If you've been associated with the Witnesses, believing in God was a necessity. Do you still feel that God exists? If you believe in God, do you feel that He cares about you?
Do You Believe In God Or Not?
by minimus 104 Replies latest jw friends
Define "God".
How about define believe or not? God is defineable per Webster's.
I do not believe in Jesus, Jehovah or anything related to Christian. Yet I am still not a Athiest. I will let you figure that out.
My thought
I'm a blatant, Pagan. God? Yes. Goddess? Yes. Both of which are far different ideas than what can be found in the Bable.
: If you've been associated with the Witnesses, believing in God was a necessity.
Baloney. Believing in God was optional and should only be done in moderation. Believing in the WATCHTOWER was the only necessity. Virtually everything else was optional, including God.
If you believed in God without the Watchtower, you were demonized. If you believed in the Watchtower without God, you were in "good standing."
Edited by - Farkel on 4 November 2002 0:33:19
Wrong again, Farkel.
God is defineable per Webster's.
Yes, but Webster didn't start the thread, did he.
You could be talking about strictly the Biblical God. You could be talking about belief in a higher power. You could be talking about having a spiritual bent. You could be talking about being unsure about God but convinced that evolution is not how we got here.
Yes, but not that murderous, judge-accountant of Horeb.
I much prefer the one presented by The Master.
I could be talking about idols, people or comf. Perhaps ex-president Clinton could help here.