Am I the only one who sees it as a bit odd that a large number of JW apologists has suddenly come out of the woodwork on this board to defend the actions of the Watchtower Society toward Bill Bowen, Barbara Anderson and the Pandelos? For the longest time, virtually the only ones on this board who advocated an essentially orthodox JW viewpoint were You Know and nytelecom/MavMan (though each of them could easily be classed with us "apostates" if the Watchtower knew of their disagreements with the party line).
But suddenly, we have a bunch of totally loyal, utterly doctrinaire JW apologists posting almost exclusively on threads related to the pedophile issue. Most of them are taking next to impossible positions from any reasonable standpoint. Nearly all of them have demonstrated that they have no qualms about lying blatantly in defense of the Watchtower. What's going on here?
I have to say it, folks: I think the criminals in Brooklyn who run the Watchtower have sent their minions out among us to create as much confusion about the issue as possible. They are out here to spread lies, and to stir up the dust, so that any inquirers who might be looking here for information as to what is really going on with Bill, Barbara and the Pandelos will not be able to see how loathsome the Watchtower's behavior in this matter is.
I'm not even sure what to think our best response might be. Those of us who can clearly see the evil that the Watchtower is perpetrating in this case should be concerned about the damage they can do, but I'm not sure that responding to them is really constructive at this point. I am inclined to think, perhaps now more than ever, the watchword ought to be: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!!
If I had to guess, I'd bet we'll never hear from any of them again once this furor over pedophilia and the Dateline story dies down. Unless, of course, what they do actually produces good results for the Watchtower. How do we prevent that from happening?
"Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
--Bob Dylan