SweetBabyCheezits I don't often comment as I am working on becoming a recluse.
But I am so glad you have started posting again. I enjoy all your posts and agree with much of what you say.
there was once a christian that was attending seminary that felt unusually bold one sunday morning.
he decided to go to a random church that he had never attended before.
he went to the service and sat in one of the pews.
SweetBabyCheezits I don't often comment as I am working on becoming a recluse.
But I am so glad you have started posting again. I enjoy all your posts and agree with much of what you say.
in my late teens and very early twenties, i was active in jw activities (heaps of service time, ms, etc.
) to most people who knew me, i'm sure i appeared to be a full believer, but with hindsight, my faith was spotty.
i had all of the usual and fairly obvious questions about the organization buried in my mind.
Faith is a fundamental part of life. Even atheists and agnostics have faith. Faith in people, faith in themselves, faith in life, love and endeavour. We are all believers.
Some people project that belief onto unseen spirit beings. My faith no longer stretches that far. But for those that are able to make that leap of faith, so be it. I count nothing in and nothing out.
I have been accused of sitting on the fence. That's what birds do. It's a great vantage point and more flexible than making a firm decision to remain on one side of the fence, only to find it's the wrong side.
Typical nonsense from a self proclaimed God... because that is what an atheist thinks he is.
Perry, atheists don't believe in a god or gods.
Now you do believe in a god, but that is no excuse for claiming that atheists think they are gods.
Does your delusion have no limit?
writing at salon, laura miller reviews a new book by professor of religion, timothy beal.
"the rise and fall of the bible": rethinking the good book .
.. the thing is, many americans -- especially those raised in the less reflective christian denominations -- know nothing about how the bible was compiled.
PSacramento Personally speaking, I do not view man or woman as ' lowly and fallen but a triumph of survival and advancement.' The infinite power and wisdom of God remains a myth.
You appear to be moving around the board trying to plug every hole that appears in the floating Christian belief system. It has been leaking for a long time and no amount of repairs will ultimately stop it from sinking.
It's a shame, because your belief does seem to make you a better person, so I hope you can keep it afloat for a while longer.
writing at salon, laura miller reviews a new book by professor of religion, timothy beal.
"the rise and fall of the bible": rethinking the good book .
.. the thing is, many americans -- especially those raised in the less reflective christian denominations -- know nothing about how the bible was compiled.
And yet, the RCC does NOT view the bible as inerrant, but infalliable.
To me they are much the same thing. But then, I am a straightforward sort of person.
writing at salon, laura miller reviews a new book by professor of religion, timothy beal.
"the rise and fall of the bible": rethinking the good book .
.. the thing is, many americans -- especially those raised in the less reflective christian denominations -- know nothing about how the bible was compiled.
LWT: You make it sound as if Bart invented this notion. This is unfair to Him and millions of Evangelicals, IMHO.
So true. The Roman Catholic church enforced the idea of Biblical inerrancy in the most brutal way.
But then they would, they complied the bible. I would say wrote but I am in a generous mood.
is there salvation outside of the new covenant?.
there are a number of ways that the terms of the new covenant can be violated (and thus nullified) on the part of the recipient like:.
1. attributing salvation to someone or something other than jesus.
The susceptibility and even a seeming predisposition of the human mind to deception is staggering to say the least.
christianity -- christian living/is flirting a sinadvertisement.
expert: phillip senn - 10/10/2008.
All of life's great pleasures are sins. Flirting is no exception. That's why I'm a committed sinner.
I don't believe that flirting grieves Holy Spirit, whatever that is, but it does grieve my wife.
And that is far more dangerous.
bro dan ....recently started a thread about sending in our photos.. is not the fruit inside the shell more important?.
who are you?...........................i dont have the guts to start!!.
But I'm not short!
No - seriously, modesty prevents me from sharing.
i don't recall seeing any illustrations in a watchtower or awake magazine of jesus dragging a 300 lbs.
torture stake (in his condition) to golgotha.
do they really think he was capable of this?.
The Romans tortured to death by Crucifixion thousands of men. They all suffered a terrible death. Unlike Jesus, it was not the destiny of their choice. They were humans born at time where mistakes in life were dealt with harshly.
Why get so hung up with Jesus - so to speak.