable! I love bears too.
JoinedPosts by OrbitingTheSun
Aww, isn't this cute?
by Nikita ini just love bears!
this was taken in a neighboring county, not by me, but i sure wish it had been!
How many have multiple degrees on this forum?
by logansrun insometimes i think life was so much easier under the feudel system..... .
well, i'm still deciding on a career.
have i made much progress since my thread about teaching a few months ago?
Thanks, Bradley! You're quite the intellectual yourself. In my opinion, a genuine interest in science is the most important part...that is what motivates me. I am a good student, but I get easy As in everything BUT science. LOL. My major classes are the only ones that really tap into my greatest ability and that's what I love about them. Don't ask me about math though, Advanced Ideas In Calculus did a number on Orbit. LOL I understood it perfectly about a week after finals!
As for your school, you were smart to choose a public school. I go to a private school and without scholarships I would be paying $17,000+ a semester!
How many have multiple degrees on this forum?
by logansrun insometimes i think life was so much easier under the feudel system..... .
well, i'm still deciding on a career.
have i made much progress since my thread about teaching a few months ago?
Go for it Bradley! I have the same plan. I'm a year away from my bachelor's in chemistry and I don't have a clear idea of what I want to do professionally either. My goal after school is to get a chemistry-related job that will give me experience AND financial asistance for graduate school. A lot of jobs do that because it is a good investment for the employee and the employer. I could go to school for the rest of my life and be happy, but I'd be happier if I don't have to pay for it!
Best wishes to you!
Aztec is in Rayzorblade's House
by RAYZORBLADE inyup, there's an aztec in my house: she's here.....drove all the way up from detroit yesterday.
she sure is good with directions, and called me from the very place i knew i could find her.
anyways, i won't say much, but she's alive and well....tired of course, but hung out where i work for awhile (the tavern/bar where i work), and then she went for something to eat, then walked around the streets of toronto.
Awww, yay! I just knew Azzy was bird friendly. *My birds whistle siren songs to bring Aztec here next*
Heather, I am about your age and I live on the east coast too. The board is a great place to chat and get new ideas, but if you ever need someone to chat with one-to-one you can PM me anytime.
Hi Heather! Welcome to the board!
Williams sisters
by Phil ini was recently having a discussion with a jw on the extent to which the williams family are jws.
his statement was that only the mother is a jw.
I have read in a few different sources that they were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses. They may not be baptized, but if they have been involved with the organization since early childhood I'd still consider them Jehovah's Witnesses.
Edited To Add: I agree, Dedalus! They both rock. I'm partial to Serena, though.
Do you love little bitty's?
by Jayson in.
this is really cute
*It's alright to be little bitty!* What a cute song!
I wonder which posters here were the ones...
by berylblue in...always selected for those nauseating parts in the service meeting.
you know, the theocratic family's encouraging service experiences?
the theocratic family's example of a well-conducted family study?
Mike, the connection is that if you can't explain the one, you do the other.
LOL! It is the answer to everything, isn't it.
Williams sisters
by Phil ini was recently having a discussion with a jw on the extent to which the williams family are jws.
his statement was that only the mother is a jw.
Yup, they are both JWs. One of them did the typical athlete thing and thanked Jehovah. God does love sports.