JoinedTopics Started by Trixie
Embarrassing Family Questions
by Trixie ini was wondering what has been the most embarrassing question asked of you by a family member.
the reason why i'm asking is because i have just had an unforgettable experience with my grandmother.
my sister, grandmother and i were sitting at the kitchen table at my mom's birthday party.
For those who grew up a JW . . .
by Trixie indoes it ever surprise you when you see people that you grew up with as a jw and they're still witnesses?
i went to school with a lot of those jw kids my age and i can't believe that they continue to be jws when they are free of their parents.. i want to say," you're an adult with a high school education or a ged!
haven't you figured the scam out?!".
Do you think JWS are a cult?
by Trixie indo you think that the jw religion is a cult?
i believe that it is, but i wanted to get other people's opinion.
Ministry School Test
by Trixie indoes anyone remember taking those kingdom ministry school tests once or twice a year at the kh?
latinadivina713 seems to feel it was meant as a guilt tool to make you study the bible more.
did anyone really take that test seriously?
Homeless JW's
by Trixie indid anyoe else have homeless people in their congregations?
cal, and come from a middle class neighborhood.
it's not like you would find homeless people hangin' around our kh.
"Treat Night and Weddings"
by Trixie inhey all!
i was just wondering if my congregation was the only one who organized treat night for after the tuesday book study.
it was pot luck (as most jw festivities were).