We are the chosen few
JoinedPosts by sherry11
Why Do You Come To This Site?
by minimus ini believe that this site, jwn, serves many purposes.
some are here almost, out of need.. others are here because they want to know the latest in watchtower world.. still others come here for the entertainment.. why do you frequent this place?
Simon has stated the AAWA facts with exact precision
by james_woods ini think the problem is, as before, how the aawa is handling things and refusing to answer your critics makes things worse.
critics are not people out to get you, they are critical of something that you have done or given the appearance of doing and pr is the job of responding to address the criticisms.. this is the internet people, you can't just pretend that things didn't happen by deleting the comments!
especially not with a group that wants to claim to offer support and be open and honest.
Most of us know we have been mind f**k** by the borg.
We need to remind ourself to be open minded.
This is where we got here in the first place we opened our minds.
It's disappointing to hear so many positive people become negative in regard to AAWA
As someome who doesnt post that often i cant help but question how many of you are entwined...with the org and how much control does the organisation still has over you.
Yes you risk losing family but by your example maybe they will be encouraged to come out!
Some may say yes we all need to come out!
Sum don't feel their ready for it...sooner or later for peace of mind there could be an Epiphany that gives the freedom of clear conscience. Each at his own pace. Yetan yes i believe all mebers of AAWA should come out.Including all members of AAWa and you guys.
Personally i am not a spokesman for them and have no affiliation.
I just concerned about dis·sen·sion
Why do JWs get married at a young age?
by XPeterX inages like 20-25 or younger.i mean damn,a 21 year old guy in my congo got baptised a couple weeks back and now his in a relationship with a jw gal and their getting married soon.any thoughts?.
They self pleasure which guilts them out
Experiencing wet dreams or fantasies daily
Everybody needs a chance.
Time and patience
We are dealing with a very strong cult.
Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?
by Monsieur inhas anybody here experienced a bonafide, real, true incident in whicy 'demons' actually interacted with you or did something 'supernatural' that left you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that satan and his demons exist??.
spilling a bottle of Havana cuban rum down my throat i am f****d . all i got was a hangover
The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]
by Simon inuncensored discussions and information for anyone interested in the advocates for awareness of watchtower abuses or 'aawa' http://aawa.co/ (previously known as "the association of anti-watchtower activists http://jwactivists.org/) and how it's handled and responded to privacy issues and put people at risk:.
aawa is here!!
(the association of anti-watchtower activists)an invitation to a new effort- aawawhy when i logged onto aawa did it go to facebook ?in regards to aawaaawa - every generation needs a new revolution - thomas jeffersonnotice how the introduction of the aawa has brought out the loonies lately?will aawa become another cult?
Witness My Fury
'Sherry you clearly have no idea why faders fade at all, it is NOT about cowardice and fear or anything to do with mind control of the fader, it is about them having familly still trapped in the cult and still wanting to have a fairly normal relationship with them as well as the opportunity to help familly still in slowly come to see the "truth" for what it really is'
In my comment I did not imply cowardness.
I do have an idea of what its like to not have contact with family and friends in the organisation. My mother will never get the joy of having a relationship with her grandchildren. By my taking a stand i hope it helps make her think is the sacrifice she is making worth it.A religion coming between her and most of her family. This is her choice not mine.
And Brinjen i agree with you.
And i agree with Nikolas putting yourself out there on social media you are always at risk of losing your anonmynity
The Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA) [WARNING]
by Simon inuncensored discussions and information for anyone interested in the advocates for awareness of watchtower abuses or 'aawa' http://aawa.co/ (previously known as "the association of anti-watchtower activists http://jwactivists.org/) and how it's handled and responded to privacy issues and put people at risk:.
aawa is here!!
(the association of anti-watchtower activists)an invitation to a new effort- aawawhy when i logged onto aawa did it go to facebook ?in regards to aawaaawa - every generation needs a new revolution - thomas jeffersonnotice how the introduction of the aawa has brought out the loonies lately?will aawa become another cult?
In regard to people being outed on social networks in regard to the WTS.
Its unfortunate so many need to guard their identity in regard to their opinons and experiences with the organisation of the WTS.
Ok there are family ties etc.... but living a double life will ultimately lead to more guilt more lies. Those here from the impression i get are releasing themselves from the brain washing and control of an organisation. One that is tainted (ask ourself are we still under their control?)
Ask yourselves if you know' the truth is not the truth'? or if are you are unsure if the truth is the truth, do you like parts of what the society preaches or if your just going along with it to stay in the safe cosy no risk place you are.
This AAWA isnt religious its about justice for victims . Its a voice against a legally protected cult
As an observer here from some the comments the' kufuffle' its created ........welll i cant help ....... feel this cult still has a control over a lot of you.
If you want to continue to believe in a supreme being or if your undecided or if your adament that religion is a 'rort and racket' exercise fair and open mindedness ( that jewell we have been given) This is just such a wonderfull thing that has been denied to us for each of us ....too long
AAWA is not the enemy
A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past."
Thank you for the warm welcomes. I actually studied from the early 80's onward. Baptised 1984 Why i left was i got sick and got put in hospital for awhile and only a few from my congregation visited me when they did i was chastied for not being well enough to get to meetings and also i was a curiosity. I had also married into the 'truth' less then a year earlier and had realised i had made a huge mistake by marrying the brother i did.
When I got out of hospital i left my then husband and tried to pry myself away. And as i guess a lot of you know its not easy. I felt for over ten years i wasnt worthy to believe in a god (at that stage i did still believe it was the truth) Then i found the IB around 2000 and realised that ihad wasted a decade feeling guilty gor no reason. By then i was forty. Discovering all about cog dis etc opened my eyes .
My congregation was inner city
I really enjoy this site.
Once again thankyou
I have been lurking here for a few months now. I did lurk a few years ago as well. I would like to introduce myself. I left the org in 1994... in early days of net round 1999 I discovered I had been involved with a cult.
What brought me back to that conclusion was I had been reading stuff on Scientology. It reminded me of my past. I discovered i was looking into the mirror glass.
Call me 'Sherry' I am from Australia a witness in Sydney Australia from 1984 to 1992
But Why????
by sherry11 ini have been out for twenty years and i still cannot get my head around why!.
i see the wealth of the organisation and yet i still cant get my head around the wealth and the religious factor and i ask myself 'why'?
i have read about the child abuse cases and i wonder about if wtbs insure themself over these matters.. who is getting rich!.
I have been out for twenty years and i still cannot get my head around why!
I see the wealth of the organisation and yet I still cant get my head around the wealth and the religious factor and i ask myself 'why'? !
I have read about the child abuse cases and i wonder about if WTBS insure themself over these matters.
Who is getting rich!
How do they use these riches?
Who benefits?
Its obviously not the rank and file. Over the years I have felt I can understand if there is one man at the top wallowing in luxury. But this doesnt seem to be the case. (AKA scarface)
I decided to look back over my situation due to reading about Scientology which piqued my interest in going back to my own roots.
Can anyone help me with Why and Who benefits materially?
Still confused