i dont know where to start here,maybe a pint of Old thumper,just to tickle the taste buds.
if i can just pretend you are all here for a minute.
come on... no excuses - it's my shout.. \_/.
i dont know where to start here,maybe a pint of Old thumper,just to tickle the taste buds.
where is your favourite place to visit in the uk?.
can you post any pictures of your best, most loved spot?.
mine, below, somewhere.. regards.
Xena,I have seen sunset and sunrise at Stonehenge,its magical,not very big though is it!.
Take care,
so this guy came to town last march from jolly olde england...we called him trucker, truck, amongst other unpleasantries.
he was a quiet one, mostly observing and sometimes addingto good conversation...drinking, eating, laughing, smiling and winking once in a while....well...near the end of the festivities there were a couple of items left on his agenda and the apostates had scattered back to the four corners... well, we made plans, and really, looking at him and me, one wouldn't think we had too much in common, or that there would be enough mutual interest to keep us talking.
i picked him up from the hotel in the morn and he was really jonesing for a tiffin, so catholic school girl and i took him to my place where he served us a right english tea, even if the tea was crappy...naturally i was not prepared, if it had only been beer he wanted...oops..anyway, i digress...his agenda included hitting downtown and the sights...we spent several hours doing that and talking the whole time...we actually had a lot in common and thought along the same lines on many things...after seeing the sights, we headed for a pub and a pint..i went to work a bit later and then found him waiting quietly and patiently for me afterwards....we went back to my house to see what you hooligans were typing, killed the wheat beer pr_capone had so lovingly provided, and he went home for his final respite in big d...deaming of apostate fun all round mateys....well its been a while since march, but it feels like only yesterday i was imbibing fine spiritual food and yummy steak with many of my fine colleagues...good times...good times...well lo an beyold mates...whot's in ye olde post frum royal mail taday?
Valis me old fruit,glad everything arrive ok,I have just rolled in from the pub after being informed by Eman of the post,so will catch up with you when I can see the screen properly.
Rock and roll,
ok, folks, put this one in your diary if you please!.
july 13.. just like the shindig we held last year, this one will also be held in my back garden at our home in weston super mare, england.
My Sofas still booked Ballistic,worry not.
How on earth am I going to eat all these lollipops.
did i get your attention?
heeeeee hee heh!
me and the missus were rolling about on the floor with these, enjoy........
If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that Acme crap, why couldn't he just buy dinner?
,great stuff.
i'm travelling down south at the end of this month.
my b/f and i are planning to visit stonehenge for the solstice.
i've never been to that area of england so i'd really love it if some of you could give me your tips on what to see and where to go.
Hi there Sirona.
If you like looking at piles of ancient rocks,Avebury stone circles are well worth a visit,personally I think there is far more to see there than at Stonehenge.
There are a few burial mounds fairly close by,the most well known is Wayland Smithy,its near Uffington,where there is an ancient hillfort with a huge white horse carved into the side of it.Thats well worth a trip to the top,you can see for miles provided its not raining of course.
Silbury hill,which was mentioned stands by the main A4,its not a burial mound,nobody is sure why it was built,the latest thoughts on it I have heard,is that it represents the pregnant belly of an earth goddess.
Just a selfish thought here,if you visit Salisbury cathedral,have a look for the statue Elie countess of Salisbury,thats one of my ancestors.
Take care,
smoking to be banned in amsterdam coffee shops
smoking is to be banned in amsterdam's famous coffee shops where cannabis is sold without fear of prosecution.. .
under a new public smoking ban, coffee shops will still be able to sell joints but customers may have to go outside to smoke them.. holland's new national health guidelines, due to take effect from the start of next year, were aimed at second-hand smoke from tobacco, not marijuana.. but they are also threatening the liberal dutch drugs policy which attracts tourists from all over the world.. "the whole point of going to a coffee shop is to smoke," complained arjan roskam, chairman of the union for cannabis retailers.. the head of the dutch anti-smoking lobby, clean air now, conceded that banning smoking in coffee shops was not the goal.. but willem van den oetelaar still backed the move.
Shame we can't get passive drinking, eh? Save a few notes on a night out that would.
i saw on the news this morning that the queen has invited camilla to a westminster abbey service to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the queen's coronation.
from what i heard this is a major deal.
i know 2 people that are from england.
I dont have much time for the monarchy,but they are still here,and I agree with you Prisca and Dansk,I just wish all us taxpayers didnt have to fund them.
Two women are new arrivals at the pearly gates and are comparing
> on how they died.
> 1st woman: I froze to death.
> 2nd woman: How horrible!
> 1st woman: It wasn't so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I
> to get warm and sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about
> 2nd woman: I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my
> was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in the act. But
instead, I
> found him all by himself in the den watching TV.
> 1st woman: so what happened?
> 2nd woman: I was so sure there was another woman there somewhere that
> started running all over the house looking. I ran up into the attic
> searched, and down into the basement. Then I went through every closet
> checked under all the beds. I kept this up until I had looked
> and finally I became so exhausted that I just keeled over with a heart
> attack and died.
> 1st woman: Too bad you didn't look in the freezer- we'd both still be
> alive.