The young people in my hall who pioneered were much smarter than I was, most of their time was at Starbucks. They would lay out magazines on the table and talk to each other for 5 hours 3x a week. I had to get my time in the traditional way because being married I couldn't go in the evening, and they wouldn't reschedule for me
But then they were always nervous when the CO came around, they thought they'd get in trouble for how unproductive their ministry was.
Also you can get enormous hours by joining a foreign language group. The assigned area is huge (at least where I live) and you can count all the travel time between calls. With a car group it's like a 'time machine' on steroids. Also the 6 month class lets you count 20 or so bogus hours a month because you need the time to study.
Oh, and then the RBC, or just volunteering at the assembly hall will net some serious hours if your a pioneer.
Yup, I pioneered the stupid way. Even the older ones figured the system out before I did, they'd sit in on each others studies and hardly ever door knock.
When the CO came i usually got assigned 2 days with them, yay me
JoinedPosts by emperorslaundrist
Why are Regular Pioneers Increasing?
by Gayle inwe know the "bar" for pubs.
was lowered, 15 min/month pubs are counted.
increases in pubs are decreasing annually, 1.9% worldwide, .9% u.s. .
Report 2012. How many "real" Biblestudies are they in Jehovah's Witnesses??
by Dold Agenda inbiblestudies in the report, is the numbers they show us correct?.
i've been thinking of this, and as i am from sweden i use my own country as an example.. to notice is that sweden is high penetrated of internet.
the young ones here is often really good in english.. and i suppose that hardly one third of the jw kids finaly get baptised.. at most positive.. .
I remember in the pioneer i worked with in the 'pioneer assist others' program asked me what my personal goal was, I said "to find a sheep-like one out in service and help them get to know Jehovah"
she laughed and laughed and laughed
she said "we all would sweetie, but it's usually a friend or relative of a witness who accepts a study"
a rare moment of honesty?
when i pioneered, i'd think about that sometimes because my 2 studies were exactly that
WT to release tablet computer at next convention?
by moshe inthey could make a lot of money with this business model.
by selling their own dedicated hardware, new e-books wt literature, selling profitable internet service through their own "safe" proxy servers that screen out all dangerous material, and the jws can show catchy pre-loaded wt sales videos to householders at the door or in their studies.. i wonder if they can get a chinese knockoff tablet computer, like the hapiad, down to $99 and still make a big profit?
it comes with wifi - and is preloaded with the wt cd , some videos and other wt junk.. how much could they sell wt approved internet for?- going through their wt proxy screening server to keep us out.. books at conventions- they will have an e-reader version of books for sale immediately- those who want print versions will have to wait- and pay more.. they can bring their wt haipad to the meetings and read the wt lesson on it, don't even have to print them out.. this could have downsides, too - like when the kids figure out how to jail break them in order to watch what they want.. i could be wrong, but i think they could sellout a limit of 1000 $99 tablet computers in one hour after they are released- they would have to have mob control to keep order at the counter.
i do recall some of the IT professional brothers shifting uncomfortably as he was talking, maybe the guy they put in charge wasn't really tech savvy.
WT to release tablet computer at next convention?
by moshe inthey could make a lot of money with this business model.
by selling their own dedicated hardware, new e-books wt literature, selling profitable internet service through their own "safe" proxy servers that screen out all dangerous material, and the jws can show catchy pre-loaded wt sales videos to householders at the door or in their studies.. i wonder if they can get a chinese knockoff tablet computer, like the hapiad, down to $99 and still make a big profit?
it comes with wifi - and is preloaded with the wt cd , some videos and other wt junk.. how much could they sell wt approved internet for?- going through their wt proxy screening server to keep us out.. books at conventions- they will have an e-reader version of books for sale immediately- those who want print versions will have to wait- and pay more.. they can bring their wt haipad to the meetings and read the wt lesson on it, don't even have to print them out.. this could have downsides, too - like when the kids figure out how to jail break them in order to watch what they want.. i could be wrong, but i think they could sellout a limit of 1000 $99 tablet computers in one hour after they are released- they would have to have mob control to keep order at the counter.
what jumped out at me on this thread was the "safe proxy servers" bit.
I'm in the rbc, and the brother in charge of the IT dep for my area really likes to talk a lot. Last year I spent many hours in close proximity to him and his team.
here's what i remember, sorry if I'm repeating stuff you already know
-he talks to a GB member regularly (supposedly) and they all use tablets in their meetings. Tablets are fine in the KH.
-The GB is paying for raid 10 servers to be set up all over the country in secret locations and assembly halls. The previous project had been installing wifi in all the KHs. Actually our assembly hall already had servers, but the GB wants them updated and faster.
-he emphasized that we'll have our own internet, in "they" ever try to take down our website
-The GB has allocated a large yearly budget to all the rbc IT departments in order to set these servers up quickly. He wanted to save them money but they told him not to skimp on the quality of the servers.
-he told his team that this project takes #1 priority. They may need to miss meetings, assignments in their local KH or arrange to have someone else take over bible studies, but this is a special sacred service and it's very important that these servers be set up asap.
-eventually we will have GB talks streamed directly into our local assembly hall and the friends wont have to travel so far for the district conv.
I thought I'd add my little bit to the rumors of where the wts is heading. -
Small Victories!
by emperorslaundrist inmy husband's cult personality has relaxed since he's been seeing me go out in service and underline my watchtower, so yesterday it felt right to nudge him just a little more.
"you know, i normally love the watchtower articles but the one i'm studying for tomorrow is just crazy.
i'm beginning to think that there's a narcissist somewhere in the writing department.
Hi, thank you for all the supportive comments. :)
This cult has the minds of almost all of our family members and both of us were born-in. So, I'm proceeding cautiously until I can see a clear course of action. I may have been born into this religion but i'll be damned if i die in it, or give up my husband to it without a fight.@QueenWitch
this was the Oct 2012 Study Edition "Let Your Yes mean Yes"
good point -
by DATA-DOG in' cultivate the spirit of a lesser one ' to be studied january 7-13.... " a humble person has heartfelt gratitude for jehovah's provisions, including spiritual food.
hence, such an individual is a diligent student of the bible and an avid reader of the watchtower and awake!
they've said this before which is why I used to make notebooks of my favorite magazine points...
i'm so disgusted with myself
What do you mean?! I ALWAYS go to the beach after service and wear long pants and button up shirts while I play a game in the sand with my family! Sometimes I wear button up long sleeve shirts too!
by Crisis of Conscience inthe wts likes to imply how jws should dress in and outside of the hall.
you always want to set an example.. so i couldn't help but share this beauty in the january 15th, 2013, study edition of the watchtower.
i always go to the beach like this!
my CO told the pious-sneers that the congregation will look at everything they do, and do one step less then them. So they set the bar for everyone else, and need to be at least one step above what Jehovah requires. That seems to me to be the philosophy behind this picture.
'If we show people in casual swimwear those lazy a** witnesses will think it's ok to wear bikinis and european swim briefs. Sooo, setting the bar ridiculously high will get those worldly witnesses to dress decently.
maybe? -
Small Victories!
by emperorslaundrist inmy husband's cult personality has relaxed since he's been seeing me go out in service and underline my watchtower, so yesterday it felt right to nudge him just a little more.
"you know, i normally love the watchtower articles but the one i'm studying for tomorrow is just crazy.
i'm beginning to think that there's a narcissist somewhere in the writing department.
My husband's cult personality has relaxed since he's been seeing me go out in service and underline my watchtower, so yesterday it felt right to nudge him just a little more. Here's how it went:
"You know, I normally love the watchtower articles but the one I'm studying for tomorrow is just crazy. I'm beginning to think that there's a narcissist somewhere in the writing department. The last few articles were great, but then I read one like this and I can't help but think somebody up there is a little touched in the head"
Since that's piqued his curiosity I read him the first paragraph of today's study article:
GENERALLY, true Christians do not have to make sworn oaths. This is because they obey Jesus, who said: “Just let your word Yes mean Yes.” He meant that a person should keep his word. Jesus prefaced that command by saying: “Do not swear at all.” He said this in condemnation of the casual habit that many people have in their daily conversation of repeatedly swearing to this or to that, without ever intending to do what they say. By going “in excess” of a simple Yes or No to state their intentions, such people may reveal that they are really untrustworthy and thus under the influence of “the wicked one.”—Read Matthew 5:33-37.
He says "I can totally see brother_____ saying something like this, especially that last sentence."
I summarize the flow of the magazine and then read this part in par 11:
a person who is false to agreements is among those who are "deserving of death"
He really looked shock when I read that part to him. We talked about what the mean people in the hall would do with something like this.
Then I read paragraph 15:
Proving true to our dedication vow means that we must also be faithful in other important matters. For example: Are you married? Then continue to honor the precious vow you made to love and cherish your marriage mate. Have you signed a business contract or filled out an application form for theocratic privileges? Then be true to your commitments and to what you have promised. Have you accepted an invitation to a meal by someone of humble means? Then do not cancel it if a seemingly better invitation is made by someone else. Or have you promised someone you met in the house-to-house ministry that you would call again to give that person further spiritual help? Then by all means let your Yes mean Yes, and Jehovah will bless your ministry.—Read Luke 16:10.
"Everything in this paragraph is true, but if you read it all once, doesn't it get give the impression that not returning on a call is equivalent to adultery?"
He said "yeah, it's like this article is giving all sins equal weight. Jehovah's not like that, I don't think he does that in the bible."
"Can you imagine if Jeremiah told people God was going to destroy them not just for defrauding the poor and spiritism but also the fringes on their garments weren't blue enough?"
"It makes Jehovah sound like he's petty"
Then I read paragraph 16:
The Bible states that as imperfect humans, “we all stumble many times,” especially in the use of our tongue. (Jas. 3:2) What should we do upon realizing that we have failed to keep our word? In God’s Law to Israel, there was a merciful provision for someone who was guilty of “speaking thoughtlessly with his lips.” (Lev. 5:4-7, 11) There is also a loving provision for Christians who commit such a sin. If we confess the specific sin to Jehovah, he will mercifully forgive us through the office of our High Priest, Jesus Christ. (1 John 2:1, 2) To remain in God’s favor, however, we must show fruits that befit repentance by not making a practice of such sins and by doing our best to make amends for any harm done by our thoughtless speech. (Prov. 6:2, 3) Of course, it is far better to think carefully before making promises that we are unable to fulfill.—Read Ecclesiastes 5:2.
I said "This one hurts my heart. It's all true, but the places where it puts it's emphasis is like saying 'Jesus did die for us but you'd better not rely on it'. Couldn't a person make the argument that the sinner who we're supposed to forgive 77 times made a "practice of such sins"? Is the ransom stronger or is the mosaic law in paragraph 11 stronger?"
Then I talked about 'Our most important yes' baptism (par 13).
"I was thinking about vows, and you remember _____ I was studying with in HS? She was worried about her vow to her church. Some people coming in have vows to the military and vows to political parties. If it was simply a matter of the sacredness of promises it would be wrong to force these people to violate those oaths by becoming Jehovah's Witnesses. I thought about war criminals. Could you imagine anyone at the Nuremberg trials saying 'Well, I had taken this oath as an SS officer to obey my commanders and the fuhrer, that's why I had to brutally murder people'? No. So then morality, justice, love, the commandment of God triumphs over any kind of oath or vow a person can make. I hope it never ever happens, but I should let you know that if I have to choose between obeying my baptism vows and obeying a higher moral principals, I will choose to disobey my oath.
"If you do that I'll be right there with you, I would go into the elders room and take full responsibility if something like that were to happen"
"Thank you, and thank you for letting me get this off my chest. In the past, reading an article like this I would have felt so terrible about myself, like Jehovah hated me. I used to view these articles like they were sacred."
He says "That's not your fault, they encourage people to view them that way, I'm so glad you don't get depressed anymore like you used to."
"Me too, in a strange way it's like Jehovah has led me to these conclusions"
"You know I always used to think that if I weren't a witness I'd be a Buddhist."
"haha I could totally see that"
There was a long and peaceful pause, then his eyes glazed over and he started defending the wts. I let let him talk, agreed with him and fell asleep.
Then this morning he said "What do you think of missing the meeting today and going to do something fun?."
:D I'm so happy. Little by little the cult persona is weakening. Maybe someday we will walk out of this together. Merry Christmas everyone :) :) :) -
some thoughts about Revelation
by emperorslaundrist into finish up my 6th reading of the nwt, i decided to read revelation without any of my wts notes.
i tried to read it without preconceived ideas about what it could mean and whatnot, here's what my amateur uneducated reading uncovered:.
-christians thought they were going to heaven.
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I've been given a lot to think about. It was just two months ago that my faith died inside of me, and I've been feeling a little like I've lost my mind. With my new freedom of thought, I've been questioning everything- nothing has been safe or sacred in my examination bwahahahahaha. So, I'm sorry for taking such heavy subjects so lightly.
I still like Jesus very much, I think what he said and did speak for themselves. I even like Revelation with it's "get out of her my people" and larger then earth's atmosphere temple. It's just when I tried to read it from the perspective of an ordinary 1st century christian, I realized that this book must have put intense pressure on a christian to die for the faith. I'm not arrogant enough to think my amateur reading gives me any authority to speak on this subject. I just... love you guys. I love that I can speak my mind here. And sure there may be trolls of various kinds, but you guys aren't going to take away my family just for speaking my mind. The worst that can happen is I'll get insulted and shown to be the idiot I am. I love you!! :D
When I was 'in' instead of looking to the wts to form my concept of God, I used my concept of God from reading the bible to understand and interpret the actions of the wts. I came up with many profound nonsensical connections between the two. I'm trying to be logically consistent if I can be by applying my new thinking skills to the apostle John. Maybe If I just turn to Jesus as some of you have, all will become clear. I don't know If I'm ready to have another mystical experience just yet, I don't know if I want to give up possession of my mind again so soon.
I also don't want to accidentally shut out truth just because I can't understand something, so I'll keep reading and looking. Maybe it will lead me to being born again, maybe to gnosticism, maybe I'll never have 'the answer' again. I've asked Jesus about it, maybe he'll help me decide.
If you don't mind me asking,
What would you suggest for my first Non-NWT bible reading?
p.s thank you Band on the Run your prof's book looks fascinating.
Have a nice weekend :) -
some thoughts about Revelation
by emperorslaundrist into finish up my 6th reading of the nwt, i decided to read revelation without any of my wts notes.
i tried to read it without preconceived ideas about what it could mean and whatnot, here's what my amateur uneducated reading uncovered:.
-christians thought they were going to heaven.
To finish up my 6th reading of the NWT, I decided to read Revelation without any of my WTS notes. I tried to read it without preconceived ideas about what it could mean and whatnot, here's what my amateur uneducated reading uncovered:
-Christians thought they were going to heaven
-Jesus/Jehovah identity is sort of murky
Some of Revelation may have soothed a damaged ego. The Jews have the temple in Jerusalem, but we have an even bigger temple in heaven. Slaves now, but kings later. Our enemies will die terrifying deaths because Jesus loves us.
Mostly I was disturbed by the very hardline approach John was taking. Die as a martyr and rule with Jesus for 1000 years. But, Worship the beast and God will torture you while letting you see the throne you missed out on. No middle ground, the cowards and faithless are just like the murderers in the eyes of the lord.
No wonder all those Christians choose a horrible death rather then worship the emperor. Those were very high psychological reward and punishments.
After finishing the last chapter of Revelation, I drove by a sign in a window that said "Give your life to Jesus because he loves you" and shuddered, because if Rev is from Jesus, then all those deaths were his will to have happen.
How could he disdain the pharisees for putting heavy loads on the people, and put an even heavier one on his own flock? Why not just let them be Jews since being Jewish apparently didn't disqualify one from everlasting life.
I mean no disrespect to the ancient Christians, or to Jesus. It's just that Revelation gave me that same sick feeling in my stomach as I get from reading Watchtowers.
...I probably shouldn't have read it all in one sitting >.>