*Dying Alone: Yes
*Suffering: Done it all my life; both physical and mental. At least death will ease that (God willing).
*Being Alone: Lived alone most of my life; traveled the country alone. There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely. Being alone is wonderful and peaceful but I do miss sharing experiences with someone special.
*Being Forgotten: If you mean presently, I don't have a big circle of friends or family and I've never been a social butterfly. After death, it's inevitable. I care more that those who do remember me, remember me as a good person.
*Fear of Afterlife: I have no fear; just very curious. Won't know till it happens.
*Fear of the Unknown: Depends. Yes only as it relates to a fear of failure. I have to work on that constantly. Going to new places, doing new things, etc....No. Love it.
LARC: Yeh, sure, I'll marry you but don't you already have one wife?
"Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.