Do you think this is possible?? They could make a lot of money with this business model. By selling their own dedicated hardware, new E-books Wt literature, selling profitable Internet service through their own "safe" proxy servers that screen out all dangerous material, and the JWs can show catchy pre-loaded WT sales videos to householders at the door or in their studies.
I wonder if they can get a Chinese knockoff tablet computer, like the Hapiad, down to $99 and still make a big profit? It comes with wifi - and is preloaded with the WT Cd , some videos and other WT junk.
How much could they sell WT approved internet for?- going through their WT proxy screening server to keep us out.
Books at conventions- they will have an e-reader version of books for sale immediately- those who want print versions will have to wait- and pay more.
They can bring their WT Haipad to the meetings and read the WT lesson on it, don't even have to print them out.
This could have downsides, too - like when the kids figure out how to jail break them in order to watch what they want.
I could be wrong, but I think they could sellout a limit of 1000 $99 tablet computers in one hour after they are released- they would have to have mob control to keep order at the counter. Caesar's credit cards will be accepted. -