Posts by baker
JWs win 2015 Bronze Telly Award in the “Online Video News Feature”
by OrphanCrow injworg is carrying a "news" article concerning their recent win of a telly award.. i don't need to add to the jworg website hits, so here is the award listed on the telly award website:.
2015 online video bronze winners.
They beat out the Pope,s apology tour. -
It is 5am and I still can't sleep. Contemplating life, doing research on religion, world history, science...
by Stepford Wife inmy husband is still asleep but he will get up in about an hour for work so i'm going to quickly tell you my inconclusive conclusion.
i don't know if i can believe in god anymore.
i have come to the simple conclusion that he is either dead or evil but he is definitely not loving.
And the horror or your situation and a lot of us out here is that after your husband wakes up, he will get out Studies in the Scriptures and read to you and expect a comment. I don't want to argue early, so I change the subject, like talk about the neighbor mormons, how they seem to go to their Kingdom Hall quite a lot and aren't you glad we don't. He loves to talk about the neighbors, but says they don't have a kingdom hall. Once off the subject from the Studies junk, you can talk about normal stuff and money or something. -
The "most honest people" on earth....?
by stuckinarut2 inhave we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
The followers are basically honest just as the general population, Its the leaders who earn the title as dishonest. -
Happy Birthday...
by Saltheart Foamfollower in... to all who share this day as their birthday with me, particularly if you you still have to pretend to be a jw.. sf.
Happy birthday saltheart!
Love the lines in this song "Happiness is the TRUTH"
by Sabin inso last night we had some friends around for dinner, (not jw) & it was a really wonderful evening.
we talked about a variety of subjects, just had a laugh & drunk wine & beer.
this morning my husband & i were talking about how nice it was, how free we felt with our opinions.
The watchtower(GB) teaches that gossip is wrong, but they practice it in almost every article. Most articles have a story about someone,s not living up to their standard and must accept discipline to get rid of their erring ways. Well, how do they get the stories? From the elders who gossip about what they listen to in judicial meetings. When a pioneer or ms confesses about one of their weaknesses to the elders they usually don't want their experiences broadcast in the Watchtower, but thats where they wind up. One example is in this June 2016, right after the tight pants episode. Unless these stories are completely made up. See if you can locate the gossip about the "brother".
6 Making a practice of sin, perhaps even committing secret sins, can also make one unresponsive to divine coun- sel. Sinning can then become easier. One brother said that in time his improper conduct did not bother him much at all. (Eccl. 8:11) Another brother, who got into the habit of viewing pornography, later admitted: “I found myself develop- ing a critical attitude toward the elders.” His habit was hurting him spiritually. Eventually, his conduct came to light, and he received much-needed help. Of course, we are all imperfect. If, however, we begin to develop a critical attitude or to excuse a wrong course rather than
6. What can happen if we practice sin?
seek God’s forgiveness and help, our heart may already be hardening.
Im sure the brother that said this in private did not consent to print it, so it has to be gossip.
the Governing Body - a legal entity?
by neat blue dog ini know the gb used to be one and the same as the board of directors of the wtb&ts, they made a differentiation in the '70s, and then in 2001 they completely split, all gb members resigning their corporate positions.
but my question is, is the governing body itself a legally recognized entity?
the reason i ask is because of a questionnaire document leaked in a recent thread.
So the GB is appointed by Jesus? Where is he, or where is his office? Who announces the new appointments? There will be some more just because people die and the GB all look like they are older than 65. The next new one appointed should be asked by the controlling authorities to see the documents from Jesus that he appointed the new one, or ask for Jesus to appear in court to confirm his selection, otherwise it can be proved to be a cleverly devised scheme to fool the stockholders. -
Aliens exist and YHWH (Jehovah) was one of them.
by Jehovah Was An Alien in"the constellation of the seven stars forming the pleiades appears to be the crowning centre around which the known system of the planets revolve even as our suns planet obey the sun and travel in their respective orbits.
it has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling place of jehovah and the place of the highest heavens; that is the place to which the inspired writer referred to when he said: "hear thou from thy dwelling place, even from heaven" (2 chronicles6:21) ; and that it is the place to which job referred when under inspiration he wrote: "canst thou blind the sweet influences of pleiades, or loose the bands of orion" – job 38:31"
the constellation of the pleiades is a small one compared with others which scientific instruments disclose to the wondering eyes of man.
This thread is something like a movie from the 60,s Charriots of the Gods by Eric von Daniken, who was a catholic who questioned the OT and has made a career out of researching this and this research has become quite mainstream. I think he is onto something esp when connecting the landing strips in Peru built thousands of years ago,ect. Watch the movie and get your favorite adult beverage out.
How did you feel when they eliminated the Con. Book Study?
by Freeandclear inyears ago when i was "in" i loved the book study.
it was my favorite meeting by far.
mainly because it was a small group.
As a kid growing up in a Protestant church, they had a similar thing on Wednesday nite and always had a full meal for all who attended. It was a great time to socialize and I'm guessing a lot of people came for the food. So removing the B S. was kind of like taking away one chance for people to socialize, which most JW,s need. (B S.=Book study) -
Favourite Comedy Quotes
by LoveUniHateExams ini wanted to post a serious, profound quote in stillin's thread but my mind went blank and i'm pretty crap with serious quotes anyway, so i put a jokey quote from the red dwarf computer holly: .
it's better to have loved and lost than to have listened to an album by olivia newton-john.. when a bemused lister asks why, holly replies "because anything's better than listening to an album by olivia newton-john!".
this got me thinking, what are everyone's favourite comedy quotes?.
I can't stop thinking of the movie "History of the World" , where Moses is bringing the 3 tablets of stone down from the mountain, and he says, "Here are the 15 (drops one of the tablets) err 10 commandments" -
Memorial 2016
by Flg8ter inthe memorial is on march 23 this year.
but all the official jewish calendars has nissan 14 as april 22!
april 22 is the start of passover!
They are really getting brave leaving out the word "today" in "you will be with me in paradise" and making it the header. They use to avoid this verse, now they just remove the offensive word they don't like...