Your fear

by moman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • moman

    How do you rate your worst fear? on a 1-10 scale?

    * Dying (dying alone)

    * Suffering (mental or physical)

    * Being alone

    * Being forgotten

    * Fear of afterlife (missing out on an afterlife)

    * Fear of the unknown

    Izn't it strange,that we fear death even though we have never experienced it?

    I have always feared being alone,but don't know why, innate, I guess.

  • duped


    Actually my biggest fears are none that you listed. They are spiders, cockroaches, heights, and flying in an airplane.

    Does this make me superficial? :)


    "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug." Mary Chapin-Carpentar

  • SixofNine

    I recently heard that in surveys, the #1 fear of Americans always comes out as "speaking in public", with "death" somewhere around 3rd place.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was true, from my own experience. Still, I worry, cuz my 7th greatest fear is unknowingly passing on an urban legend.

  • thewiz

    Dying without seeing my children grow up.

    My children without me, alone in the world.

    Not being there to protect them.

    My children getting old and becoming old people and dying. I will always remember them as lovable children

    There is NO afterlife. Therefore, nonexistence scares me.

    Why did I do this to them?

  • ISP

    Fear of losing your job is bad.......


  • Trotafox

    I have no husband, no boyfriend, no children, only 2 family members, and no financial security to speak of. My biggest fears are:

    1. My mother passing away. (She and a cousin up North are all the family I really have).

    2. Inability to support myself in my old age (work until I die or retire and eat cat food; neither is appealing).

    3. My health.

    (this is a depressing topic! Sorry)


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • COMF

    * Dying (dying alone) - doesn't scare me, I've made peace with the inevitable.

    * Suffering (mental or physical) - I would rather avoid them, but have endured both and come out okay on the other side.

    * Being alone - I love it. Company is good for a while, but being alone is bliss.

    * Being forgotten - no. No. NO. NOOOOOO!!! Don't forget to call me for dinner!!!

    * Fear of afterlife (missing out on an afterlife) - doesn't worry me at all. Que sera, sera.

    * Fear of the unknown - I am wary of the unknown, but not fearful of it. I always walk through my house in complete darkness at night. I only turn on the light if I'm looking for something. I'm not as confident walking down a dark alley, but what stirs my adrenalin is not fear, but anticipation.

    Izn't it strange,that we fear death even though we have never experienced it?

    Don't let this get to you overmuch. As the realization of the actual state of matters comes home to you, the inevitability of death should become more acceptable.


  • larc


    I do not have too many fears. On your list

    Dying and Dying Alone. No, I have pretty much accepted the inevitable. I am 61 and glad to be alive. Alone? I would rather die alone, than having a bunch of mournful people hovering over me.

    Suffering: Mentally I don't suffer mentaly very often. Physicly, can't stand the thought of it. Give me morphin.

    Being Alone: Love being with people. Love being alone as well.

    Being Forgotten: By who and why? I don't know what you mean. If you mean, after death? I really don't care. I am not Abraham Lincoln.

    Missing an AfterLive: I have no control over that. If I am asleep in death, I will be none the wiser.

    Fear of the Unknown: I love the unknown.

    ISP: fear of loosing a job. Yeh, been there, done that. Now, I fear loosing retirement and having to get a job.

    Trotofox: No boy friend and no husband. Some advice: Never have a boy friend and a husband at the same time. Oh, by the way, would you marry me?

    My greatest fear: going to the dentist.

  • Tammie

    What is my worse fear? hmmmm. I know dying a slow and painful death, and or watching my family die of a slow and painful death.

  • Trotafox

    *Dying Alone: Yes

    *Suffering: Done it all my life; both physical and mental. At least death will ease that (God willing).

    *Being Alone: Lived alone most of my life; traveled the country alone. There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely. Being alone is wonderful and peaceful but I do miss sharing experiences with someone special.

    *Being Forgotten: If you mean presently, I don't have a big circle of friends or family and I've never been a social butterfly. After death, it's inevitable. I care more that those who do remember me, remember me as a good person.

    *Fear of Afterlife: I have no fear; just very curious. Won't know till it happens.

    *Fear of the Unknown: Depends. Yes only as it relates to a fear of failure. I have to work on that constantly. Going to new places, doing new things, etc....No. Love it.

    LARC: Yeh, sure, I'll marry you but don't you already have one wife?


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

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