Read Very helpful information. Whatever you do in life, you should do so knowing and considering all information.
Also, you don't need to go to another church. Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life," not where shall we go away to (John 6:68). As Christians, first and foremost, we need to follow and imitate Christ. If you think deeply about the situation with the organization, you will see how far they have strayed from the personality and example of Jesus Christ.
Think about how Jesus would feel if we promoted and supported a religion that destroys families through shunning, that actively protects child molesters, that sacrifice their children through denying blood transfusions and that consistently puts themselves in the place of Jesus and Jehovah. That teaches many things that are in contradiction to the scriptures and that teaches false prophesies. There are so many other evils this religion actively promotes and causes, it could fill books and has filled books.
"Go, then, and learn what this means: 'I want mercy and not sacrifice'" (Matthew 9:13).
Truth seeks the light and stands up under scrutiny. Falsehood seeks the darkness and crumbles under scrutiny.
Think sincerely about the reason why the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, the supposed purveyors of the only truth, actively discourages members from reading anything critical of the religion and from engaging in critical thinking. If they have the truth, why are they worried and what do they have to hide? Do you not have the right to make informed decisions after considering all information? Why are they trying to prevent you from exercising your human right of free thought and access to information? Why do they shun those that simply disagree on a point if they have the truth? Cannot the truth stand up to scrutiny and debate?