Going back to my railwayman days, I was in a band, we called ourselves 'Bullheadrial and the pandroll clips',.
Its sort of incomprihensible enough to have a ring to it.
Your more than welcome to use the name, or most likley not.
i've recently joined a band, playing synth.
our music is going to be depeche mode style.
we need a name and i just can't think of one.
Going back to my railwayman days, I was in a band, we called ourselves 'Bullheadrial and the pandroll clips',.
Its sort of incomprihensible enough to have a ring to it.
Your more than welcome to use the name, or most likley not.
A plain chocolate Digestive, a mug of Darjeeling tea, or better still, a whole packet of plain chocolate digestives, and a mug of darjeeling tea,,,,,,,,,,,
Skullhead of the Dirty Ducks MC
i had an idea that i could build a uk map of everyones location which would show you instantly who is in your area from jwd.. (it might be an idea to do a seperate us one aswell but i'll wait and see if this one takes off first, or if anyone from the us wants to volunteer to do that one).
(and australia but you are all in the same backyard anyway - literally!!!).
anyway, all you have to do is post or email me your username and town and i will draw you on the map above which will change gradually to include everyone!.
Depends on what bike you have .
i think i would like this on mine:.
you had your chance, but now he's gone.. please keep the line moving..
When I die, dont bury me at all.
Just pickle my bones in alcohol.
On my chest, place a barrel of the best.
And tell my friends, I have gone to rest.
all, with the crappy weather this evening i hope you all made it home ok.
i've just crawled home along the m4 on sheet ice for 4 hours and made it eventually.
hope everyone else was as lucky as i was.
I coudnt get my lorry up a hill just on a backroad at South Petherton, got halfway up, and slid back down again, other than that, no probs.
i've got a problem that i firmly believe only a brit can help me with.
it's automotive in nature.
land rovers to be specific.
By pure chance, I looked in on this, I'm working on it.
well i just got back from a tattoo convention.
thought you might like to see.
two little blue eyed guppies frolicking...another one for my girls... .
So, god forbid, but if you ever broke your arm across the fishes, would that feed 5000
after meeting brother valis i instantly felt a connection and understanding of beer.
he truley is a great leader of the flock.. for those who have had the pleasure of meeting valis you must have a memorable moment or story that just cracks you up or many!
here's mine that has stuck in my head and a week does not go by when i think about it and crack up laughing!.
And he has a UK motorcycle club patch.
'Drink up thee zider'
i was excited to see on a thread that littletoe will also be in fl as well ..ok so sign in..who's going to be there?i'll start the count...i'm planning on going with myself aka karla my sister, also possibly her hubby & her daughter.. .
I cant make this one,so I sent Eman instead