Ballistic,I'm getting there,down to 20 small cigars a week.
just wondering!.
i remember when i was about 16 having a snog with a girl who smoked.
it really was like sticking your tongue into an old ash tray.
just wondering!.
i remember when i was about 16 having a snog with a girl who smoked.
it really was like sticking your tongue into an old ash tray.
I am very very Relieved!.
After reading this thread earlier in the evening,I went round the pub(a normal Saturday night event),and who should walk in,(another normal Saturday night event),but E man.
As I lit up one of my Dutch Cafe Cremes,I said to him,'would you kiss me',he said 'no'.,
As I have no desire whatsoever to recieve a kiss from Eman,the relief that reply gave me,,,I had another 2 pints ,,,and I won nearly 500 on the pub lottery..
Take care,
hey joy, im very sorry for the pain you are going through, because the lose of your father.
i also know you had to deal with the borg world again and i know that was hard to deal with.
i really dont have the words just want you to know i care.
i'm a deskside support guy working for a service company, at one of their contracts.
i enjoy fixing things, although some of the customers could use a good knock on the skull sometimes.. i make pretty decent money for what i am doing.. for me, it's what i've wanted to do my whole life.
i had a computer from the time i was born, and love it since then.. what do you guys do to bring home the bacon?.
are you a lover or a hater? or
just watched the "thin red line" last night, a very artisticaly shot film with great music, that shows the mental aguish suffered by soldiers in war.the contrast between the peace and beaty of the island and its people and the war being fought makes you wonder what war is all about.. it makes me wish that people would sit down and think about what they are actually doing when they talk of sending people to kill for their country..
dont know if this has been discussed so sorry if it has... .
just watched the interview with the 70 year old mr crow who is paralysed from the neck down and will soon loose his voice.
today he is flying from england to switzerland to die....very moving.
I would agree that a person should have the right to end their life if pain or disability becomes too unbearable,but with big reservations, and in a way they have.
When my poor Mum was in her last days with cancer,she refused everything,and said pump me up with morphine and let me go,it was her decision though with no outside influence,I didnt want to lose her,but the inevitable was obvious,and the medical staff of the hospital she ended her days in respected this,bear in mind though that this was somebody whose quality of life was vitually nil,so I can see Mr Crows point of view.
I think where danger lies,is if the decision to end life,is not quite made by the person concerned,and there is some outside influence,be it with best intentions,to me,that raises huge moral issues.
I can only comment on terminal cancer,and I know Im not on my own here on this board,but another problem I can see is the good days and bad days a person goes through with this type of illness,if a decision was made to pull the plug so to speak on a bad day,whose to know that the next day wouldnt have been a good one.
Hope this makes some sort of sense.
Take care,
fyi, my score was so bad (lol) the farmer mumbled..... "city folks...." lol.
love, scully
well i have just lived through one of the worst weekends of my life.
something i never want to happen again.. let see if i can tell this and make some sense.. (sorry emotions are still running high).
we found out we got a house in the north side of canberra so saturday morning we spent moving furniture etc up there.
i've got a web page up now.
it can also be linked via clicking on the blue globe by my name.
da farkel's world.