Really good comments everyone! Agreed!
For me, the de-emphasis of Jesus and the emphasis and praise of the governing body increasingly bothered me. I may have noticed this more than others, being a convert from "Christendom" and all.
That talk at the annual meeting in 2014 by Tight Pants Tony was all kinds of crazy. Our Kingdom Hall had a showing of the annual meeting and I was railing to my husband about how messed up his talk was the minute we got in the car and the whole way home. That was a real wake up call for me as I was always told how humble and godly the GB members were. I didn't see any of that in Tony. I saw a judgemental, bigoted, pompous, self-righteous man. I didn't see how this man could have so much more Holy Spirit than me and be a in a bosom position with God and then be exhibiting these qualities.
I also increasingly noticed how unhappy the friends were at the Kingdom Hall. And how unhappy I was. I just kept thinking about that scripture where Jesus said come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you ... for my yoke is kindly and my load is light. I just kept thinking how that was not the case, how the burden from the Society was so heavy and how we were never good enough.
There are so many other things, but I don't want to fill pages, lol.