Exactly stuckinarut2. As the jw org always says, "now we are not under the law, but the principle still applies." *facepalm* If we are not under the law, how does the principle still apply? Like you said, either the law applies or it doesn't.
Posts by Sevan
Today's Text - Sacrifice To God!
by Divergent insunday, august 14. if she cannot afford a sheep, she must then take two turtledoves or two young pigeons.—lev.
12:8.. according to the mosaic law, the israelites were to offer specific sacrifices.
Interracial Relationships and JWs
by HiddlesWife ini've noticed that within the past couple of decades, i don't see a lot of interracial relationships (ir, for short) in the org.. i, myself, was involved in an ir over 2-3 decades ago and was engaged to get married [my ethnicity is: african-american and latina; my ex-fiance's ethnicity is: scottish and italian].
he broke off the engagement, after three years of friendship and two years of dating, because his uncle and another brother (who was a temporary volunteer at bethel) pressured him to end our relationship [p.s.
: his mother was quite close to my mother, one of my sisters and one of my close cousins.
I've seen a lot of interracial and inter-ethnic couples in the hall. I've never heard anything negative against it. I lived in California. I don't know if that makes a difference. I'm sorry about what happened to you though. On the bright side, at least you are free to make your own decisions now.
Judicial Committees should have an option to be public
by EndofMysteries inthinking back to how they went from votes by the congregation under russels time to private closed doors in rutherfords time so as to not waste time, etc, of other members.
if it really wasn't to hide things from the org, it would have an option for the person it's against to have it open to the public.
a time announced for any members or the person to bring any they want to attend.
Hmmm, could a system that is conducted entirely in secret and in which the same men are investigator, prosecutor, judge and executor be primed for abuse? Hmmm ....
Paranormal Warning
by Cold Steel ini've heard some weird stories coming from jws about the paranormal.
i know about the warnings about items that come from unbelievers -- those don't interest me as much.
what i am interested in are actual experiences in stories of the paranormal you've heard or experienced yourself.
Wow, these are really interesting thoughts to think about snare&racket.
This is the first time in my life that I've allowed myself to question the Bible. Before I was a JW, I was raised a Christian and was taught that the Bible was the inerrant word of God. It never occurred to me to question it because who am I to question God, even though there were always things that I didn't understand or didn't seem just.
I haven't given up on God, but there are things in the Bible that I've decided cannot come from a God that is love.
At any rate, I am open to questioning and challenging all my beliefs for the first time in my life, so I appreciate conversations like this that challenge my preconceptions.
Plastic Surgery
by raven inhi everyone- i don't have much of an update on my current situation ( refer to previous posts ) august 1st has past, (the day the judicial committee was supposedly held against me- and that i didn't attend, no word on anything as of now, thankfully i am moving to a new home next week which means no more elders sending me spooky jc invite mail!
anyways, i'm getting off the main reason why i'm posting.. so i have tendency to drift off into thought and have discussions with myself, ( i'm not crazy i swear!
) i was thinking today, have we heard any more updates on appearances?
Yeah, she commits tax fraud too according to my husband. The thing is she hides everything and denies denies denies. I found her fake Facebook account under a false name that is just for her double life. My husband mentioned it to her and she immediately took it down. Then put it back up a couple of weeks later under a different false name, lol.
My husband and I don't care enough about her business to make a deal of it with the elders. Not to mention that if my husband ever tried to get her df'd by bringing up all he knows to the elders, it would be WWIII between her and him and she would make his life hell. Because she's super vindictive like that. She's already put him through the ringer as it is, so he really doesn't want to poke the bear.
Honestly, I would find that kind of lifestyle exhausting. I don't understand people that put on pretenses like that. Such a waste of time if you ask me.
Yeah, and I agree with you about the one guy situation. Plus you are not even going anymore, so what do they care? Some elders let stuff slide and some enjoy the witch hunt. Sounds like you have witch hunting elders unfortunately.
Complaining over post dislikes / downvotes
by Simon inlet's be clear: people have the right to like or dislike what they want - that is why the option is there.
as long as they are not doing it in a malicious way to retaliate or game the system, there is no policing the votes.
if you get a down-vote, live with it.
I've had enough..
by raven inso last night, after thinking "wow those pesky elders have finally left me alone, maybe since i skipped out on their jc invitation back on august 1st they've given up" wrong.. i go to check the mail and there's an envelope at my front door- lo and behold, another letter from from these elders.. why won't they leave me alone already?
i'll attach a picture of the letter.. again, same letter as the first one inviting me to a judicial committee on august 15th - and signed by all three elders.. should i just continue to ignore?
quite frankly i don't give a rats arse i've been enjoying life free from the mind control of the organization, and i just wish they would drop it and let me live life.. like i mentioned before, i am moving to a new home next week, the only reason these elders have my current address ( which happens to be over 100 miles away from the cong ) is because my mother gave it to them, after i gave it to her in confidence to forward me my mail.. so lets just say she won't be getting my new address... i don't have any contact with ones from this congregation (i'm an ex pioneer, so i'm sure if they've gotten word on what i'm doing, i must be satan himself!
Wow, so sorry your mother sold you out like that. This cult really perverts normal family relationships.
Most normal families have a ride or die mentality and back up their own.
All of my bio family are not JWs and they are like that. Seeing their enduring support and unconditional love is one of the things that helped wake me up, since it is such a contrast to the organization.
Plastic Surgery
by raven inhi everyone- i don't have much of an update on my current situation ( refer to previous posts ) august 1st has past, (the day the judicial committee was supposedly held against me- and that i didn't attend, no word on anything as of now, thankfully i am moving to a new home next week which means no more elders sending me spooky jc invite mail!
anyways, i'm getting off the main reason why i'm posting.. so i have tendency to drift off into thought and have discussions with myself, ( i'm not crazy i swear!
) i was thinking today, have we heard any more updates on appearances?
Raven - yeah, she was and is a JW. Yet has lived a total double life for years. Example: she has the kids afraid of Christmas, yet secretly celebrates. She dresses like a prostitute, not exaggerating, when she's not around JWs. She has tons of close worldly friends. She's had secret worldly boyfriends for years and she would give the kids to us extra nights and weekends so she could spend extra time with them (we already have split custody and she already barely works). She recently secretly married a guy that we didn't find out about until after they got married. So my kids have a new step-dad. Seems to be a nice guy so far, so that's good. Unfortunately, she's roping him into the cult. She's a very controlling person, so she looks for passive, easy to control guys and it looks like she found one. She is a complete narcissist and pathological liar. I know that she lied about what she was making to the courts because I tallied up her rent, car payment and some other bills I knew she had and the number she gave the courts was at least $1,000 short. There are so many other things, I could go on.
Anyway, I wouldn't care about most of these things if she wasn't presenting herself as a super righteous and pious person to the kids and indoctrinating them into the cult. And boy are they indoctrinated big time. Hopefully, I can help them wake up as they get older and start thinking more for themselves.
Paranormal Warning
by Cold Steel ini've heard some weird stories coming from jws about the paranormal.
i know about the warnings about items that come from unbelievers -- those don't interest me as much.
what i am interested in are actual experiences in stories of the paranormal you've heard or experienced yourself.
snare&racket, I really appreciate your thoughtful and philosophical replies. Let me ask you a question? Do you believe that people that have these chemical imbalances have a choice? Can they choose not to act on these base desires that give a chemical reward?
Paranormal Warning
by Cold Steel ini've heard some weird stories coming from jws about the paranormal.
i know about the warnings about items that come from unbelievers -- those don't interest me as much.
what i am interested in are actual experiences in stories of the paranormal you've heard or experienced yourself.
We are not lions hunting for prey to survive. That is not even a related scenario to what I'm talking about.
There is no survival benefit for a mother to torture her child. So, yeah, I can't compare the two in your scenario. It is apples and oranges.
I get that there are mental imbalances that contribute to these actions, but they do not completely explain them. Because there are a lot of people that have psychopathy and schizophrenia and other disorders that choose not to act on their more base thoughts and desires. And it still does not explain the extreme degree of cruelty that is seen. Actions that are unfathomable and unimaginable. I've read a lot in psychological textbooks about psychopathy and it is still not well understood and the extreme actions of some are not well understood.
I agree that religious ideas are often easy answers for topics that are difficult to comprehend. I agree that it is a sign of intellectual curiosity to try to find the scientific answer and to do academic research. However, I also believe that philosophy and religious ideas have a place in our understanding of the world and of the human race. In our understanding of morality and love.
I want to believe in a loving, benevolent creator. To believe in a reason and purpose. Yet, if I think deeply about the madness and chaos in the world, it its hard to understand why God would let such things continue and I don't find the Biblical answer completely satisfactory.
I want to believe that this is not all there is. I want to believe that the 1 year old baby girl that was raped to death will live again and be loved outside of this cruel world. That the poor 13 year old boy that was caged, starved and beaten to death will know that he is valuable and his life does matter. His name was Christian and I'll never forget reading about him. I've kept him in my heart all these years. Hoping that someday in the resurrection I would meet him and tell him how loved he was and that I could be something of a mommy to him. This world is just such a heartbreaking place for so many innocents. I want to believe there is love, beauty and joy on the other side for them.