OOps, spoke too soon, before reading all the posts. Scully answered my question.
i just got an email from dateline, saying it was going to be about "chandra levy.
" also, it says "dateline friday," but here in co, dateline is on "tuesdays.
" so i am confused.
OOps, spoke too soon, before reading all the posts. Scully answered my question.
i just got an email from dateline, saying it was going to be about "chandra levy.
" also, it says "dateline friday," but here in co, dateline is on "tuesdays.
" so i am confused.
Well, not to seem stupid but, does Dateline air more than one time a week? Maybe I'm signed up to get emails on the Friday show. Because every time the email comes it says "NBC Dateline Friday."
Could that be it?
i just got an email from dateline, saying it was going to be about "chandra levy.
" also, it says "dateline friday," but here in co, dateline is on "tuesdays.
" so i am confused.
I just got an email from Dateline, saying it was going to be about "Chandra Levy." Also, it says "Dateline Friday," but here in CO, Dateline is on "Tuesdays." So I am confused.
Is it not airing????
hi .
i want to direct this question mainly to those who are still jws who post on this board,xjws please feel free to comment.. if the governing body were to call on you all including your children to congregate together each at it's respective kingdom halls,as persecution of gods people has reached it's climax and you have to fight to the death,would you follow that call.
I might very well gather together for protection, if that were necessary.
However, the term "fight to the death" should tip off any serious student of the Bible. We are to be like the Boreans and make sure what we are told is "really so." If anyone were to tell us to kill, that would amount to a violation of scripture. So we should "obey God as ruler rather than men."
am i the only one who sees it as a bit odd that a large number of jw apologists has suddenly come out of the woodwork on this board to defend the actions of the watchtower society toward bill bowen, barbara anderson and the pandelos?
for the longest time, virtually the only ones on this board who advocated an essentially orthodox jw viewpoint were you know and nytelecom/mavman (though each of them could easily be classed with us "apostates" if the watchtower knew of their disagreements with the party line).. but suddenly, we have a bunch of totally loyal, utterly doctrinaire jw apologists posting almost exclusively on threads related to the pedophile issue.
most of them are taking next to impossible positions from any reasonable standpoint.
to top
am i the only one who sees it as a bit odd that a large number of jw apologists has suddenly come out of the woodwork on this board to defend the actions of the watchtower society toward bill bowen, barbara anderson and the pandelos?
for the longest time, virtually the only ones on this board who advocated an essentially orthodox jw viewpoint were you know and nytelecom/mavman (though each of them could easily be classed with us "apostates" if the watchtower knew of their disagreements with the party line).. but suddenly, we have a bunch of totally loyal, utterly doctrinaire jw apologists posting almost exclusively on threads related to the pedophile issue.
most of them are taking next to impossible positions from any reasonable standpoint.
Interesting you should mention your approach to reporting time. My husband and I have been discussing our discomfort with reporting time. We understand why the Society wants to keep track of how the work is going in different parts of the earth. But we also realize how easy it is for folks (including me!) to become focused on "getting in time," when we need to stay focused on people.
We've been considering ways to approach the monthly time report issue. The last two months, we went out a couple of times but didn't turn in a slip. Your idea might work for us. Or we may just tell the brothers we'd rather not report the time, but "not let our right hand know what our left is doing."
To SYN: Good idea. Don't respond to JWs. Conversing at length with someone who resorts to putdowns and spitefulness would be a misuse of my own valuable time as well.
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?.
2.do you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
Hi Amac,
For some pro-JW info and in-depth responses to opposers, you might check out the following link: (I intend to)
It was provided by someone on this forum a couple of days ago (who downgraded it). But upon checking the link, I see that there might well be some very good factual arguments in favor of JW Biblical beliefs there. Anyway, I'm going to see.
dear ex-friends,.
i have been very curious about a few things and knowing your willingness to help out us "weak" ones i have a couple of questions.. 1. are you allowed as jws to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?.
2.do you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?.
1. Are you allowed as JWS to visit boards like these or is a matter of conscience?
Depends on who your authority is. The GB says to avoid it, but the Scriptures say to be ready to defend your faith before those who demand a reason for the hope in you. And to be like the Boreans. So I come here sometimes.
2.Do you tell your fellow brothers and sisters that you come to this board?
I've told one sister and we've discussed several issues from the site.
3.Do you count your time preaching on this board as service hours and if so, do you let them know where those hours came from? And do you count reading what other people post as service time too?
I never count time on this board, either reading or posting.
4.Do you feel this is a good place to get your spiritual food and that coming here is bringing you closer to Jehovah and his organization?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends what I read. If I read something, research its validity, weigh it against scripture, etc., and become more convinced to stay close to Jehovah and defend the faith, then Yes, it does build up my faith. If what I read points to valid problems in the organization, then No. But despite the trouble areas in the organization, I have not been convinced me that leaving is the wise or desirable course for me to take.
5.Do you think that you may plant something in someones head that will change their mind about the organization, perhaps something they have not heard a billion times before when they were in the organization?
Hard to say. My experience has been that you can't change anyone's mind unless they are open to it. If anything I said affected anyone to want to return, it would probably be because, deep down, they were already considering it. But for someone who is staunchly opposed to it, no what I say probably would have little or no affect.
6.Have you ever considered that if the people here wanted to hear what you have to say, ummm they would ask one of you? You know, "don't call me, I'll call you". Trust me when I tell you, we could all find a JW pretty much anytime, whether we want to or not.
Well, ummmmm, YOU DID ASK. I'm responding to your questions, remember?
7.Last but not least,have any of you tossed around the idea that you just might be brain washed?
Sure. And I'm not afraid to investigate that subject. But it is true that we are all influenced by who we spend alot of time around. I learned it in a Sociology class I took.
For example, if a group of pro-feminist women get together to discuss feminist issues, they generally come out of the discussion even more fully entrenched as pro-feminists.
Apply that information to you and I, it tells us that the more JWs spend time with other JWs discussing JW-related things, the more deeply committed they will likely be to it. And the same goes on this board. If you have had a bad experience or gripe with the Society, and then you find many others who have also had a bad experience, the more you talk about it, the more angry and anti-JW you will probably feel.
Thank You in advance for your prompt response to my questions.
You are welcome.
Just curious: What questions are the 2 JWs you email not able to handle?
Not trying to cut down the people on this board. Just emphasizing that it's your personal decision to make, regardless of whether other people approve.
I came to this board a few months ago with some questions and issues I was struggling with. I've needed to investigate and weigh both sides. But I found myself always in a position of having to "defend" myself and my viewpoints and getting caught up in mud slinging, which defeated my whole purpose of being here. I sometimes still research here but don't get involved in pointless arguments.