To proplog2 Do you dare question the Watchtower Organization leaders? and their teachings? What would happen to a JW if they did? Apparently the same action would be taken against them in the Catholic church. Jesus warned us about the teachings of the Scribe and Pharisee's and their leaven. Listen to his sayings, do not put your trust in men nor nobles where salvation does not belong. FEAR GOD!
Posts by trudy
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
UNQUESTIONING OBEDIENCE Catholic Priest James J. Navagh, bishop of the Ogdensburg Diocese, New York, told delegates to the 67th annual state convention of the Knights of Columbus that Catholics should obey church orders without question. Quoting a Catholic scholar; he said, "If you believe something is white and the church says it is black, believe it is black." ------------------------------------------------------------- Sound familiar? Does anyone know where Rutherford's quote can be located? Please share it with us.
Bethel layoffs in 2008 - 300+ and counting
by sir82 infrom the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
Hello friends, When I first heard about the release of older JW's from their Bethel home, I cried for them. Can you imagine having to pack up, then sent off away from all your friends, (your Bethel family) and then put into a room of strangers who then would be expected to pay your doctor bills, food etc.MAKING YOU A DEPENDANT upon the mercy of a JW family. If it was me, I would feel like a huge BURDEN upon others. Horrible! And too, how can they Special Pioneer clear up to old age's illness? If one cannot be a Special Pioneer, then this small allowance would evaporate in thin air! Looks to me they would still be a slave to Watchtower doctrine. To all who put faith in the Watchtower religion: I was going through old bound volumes and found the 1963 bound volume. In the pages of the May 1, 1963 issue of the Watchtower, I found on page 283, a short paragraph at the bottom of the page. It reads:( from out of the mouth of the Knights of Columbia heights street ) UNQUESTIONING OBEDIENCE Catholic Priest James J. Navagh, bishop of the Ogdensburg Diocese, New York, told delegates to the 67th annual state convention of the Knights of Columbus that Catholics should obey church orders without question. Quoting a Catholic scholar; he said, "If you believe something is white and the church says it is black, believe it is black." Sound familiar? Does anyone know where Rutherford's quote can be located? Please share it with us.
News about Stayton, Oregon & Monmouth, Oregon
by Swan innews about stayton, oregon & monmouth, oregon.
i'm actively seeking any news from anyone in these areas about friends and family in those congregations.
any news that you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
I live near Stayton
Keeping it in perspective
by Torn ini've just joined up to silentlambs.
basically i still consider myself a jw, although i'm no longer active.
i do frequent the odd sunday meeting tho, as i still consider 95% of it to be the truth.
I've been reading your posts and I am thrilled to see how many have begun to open their eyes to what religion has 'done for mankind'.
What did 'my religion do for me?' It kept me from searching and asking God for Truth because I was told I already had it.
It kept me from 'trusting GOD and what he has written in his word and the word's of his SON Christ Jesus. Instead, I was pressured to trust in men where no salvation belong.
I was born and raised a Jehovah's Witness. All through the years, I put up a strong fight for what I understood to be 'Truth'. When at the age of six, I repeatedly would be sent out of the class room because I would not salute our nations flag and I still would not salute it today, even though I am no longer associated with the JW Organization. In my heart, I appreciated the 'truths' taught to my by the 'members of this organization who reminded Christians to obey the truths taught in the Bible. Yet, I came to the conclusion, later in life, that something was very wrong with the Organization. I dismissed this feeling, still believing the Organization was 'the truth'. I owe this to my lack of studying God's word, even though I had the Bible in my hands so very often, thinking I was a Bible student, but now I realize I was not. I came to realize the JW Organization taught enough 'truth' to keep me trusing this religions leaders. Yet, our leader is Christ Jesus. How many times have we parroted these words of the Society? Yet, we don't dare Come to him and serve Jesus for if we do, we quickly find we don't fit into the doctrines of the Watchtower. They claim the door to God is closed in 1930's. But was it? How do we know? Did God say so in the Bible? Or is it simply the human reasonings of men?
The book of Revelation 2:24 "keep hold of what you have until I come" I had to go back to learn what Christ's disciples had before he came and it was all the teachings of Jesus as well his Apostles who make up the foundation of the congregation. I realized I had to tear my old foundation down and rebuild my faith. For I had built my faith upon the foundation of the Watchtower Organizaion. And here was a scripture which clearly told me to hold tight to what Christ had taught until he comes. It is absolutley clear Christ has not COME yet! So who or what man has the right and authority to close the door to Christ? And if you read (Revelation 3:11-12) The Spirit says "I am coming soon, KEEP HOLD OF WHAT YOU HAVE so that no one can deprive you of your crown! I will make who is victorious a pillar in the temple of my God." And so, as I continued to study the book of Revelation I realized no one is appointed as anything until Christ comes to announce who comes off victorious. It is presumpeous to say the least to claim to be a Governing body before Christ comes. Even Apostle Paul didn't make this claim! He too, waited for Jesus and the reward he would then recieve for being faithful and victorious in his faith. And besides, we can open that door! (Rev 3:20) "So be earnest and repent, I stand knocking at the door, IF anyone LISTENS to MY VOICE and OPENS THE DOOR, I will be his guest and dine with him." After reading these scriptures I realized I was being spiritually ROBBED of My inheritance!! For how in heaven's name can I possibly INHERIT the kingdom when I am not related to GOD? I must become an adopted spiritual Son (or daughter) in order to be in line for an inheritance. And I had to conquer before I could recieve any reward from Christ Jesus. Have the Gov.body conquered? What have they conquered that I haven't? I then proceeded to look up all the scriptures pertaining to the word, CONQUER in my Concordance and was it a real eye opener! I recommend all JW to do this and study the word, TRUTH and LIGHT as well. also the word CALLS, CALLING will be amazed what you find, believe me!
I love our heavenly Father with all my heart and my fellow man and hope I always will. It pains me, very much, to know how we all have been mislead. And who is my adversary? Is it my neighbor? Or those who are still in the Organization who now do not speak to me? Rather, the Bible clearly says ,"Satan who roars about like a lion seeking to devour someone" Those who are still trapped within a religious organization, like birds in a net or lost fish in a deadly pit, have truly put their faith in men to give them 'truth'. The Bible is clear as to where we find wisdom. After asking my heavenly Father for the truth, I quickly found the scriture in John 14:6, just as so many of you have done.
Jesus said,"I am the Way, the TRUTH and LIFE"
From then I read the disfiguration of Jesus and took to heart God's words when he said,"This is my Son, the beloved, LISTEN TO HIM"
It was then I realized God was calling me to Go to Christ for TRUTH, and I had to obey. Jesus said to 'obey God as ruler rather than men.' And why look! So much of what Jesus said appears in Proverbs.
(Proverbs 2:2-15)"My son, if you receive my words, And store my commands within you, Inclining your ear to wisdom, And applying your mind to reason' If you appeal to intelligence, And lift up your voice to reason; If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures, Then will you understand reverence for the LORD, And will discover the knowledge of God; For the LORD gives wisdom, Out of his mouth come knowledge and reason; He has help in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk honestly; He guards the paths of justice, And protects the way of his poius ones; Then you will understand rectitude and justice, And will keep to every good course; For when wisdom finds a 'welcome within you, And knowledge becomes a pleasure to you, Discretion will watch over you, Reason will guard you...saving you from the way of evil men, from men who use perverse speech; Who leave the paths of uprightness, To walk in ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil, Who are crooked in their ways And tortuous in their paths..."
(Proverb 3:1)"My son, forget not my teaching, But keep my commands in mind; For a long and happy life, with abundant prosperity, will they bring to you.Let not kindness and good faith leave you;Fasten them around you neck, Write them on the tablet of your mind; So will you find favor and good will In the eyes fo God and man. Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And rely not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, And he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes, Revere the LORD and withdraw from evil
(verse 21)"My son, keep guard on wisdom and discretion, Let them not slip from your eyes. They will be life to you. And an ornament round your neck. Then, you may go your way in security, without striking your foot on a stone; When you rest, you will not be afraid, When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet; You will fear no sudden terror, Nor the sortm that falls on the wicked; For the LORD will be our confidnece and will keep your foot from the snare."
Did you notice discretion means life for us? So the wise and discreet should be found in ALL of us! Not just a few men. It is a requirement for a Godly man.
I thank my Father in every way, for opening my eyes and ears to truly LISTEN to God's Son, who speaks for GOD. He truly is GOD'S word.
Remember the words of Jesus.....found throughout all his teachings:
.(Rev 3:4)"He who is victorious will be clothes thus, in white clothing, and I will not erase his name from the book of life but I will acknowledge him as mine in the presence of my Father and his angels. Let Everyone who can HEAR, Listen to what the Spirit says to the Congregations (churches)
Who are Christ's brothers? Matthew 12:50 "ANYONE who does the will of my Father is the same my brother, sister and my mother." Andso I ask you, were we all not told we were doing God's will? Why has this religious organizaiton made separations of Christ;s sheep? I believe this is wicked and I cannot understand how anyone can stay within it's membership unless they are absolutley mislead or are fearful of what others think of them. Christ Jesus said, 'they will hate you because they hated me." He said,"Pick up your torture stake and follow me.....'..didn't say, follow a religious organization. I had to ask myself, "Who really is my leader? I chose Christ Jesus and began to walk on his path.
May our Father bless your search for hidden spiritual treasures,
Warm Christian love,'
Do You Believe In God Or Not?
by minimus inif you've been associated with the witnesses, believing in god was a necessity.
do you still feel that god exists?
if you believe in god, do you feel that he cares about you?
Loving Kindess,
I really enjoyed your comment. I was seeking to see if anyone would comment on what you wrote and all those fine scriptures you shared, but found none. I wonder why so few of the friends study their Bibles. We have much in common. I was baptized into the JW religion at the tender age of 14 too. And I believe it was either in 1962 or '63, I just do not recall. I sometimes wonder if I should get rebaptized because I got baptized I believed the JW Society was the 'trutth'. I hadn't realized at that time that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and life. Where were you raised. Albany Oregon?
Your middle name isn't 'Rae' by any chance? LOL! Your post sounds alot like one my sister would post. And I want you to know, she and I believe what you wrote. I can always tell a good student of the Bible. It is so true.......ask the Father for wisdom and he gives it to you......
I'd like your e-mail address...mine is [email protected]
US Assemblies
by Satanus inif it has been posted, i apologise and ask to be directed there.
can someone furnish the dates and places of the district conventions in the us?
this would be useful for a few who are wrestling w the wt.
When I was a JW. I remember not being impressed by those jeans the JW apostates wore, I thought it was disrespectful, teaching about God while wearing blue jeans. Why don't they be as the JW's if they want to be heard? Like apostle Paul said, if he sought Jews, he became as a Jew etc. Perhaps handbills would work better. Your wife if right, others think these people are awful. And one who sold icecream to the JW's said she thought they were downright rude!
I don't recall either Christ nor Apostle Paul conducting themselves this way.
There has to be something better!
I think that what we need to do is provide home Bible study groups and make a place where new converts can learn the scriptures and have a place to worship. I wonder why there are very mature brothers who provide places for worship. In the early Christian days, Apostle Paul rented an apartment or a home where those who wanted to learn the 'truth' would come to visit him. And I imagine it was there, many Christians would gather to worship God. Why are there so few mature brothers out there who do this?
I only wish I had a place near my home where I could gather with others Christians who were really 'truth seekers. It is not expected that women would take the lead........
The Bible Does Not Condemn Witchcraft
by Sirona inthe jws are against anything remotely pagan and they're certainly against witchcraft.
they say the bible condemns it.
scriptures such as exodus 22:v18 "you must not preserve a sorceress alive" (nwt) or as the king james version says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
I agree with your comment, thinker.
Anything the scriptures have to say, pay attention.
How is Salvation Achieved?
by JosephAlward insave yourself with good works.
jesus says that one will inherit eternal life if one does the following things: obey the commandments, and give to the poor all that one owns.
faith is not enough.
We are 'called' out of darkness and into God's wonderful
light. (1Peter 2:9)Dear friends,
A question for you,
Is the 'great crowd' still in darkness, since God
has not called them?
God calls everyone, it is up to us to answer God's
calling. If not, we are practicing sin.And how about this scripture in (1 Peter 3:8-9)
"Finally all of you be like minded, empathetic, having
affection for brothers, disposed well to pity, lowly minded,
not paying back bad for bad, or reviling for reviling,
because into this 'You Were Called.'
(Jeremiah 7:"And now, for the reason you kept doing all
these works, is the utterance of Jehovah, and I kept
speaking to you, getting up early and speaking, but
you did not listen and I kept 'calling' you but you
did not answer, I will do also to the house upon
which my name has been called, in which you have
been trusting."
(see also 1 Peter 2:21)May we all obey his calling.
Trudy -
she won't stop
by apostate woman inwhere do i start?
my mom and dad had gotten into the jw religion about 23 years ago.
about 5 years ago, my mom fell away from the religon and then eventually ended up divorcing my dad.
Of course, you are free to do with your life as you wish.
But as for me, I am a truth seeker. I cannot imagine Jesus
getting involved in these holidays.
How do we compromise righteousness just for entertainment and
family fun?
I take worshiping my God very seriously. It is just the way
I am, I must worship him with spirit and truth.
I believe much of what the Jehovah's Witness Organization taught
to be truth. But when it comes to breaking God's commandment
on love of one's neighbor and the closing the door to the
kingdom, then I cannot compromise my faith in God's word.
I love everyone and want only the best for them.
There are so many fine people still within the Organization.
I wish I could reach them, for I would tell them that Christ
Jesus is the truth. If they are in Christ then they are in the
truth (based upon John 14:6. And John 8:12, Jesus says," I am
the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in
darkness, but shall have the light of life."
They cannot get life by being 'in the Organization'
they must be 'in Christ'.
I feel for your pain. But we must remember, the whole world is
lying in the power of the wicked one. He'd like us to lose our
faith in God and to also break God's covenant of loving one's
neighbor. He likes nothing more than to make us angry and to
say harsh things against our brothers and sisters who are still
stuck in bondage to a religous sect. (1John 4:20-21)
There is only one faith, but many religous sects.
'Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God,and
everyone that loveth is 'born from above'(Interlinear Greek)
and knoweth God.' (1John 4:7)
When suffering pain and sadness, sometimes it is difficult to
see where the real cause if coming from.
We get angry and sometimes vindictive, before we realize what is
happening. This is not God's will for us, but we are then playing
in the hands of our God's enemy, Satan.
The best thing we can do, and I am speaking of personal
experience, is to draw close to God. Seek his wisdom,
apply his counsel in our lives. We feel better and then can
grow to spiritual maturity. Anger stops us dead in our tracks.
see also 1 John 2:8-10)(2 Peter 3:14)
I mentioned how I feel about the holidays, because I only know
that we cannot partake from the table of God and the table of
the demons. I know nothing but what God teaches me.
I do not judge but what I see God judging by his written word.
It is not my intent to offend anyone by my mentioning what I
personally understand about this world's holidays.
I only ask myself, if Jesus were here, would he involve himself
in these celebrations, and if not, why.
The symbols and practices of old mixed in with holidays may not
mean much to us in our day, but they could be an annual reminder
to God of old wicked celebrations which were offered to demon Gods
in the past.
Our worship to God should be sweet smelling, not an offensice odor.
As I said previously, we can all decide what we do with out life.
But I desire to do all I can to make my election sure.
"God is calling us out of darkness and into his marvellous light."
(1 Peter 2:9)
Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of him
that called us to glory and virtue. (1Peter 1:4)Love,