Posts by baker
Memorial attendance
by punkofnice inmy spies seem a bit confused.
here, in this neck of the woods 3 congregations had 3 separate sittings.
the attendance seemed to be swelling.
someone posted a new photo of their congregation this week. With all publishers at the front, I just happen to have a photo taken maybe 12 years ago and it was the same exact people maybe missing just a few, no growth at all in 12 years. -
Kingdom Hall Built on Site of Former Slave Market
by Wild_Thing inin mississippi, there is a historical site called forks of the road.
before the civil war, it was one of the most active slave trading markets in the south.
it was a triangular piece of land formed by ... you guessed it ... a fork in the road.
We are all slaves to something, money, food ,ect , l
They really look after their older ones
by 20yearfader inmy aunt was a very attractive woman and it's hard sitting back and watching time rob her of her beauty and memories,but time has nothing on her so called christian brothers and sisters.her husband died about 10 years ago and she started dating an elder that claimed he always loved her since they were kids in the organization.he looks like that thing that was running around in the lord of the rings but what can you do?the courtship lasted 8 years, a couple of times i would stop by to see her and he would be over there in the late evenings with all lights in the house off,which i thought was odd but these people are in their early 60s and i haven't been to a hall in years so it was none of my concern.even if i was still in i wouldn't have said anything anyway.. growing up my aunt was always known in the family as being the air it didn't surprise me when i learned that a couple of years ago the brother married another woman that was 10 years his junior,because you see even if you look like gollum in the hall brothers still have their pick of the litter so to speak.i think that whatever was holding her together snapped at this point,she started wandering around the neighborhood at night showing up at meetings with her make-up all over her face and her clothes backwards or inside out,then she started forgetting things and babbling about things that made no sense,a couple of times i found her wandering and i would pick her up and get her something to eat cause she would forget to eat a lot of times.. around this time pictures starting getting around the congregations with her looking a mess in her clothes and of my other aunts stumbled upon the photos and she was one of the ones that alerted the rest of the family about her condition along with me (my word carries very little weight since i don't attend the hall) anyway we got her to a doctor and it was found that she has alzheimer's and it was time to settle her affairs as such.
last week as i was moving out her furniture and other items since her house is going to be sold my cousin tells me that the bank employees that my aunt used knew her elder friend very well and that her always came with her to the bank to withdrawl money.they wouldn't tell her how much was withdrawn but they nodded their heads when she said was it thousands of dollars?.
hearing this i get pissed to the highest level of pisstivity if there is such a thing.i tell my mom since she is so buddy buddy with the guy and she goes ballistic he is a servant of jehovah how dare you,there isn't any proof and innocent until proven guilty it was only until i told her that she better pray that i remain calm and not give into the anger that i feel and take a little trip to her congregation and pull him from the stage and beat the shit out of him that got her to shut up.only in a cult like this can you defend and she blamed her sister for the whole incident,my aunt was child like when he was making those trips with her to the bank cause at this point she doesn't even know who she is so he had to have seen the evidence of her condition long before we did.. i really hate this religion i've been gone for over 25 years and it still has a way of getting at you thanks for letting me vent.
There are laws in place just for this, SOMEONE taking a senior to the cleaners, so to speak. Call an attorney immediately to see what can be done. There are forensic accountants that can trace most all the money spent or stolen.
death at the 'memorial'
by eyeuse2badub ini just got the news from our former congregation in hollister, ca regarding a tragic event following the 'memorial' wednesday night.
we shared the kh with 2 spanish congos.. a couple from the spanish congregation were leaving the kh so that the next spanish congo could have their 'memorial'.
they exited the parking lot in their car when hit by an oncoming car right in front of the kh.
Is there any News story on this? I googled it but can't find anything on it. -
How much of the Society's publications just get stored away in the garage?
by donny inalmost a year ago i moved back to the dallas - fort worth area after spending 16 years in the northern california area.
the area i live in has several nearby parks and walkways and these areas have several "share a book" pods mounted on a pole spaced about 1/2 mile from one another.
people are encouraged to add books they no longer use to these pods and to take one if they are interested.. i have been diligent on removing watchtower publications from them and what has surprised me is how many old publications in pristine condition are added almost on a daily basis.
We got some new light out of them, when we put some in the fireplace
It's so awkward that people have to touch the emblems
by thedepressedsoul init's just so weird to me.
for a group that is against idolatry so much and yet each person has to "touch" the bread and wine.. one lady was standing and holding a baby.
she called the server over just so she could put her thumb on the bread and wine.. did jesus ever clarify what he wanted them to do in remembrance of him?
any one experienced someone spilling it? -
You are tomato sauce...
by rrb2016 inthe wife and i went to the memorial strictly out of respect for my mother-in-law last night.
luckily our 20 month-old grand-baby was restless and making noise, so i quickly volunteered to take him in the back.
so i didn't have to listen to the presentation.
A Salafi group called the "Popular Egyptian Islamic Association" has warned Muslims against eating tomatoes on the grounds that the fruit is a "Christian food," has reported.
The group based its claim on the fact that a shape resembling a cross is revealed when one cuts a tomato in half.
The association published the warning on its Facebook page with a photo of a tomato cut in half, revealing a cross-shaped interior.
A message posted on the page read, "Eating tomatoes is forbidden because they are Christian. [The tomato] praises the cross instead of Allah and says that Allah is three [in reference to the Holy Trinity]."
The message went on to say, "I implore you to spread this photo because there is a sister from Palestine who saw the Prophet of Allah in a vision and he was crying, warning his nation against eating [tomatoes]. If you don’t spread this [message], know that it is the devil who stopped you.”
OMG a tomato illustration from a cult, counseling the tomato represents the cross, who can you believe anymore? -
It had the look of Easter on it with all the new dresses and bow ties and new hair-do,s. So much love bombing, just to tell you that you can't have any, so glad they told all to leave quickly so the next group could come in. Didn't have to tell me twice. -
Those of us going to memorial
by All for show inhow are you feeling?.
we weren't going... but a confrontation with family blew things up.
we decided we are going- because we are planning on moving and this is the last jw thing.
don't wear a tie, so as to give off a small que. -
Blood Transfusion and Eating
by dugout ini get highly irritated when this subject comes up.
this idiot gave a talk in my hall recently and said that transfusion of blood and eating blood was the same thing.
my wife accepts this reasoning.
In the Book "30 years a Watchtower Slave", William Schneil wrote that at one time the GB was considering to drop the Blood issue based upon Matt 15:17 alone, but that book was written over 30 years ago, and as yet no evidence of this stance has ever been noticed.