I asked a n elder I studied with if death is punishment, what about those more evil than others, such as Hiltler, he deserves something stronger than just death like a good hearted person who just never knew YHWH. Also if Jesus knew that death was the punishment, why did he make up a story about a rich man who was tormented after death, if he knew it was satan,s lie. He had no answer. Jesus told a lie and never explained it till 1870 when he "enlightened" Russell to speak for him.
Posts by baker
Something funny about Armageddon
by evilApostate inyears ago, when i was still a publisher, i had a very interesting conversation with a lady in the field service.
we were talking about punishment for sin and so on.
she believed in hellfire.
Racism raise it's ugly head.. Chili's remove manager
by James Mixon inchili's remove cedar hill manager who took away man's free veterans day meal.
because he was black.
elderly white gentleman told the black veteran, "black did not serve in germany' and he told the manager the guy(black veteran) is not a veteran.
https://www.gofundme.com/buy-veteran-ernest-walker-dinner?ssid=805883251&pos=3 Maybe this con man can start his own religion too, he has a blind following according to go fund me page. Amazing how many people fall for something without investigation,,,oh wait some of us already have, sorry were only human. Im thinking of donating my 2 cents worth so I can get in a question or 3. Maybe ask him about his FB page why he supports a mannequin freeze video out of Alabama that shows 12 Gangstas all pointing their uzies and weapons to a street fight. This Vet is asking for trouble posing as a vet in need and using it to further his agenda, they call it stolen valor.
IBM CEO Sends Letter to President-elect Donald Trump
by Heaven inlink to the letter.. has anyone ever heard or seen this happen before?
for those of you who can't go to the site, here is the content: .
ibm ceo ginni rometty's letter to the u.s. president-elect.
Looks like Doris Day,s daughter. Companies want to get along of course cause they have an investment here and are trying to grow and make money for their shareholders. Hats off to this fine lady and the many more that will follow. My stocks in this company did not influence my comments at all(wink)
How many times jehovah is said in a prayer
by Normalfulla inso there was this particular elder in my hall who when giving a prayer would say "jehovah" waaaay to much it was ridiculous, we ended up having a count every time he gave prayer, most of the time it was 15-18 but once he topped 20, if u say it out loud 20 times you'll see how weird it is, like when do you ever in a conversation say someone's name that many times in 2 or so minutes,!
When i went to assembly ,s the only time i would clap was the last prayer, only because the mental anguish was finally over and looking around at others who looked like they really meant it, or were they really ln like mind with me and just glad it was over. One prayer years ago I think in Rosenburg, I timed it was over 10 minutes and I was close to walking out, but really clapped louder than ever when it was over....
How many times jehovah is said in a prayer
by Normalfulla inso there was this particular elder in my hall who when giving a prayer would say "jehovah" waaaay to much it was ridiculous, we ended up having a count every time he gave prayer, most of the time it was 15-18 but once he topped 20, if u say it out loud 20 times you'll see how weird it is, like when do you ever in a conversation say someone's name that many times in 2 or so minutes,!
Praying to anything is just a ritual, that our society has now made a game of it, and deservedly so, as depicted by Hollywood, that we most all are gullible, cause our only final proof is to die, and that happens only once. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkMqRDBKUwM&index=3&list=PLAB71C36466B5D487
If you read the bible w/out instruction, what would you think?
by TTWSYF inanyone reading [or did read] the bible without someone else telling you what it meant?.
would you be leaning towards the jws or baptists or lutherans or what?.
just asking.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1fAeRXn6aM&list=PL6GPAb4DHASNDo7uipGxKOBNrIKadKLjI This non sense continues throughout all society, to force behavior toward a bible, that even if you disagree and are diff,d you are denied rights to see your family, which i think in barbarian. Is this cult it is just as bad as the JW,s, maybe worse cause it is so tiny, thy can watch your every move(click) on the computer.
Racism raise it's ugly head.. Chili's remove manager
by James Mixon inchili's remove cedar hill manager who took away man's free veterans day meal.
because he was black.
elderly white gentleman told the black veteran, "black did not serve in germany' and he told the manager the guy(black veteran) is not a veteran.
Not sure if this will show, but I ran across this when looking up the story of Earnest the veteran. Something is not quite kosher with all the facts not in. This was from a FB page where his name is earnest Blackbatman, and seems to be a Trump basher. Very suspicious especially when he shows up at Chili,s with a bullhorn and pictures from his Navy (and army) service. All the facts aren't in, so maybe this will turn out like the story of the Gay minister I think in Austin tx that called the media when they printed a gay slur on his special ordered cake. Turns out he did the slur himself and had to apologize to Whole Foods.
So, how did the 'beard article' go over yesterday at your congregation?
by neat blue dog inat mine the conductor was somewhat awkward and minimal and there were nervous chuckles from the audience.
two people, including an elder, gave reasonable comments that it's okay as long as it's not extreme styles, etc.
but then another one of the elders commented that nothing has changed and they still aren't proper locally.
“YOU saw a lot of casual clothing, especially when it was hot,” reported a Dutch newspaper regarding a meeting of church leaders. “That is not the case at the convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. . . . Boys and men wear a jacket and tie, while the girls’ and women’s skirt length is . . . in good taste, yet mod- ern.” Indeed, Jehovah’s Witnesses are often commended for adorning “themselves in respectable dress, with modesty and good judgment . . . in the way that is proper for [those] pro- fessing devotion to God.” Anyone notice they quoted a Dutch newspaper and even put the quotes in brackets, but never mentioned who the writer was or any way to verify the veracity of the article. I,LL BET you 40 quarters that there was never any magazine that would bother to criticize the dress of "church leaders", if they did, it would be labeled as non-news worthy. So far I haven't turned up any magazine on google search and probably won't find anything, just another printed imaginary boast.
What Songs Best Fit you when you learned TATT and Afterwards?
by Wasanelder Once inthe work of john lennon best fit my situation.
first, i found out.
i found out.
I was shocked as you were Dio, that they could continually use this failed policy to the newby,s, like it could happen over the weekend. Since this is on their Facebook site, you can look at all the zombie like comments coming from their constituents. It is truly sad to see the hope and unwavering belief that still remains in people. None of these lies will ever come true, so it looks like a list of things similar to what children ask from Santa. Those watching Santa know their wishes won't come true, even Santa knows thay won't come true, but the children truly believe in Santa Clause(GB), and are ecstatic about their future of receiving those imaginary gifts. Sad