Man, why cant I get some of this curb-side service? Its as if GOD is delivering them to your front doors. I must be doing something wrong.
Posts by Kevun
Jehovah's Witnesses came round to my house
by Chariklo ina couple of days ago, jehovah's witnesses came round to my house.
nothing exceptional in that, you might say.
it happens every day, all over the world.. but those of you who know me, or who have followed my story, know how traumatised i was when i finally got away from them, and you'll remember that i wrote a letter three or four weeks after walking away, ending all contact.
What makes Christians Christian??
by noni1974 inbesides a belief in jesus.
what is your definition?
Thank you PSacramento, // I knew it came out wrong.....I am not sure if being nice and willfully sinning are a fair contrast, but you said it much better than me.
What makes Christians Christian??
by noni1974 inbesides a belief in jesus.
what is your definition?
When someone asks and puts full faith in Jesus as their mediator, to forgive them of all their sins. And they accept that HE paid the price for their sins on the cross. I have personally known many "christians" that were not nice people. And have likewise known atheists that were exremely giving and nice. Being good or bad is of no effect, because attributing a christians salvation to anything that person has done or not done dilutes the work that Jesus did on the cross. There is nothing a christian can do to add to his or her salvation, but "crowns" are a different matter all together.
...This may sound bad, but it is honest. I am not sure that I have EVER done a good deed that did not have selfish intentions. Whether it be recognition of the deed, a reason to boast, or crowns. Think about that for a second. When have you done a good deed that you wanted no recognition having done? Better yet, if you have, keep it to yourself. I hope I explained that as to not make myself look horrible, just honest.
....Next time you are around someone that is still in the organization, ask them if Jesus' sacrifice paid for their "sins"(plural).
I think you may be shocked at the response.
Stronger Christian presence on JWN?
by Christ Alone ini've only been a member here for a short time, but it seems like there are more christians on the board lately.
for the first few months that i was on jwn, it appeared that there were very few that argued in favor of a creator and belief in the bible in particular.
there seems to be several more that have recently joined...or at least posted more regularly regarding belief.
Everyone should be expecting quite a few more silent viewers. With the "new light" chopping the legs out from under the "anointed", we should expect quite a few new silent viewers stopping by. I personally expect a few of the "anointed" to seek fame elsewhere. Many will not like their demotion.
////But what can they say, the WT had to do something about the increase in partakers, and the GBs new light not falling in line with some of the ideas of the "anointed". ------
I Still Can't Celebrate Xmas. Can You? Christians vs Atheists
by Malsonilla inwhile in the organization we learned one bit of truth regarding christmas; that it was originally a pagan observance, the summer solstice, adopted by christians much later in church history, and has nothing to do with jesus christ whatsoever.
no biggy for most true believers who left the organization who have slipped into (or fell back into) the grind of commercialized christmas with all the trappings and traditions of ritual binge spending that takes them even farther away from jesus than christmas' pagan roots ever could.
these true believers might say something like, "i know xmas has its roots in paganism, but we celebrate anyway because of x y z", perhaps echoing or paroting the frustrating responses we use to hear from "worldly" goats/folks when we would explain to them how christmas is not a christian observance whatsoever.
The WT forgot to mention the other instance of a birthday celebration. Job 1:4 New King James Version (NKJV) 4 And his sons would go and feast in their houses, each on his appointed day, and would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
Hi guess i may have to introduce myself
by rickisteel inhi im from the uk im 42 years old , i was brought up as a witness from birth to 12 years of age i left the meetings with my parents ,.
i had a wild youth was a bit of a rebel involving alcohol ,drugs , heavy metal and motorcycles , i was thrown out of home at 17 my sister was 14. and was discarded as my parents remarried and neither of there new partners wanted us (baggage) , anyway by the time i was married and 21. somebody spiked my pizza with lsd (cant remember the flavour ) and for the next 3 days i thought the world was ending , i called my dad and rambled some stuff to him ( cant remember exactly but the world was ending in my head) a little while later i got a witness call briefly , i found out where he lived and went and asked him for a bible , he suggested i have a bible study me and the wife took the offer and so it began again , i was baptised in 93 and went from strength to strength in the truth , aux pioneering , volunteered for everything , talks , cleaning , meeting parts etc was soon appointed and moved on giving public talks , assembly parts , shepparding calls etc , then in 1997 my wife fell down a kerb and damaged her cruciate ligaments several operations later and disabled ( by the way the brothers /sisters in the cong were great at this point ) my wife began to act odd 1n 1999 she tried to take her own life and over the next several years took 26 overdoses and spent much of her life in phychiatrict hospital in 2001 she was bi polar disorder type rapid cycling (not the common oh i feel a bit low type bi polar but the full blown rollercoaster ride bi polar) .
the thing that struck me was i began to feel like a leper and despite a couple of close friends nobody in the cong or on the circuit( long time friends) seemed to care , i brouht up the kids on my own visiting my wife in hospital and caring for her at home , i felt so alone , when i used to take the kids to the meeting / assembly on my own i just got tutts and sad headshakes "she not come" ?
Hey Rickisteel, The first indication that you have NOT committed the unforgiveable sin, is that you are worried that you committed the unforgiveable sin. No organization saves, no church denomination saves. Your faith is personal, between yourself and a loving God. If any man or organization tells you that you need them for salvation, TELL EM TO SHOVE IT! Jesus paid an extremely high price for YOU, dont let someone else try to add to HIS payment.
Ransom paid. But still you gotta suffer!
by punkofnice inwith my recent rise to atheistic agnosticism(?
) i pondered this:.
if the death of jesus paid the ultimate price.....then why didn't it all end there and then and everyone got to heaven or walk into paradise with a panda?.
2 Peter 3:3-9
King James Version (KJV)
3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Believers, do you believe in evolution?
by everchangingworld inafter leaving, i still couldn't wrap my head around evolution (after the years of seing "intelligent design" in everything around me).. there's a series of videos that give a good intro to evolution and critical thinking.
they've probably been posted here before, but, for any new members, these are worth watching.. evolution:
critical thinking:
Hey Newchapter,
So as an atheist, do you believe spirits exist? Not categorizing them as "good or bad" spirits, but spirits none the less.
This has no sneaky hidden agenda, just wondering.
New here
by Change Name ini had been studying with the jehovah's witnesses for the last couple years.
they have been interesting study sessions and have learned quite a bit about them and their beliefs.
much of what they teach is what i had learned through personal bible study.. growing up was normal.
I am a born-again Christian, have been most my life. Never been to a "meeting" at a KH but have been sharing the gospel with JWs for the past 12 yrs. My heart is drawn to these people. They are zealous, just misled. I would be extremely interested in knowing the denomination this poster SUPPOSEDLY grew up in. Unless its a non-trinitarian church, HIS name is Jesus. And the name of God is not the normal questions that immature christians are bothered by. I tend to agree with James Woods, the clock started at 1. The normal lingo is absent,
Celebrating Christmas?????
by DATA-DOG ini am just curious, and not judging.
if you are a christian and you know that december 25th is not jesus' birthday, and may have pagan roots, then why celebrate it?
i was raised a dub as most of you know, and have learned the ttatt so i know how wrong they are about a lot.
By regarding a certain day as "pagan", the J-dubs unknowingly give validation to an imaginary god.
It certainly stings when you simply answer, "You know those pagan gods were not real, right? They were non-existant."
I have a list of pagan celebrations, maybe the JWs would like to mark those dates off their calendars also?