If this is a real person, he has all the markings of a true sociopath. I'm not talking to be insulting, I'm talking objectively. The cold calculation, nihilistic world view, and dispassionate focus on self-interest is loud and clear.
I worked with a sociopath once and it alerted me to the danger so I read up on the issue. There is a vast amount of literature about sociopaths who live, work and build lives among us. It is a common business and professional problem.
Is it good to have a sociopath in the JW organization in order to take things to their natural end and force issues by showing how broke the system is? I doubt it. There is probably no net value at all and most likely more harm is done in the name of showing the JWs are harmful. You can't wreck the ship unless you're driving it. And an elder is not driving this ship. Furthermore, joining a Congolese murder squad to prove that murder squads are bad is just delusional. We don't need extreme elders to prove that the JWs are screwing up lives. That is folly.
His Excellency,
I call on you to stop hiding behind your self-delusional reasoning that you are somehow doing something that contributes to eradicating suffering. You're not Tyler Durden. Admit you're doing it for your self-interest. Start taking measures to become independent. Then find ways to reduce suffering in this world that doesn't include some strange plot to catalyze people's lives through allegedly anti-dote type suffering.