Terry, I have watched you over a number of years and read your many inspiring and educational posts.
Glad to see you are happy.
i had my previous toshiba laptop plugged into the wall five days ago when a sudden electric storm drove a jagged bolt of electricity earthward and fried my hard drive.
i posted my sad status on facebook.
guess who saw it?
Terry, I have watched you over a number of years and read your many inspiring and educational posts.
Glad to see you are happy.
i have two.
"please god protect me from your people".
"if you love something let go.......if it doesn't come back, hunt in down and kill it" .
Holts make car repair paint. They brought out a sticker that said, " I only let Holts touch me up."
A married couple in the congregation with a last name of, Holts - stuck it on their car. It was fun until the elders made them remove it.
it is rather clear that the internet is to put it mildly, wrecking the world of the watchtower bible & tract society.
if not for foreign language i doubt there would be much growth at all.. digital trends and analytics are very real.
i live this analytics world i assure you to some degree you can take it to the bank.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Mary Midgley gives the example of the river Thames. Say you have various representations, including perhaps a painting, a chemical analysis, a poem, a map, a geological account, a historical treatment. Do you begin to appreciate how ridiculous it is to describe some of these representations as having a "better understanding of reality" than the others? They are different ways of looking at the same thing.
Slimboyfat, I understand your post and agree with what you are expressing. They are different ways of looking at the same thing, but all they are doing is looking and forming different impressions and interpretations of what they see. The river is a changing reality as the water is replaced every day. Only a fish swimming in the river is immersed in it's reality. The fish swims, eats, breaths and reproduces, all without thought or reasoning. The fish is part of the reality. Perhaps the only way to experience the reality of the river Thames is to swim in it, as I have many times at Runnymede.
You know all this - I just wanted to comment.
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
according to one source on a western european 'apostate' website, the org's plan is to abandon the name "jehovah's witnesses" in the future, and replace it with "worshippers of jehovah.".
http://www.bruderinfo-aktuell.de/index.php/fixnews/#comment-4313 .
the gist of the account appears to be a repeat of rutherford's re-branding and debunking of old predictions made by the previous shower of fakers.
Mmm... how about JW.org Standing for Jehovah's Watchtower; after all the original purpose of The Watchtower was to look ahead and see in advance what was going to happen. They screwed-up with that plan - big time.
Perhaps this is why The Watchtower is so small now; less room for mistakes. Still, optimism is a positive emotion.
so, i have recently been delving in buddhism and i must say it all makes sense!
like, the philosophies and ideas are what i've always believed but could never put a name to.
for example, they don't believe in god, they teach acceptance of all faiths, that peace can be achieved - not by changing other people - but by changing yourself, that everyone has goodness in themselves, that happiness can be gained internally (not externally as a gift from god), and that life is temporary so we should enjoy it!
It's all the same deal. The aim is to escape death. Death is not the end if we join the right sect and contribute enough, we can live again. Call it a philosophy; call it a religion, it the same scam. My brother left the JWs, only to be sucked into the Buddhist community.
Freedom is accepting that death is the end. That can be a relief once you adjust to reality.
if god exists, he must be a god of freedom.
because he has endowed us with free-will, and never interferes with it (as confirmed by our own experiences).
that means he wants everyone to make their choice and reap the fruits accordingly.
If God Exists...
To save a lot of wasted time it would be prudent to examine whether this assumed male god exists before gushing about his qualities. Putting the cart before the horse gets you nowhere.
back in the 50's, when i was just a skinny kid, my father became po of a new congregation.
he'd only been baptised for around 4 years, so his rise was quite remarkable.just one of his flock in the new cachement area was of the "remnant".
this lady was well into her 60's, childless but married.
Back in 1962 when I was 7 the only congregation member of the anointed remnant died. A service was held and the coffin was taken to the local cemetery. As they prepared to lower the coffin, my dad looked at the sky before turning to me and my older brother.
‘Just think, because our dear brother had a heavenly hope he is up there watching us right now. He is witnessing his own burial.’
My brother continued to stare at the ground. I looked heavenward until my eyes smarted but was unable to locate the spectator. I shook my head. ‘I can’t see him.’
Dad sighed. ‘That’s because he now has an invisible spirit body. He has put on immortality.’
when i left witness land in the early 90's, i remember hearing that out of 144,000 anointed members that there were only 8 to 9 thousand left and then the end will come.. i'm suddenly curious.
the jw organization is one that puts emphasis on tracking, i.e., regular meeting attendance, current standing, field service hours, territory tracking, return visits, etc.
therefore, did the society ever try to track each and every member of the 144,000?
In one of the congregations I was in we had 2 anointed members; both were women and fleshly sisters. They never appeared on the platform to do the student-talk-thing. When I became a Pioneer neither said a word to me, in fact we never spoke.
It all seemed very strange that they were going to rule in heaven instead of the Elders, being as Jesus said they would rule as kings.