Giles Gray, the concept that everything, in all its wonder and complexity, just got here by chance, does not and cannot make rational sense to me. That scripture about every house having a builder really hits home for me, especially when you consider that the natural world and universe is far more complex and awe-inspiring than any house.
There are many other things I've experienced and learned over the years that informs my belief in God, but the universe and all creation is a big one.
Now the Atheist posters here have echoed some of my own questions and issues with the Abrahamic God. Issues I had even when I was a dye-hard JW. I have tried to get help for these issues, but I am still grasping to understand why rape, murder, abuse, misogyny and slavery were allowed, even seemingly encouraged. I know that there may be a bigger picture that I am not seeing at the moment.
Outside of the loving and self-sacrificing example of Jesus and many of the higher principles in the Bible about being peaceable, loving, humble, slow to anger, etc., my faith is on shaky ground. But that is a journey that I feel I must grapple with on my own for now. When I've thought more deeply on everything, I may be able to come back here and engage in intellectual and theological discussions.