The Christian message has for two thousand years been based on the biblical foundation of Genesis, which means beginning. Without Genesis the whole house of cards has no table to stand on. A god that, created man perfectly, followed by sin, Noah’s flood, atonement and redemption, without the authority that Genesis gives them, all become part of a badly written novel. Without Genesis there is no need for Christ. We do not even have a talking snake for comfort on a cold night.
Best scrap the whole mess that is called a bible and rely on our imagination to invent a talking spirit that can guide us and provide the basis for a new religion. One which cashes in on the Christian foundation, while at the same time dismissing the beliefs of millions of previous Christians who kept and died for ‘the faith,’ as was. Christianity has ceased to have a unique message but is just an additional but judgemental branch of Buddhism, Taoism and humanitarian philosophy. Nothing wrong with any of them but why the need for so many badges?