Vidiot - I don't know enough about the California appeals process and oral argument - so hopefully Chaserious or DNCall will respond to your question.
i just received an email notification from the california appellate court hearing the wt appeal of the conti case:.
the case has been fully briefed.. the case is on the conference list.. the oral argument waiver notice has been sent.. .
i'm not well versed in the process or these terms.
Vidiot - I don't know enough about the California appeals process and oral argument - so hopefully Chaserious or DNCall will respond to your question.
i just received an email notification from the california appellate court hearing the wt appeal of the conti case:.
the case has been fully briefed.. the case is on the conference list.. the oral argument waiver notice has been sent.. .
i'm not well versed in the process or these terms.
I received another email from the Court:
Attorney Richard Simons (for Candace Conti) has submitted a request for oral argument
the local needs talk this week was about helping with the building project in warick new york.
the speaker said twice that project was for building the "world head quarters"!
then he added twice; that the "great tribulation" cannot start to after the "world head quarters" is built!
the local needs talk this week was about helping with the building project in warick new york.
the speaker said twice that project was for building the "world head quarters"!
then he added twice; that the "great tribulation" cannot start to after the "world head quarters" is built!
This is a typical emotional appeal from the Watchtower.
At our hall - we phoned in - the speaker went on and on about his 'days in Bethel service' and what a wonderful privilege it was. And...if you don't have construction skills to assist the project, each publisher can support the project with funds.
My brother said that at his hall an elder was standing in the lobby handing out the Temporary Service applications.
The Watchtower uses the tent revival model to get what it needs from it's members....because it works.
to all who are still active...& those who are not...... is everyone ready for wt for everyone ready to see the friends faces, that will pretend all is well.
but their minds will be racing.
i started the about confusing...but maybe on purpose only a few in the hall will be able to break it down.
Many that I know that have been jw's for decades are rather quiet about the 'new' understanding. The articles are convoluted and confusing to most. Some have express that it's been understood for years that the GB is really the F&DS....
Plenty are as giddy as the people anticipating a new season of Downton Abbey. ( It's the final phase of NEW LIGHT before Armageddon!!! )
i just received an email notification from the california appellate court hearing the wt appeal of the conti case:.
the case has been fully briefed.. the case is on the conference list.. the oral argument waiver notice has been sent.. .
i'm not well versed in the process or these terms.
I just received an email notification from the California Appellate Court hearing the WT appeal of the Conti case:
The case has been fully briefed.
The case is on the conference list.
The oral argument waiver notice has been sent.
I'm not well versed in the process or these terms. Can anyone help clarify??
this was announced at our congrgation meeting.
only, baptised, active witnesses are invited to attend this special program.
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society has always been about secrets and special privileges.
Equality among members has never existed.
And don't worry about finding out about the 'news' from this meeting. It'll be hitting the internet moments after the final prayer...
the word out of bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.. there's also possible public reproofs handed out for irregular ones.. .
the scriptures they are using to support this:.
the very ones keeping away from you will perish.
Well Steve - not to hijack the thread - in a sense you're correct. However, in my 40 + years of being involved in the Org., the 21st century JW's are changing. Radical changes are happening from my perspective.
What happens in the next five years...nobody knows.
Except that personal choice and conscience are being destroyed in favor of group think. Decades ago the old timers would stand up for their own personal freedom. I've seen plenty of older sisters tell an elder NO when he got to pushy. Elders would back down. Now the elder is under pressure to follow the directives from the branch - OBEY is being applied to them as much as it is to the publishers.
it was announed at the sunday meeting 9/1/13 that all congregationswill be hearing the same local needs talk this week as sent by the wbts.. i would like to know if anyone has had their service meeting yet and what it was about..
jwfacts - I can see biblical parallels being drawn in the near future (in publications maybe but most obviously in talks) about leaving Brooklyn with Lot leaving Sodom, Moses leaving Egypt, 1st century Christians leaving Jerusalem...
Perhaps a 'vital lesson' will be taught about this process to the faithful - the GB and 'Bethel family' have left their home of 100 years in order to pursue 'kingdom interests'. What a fine example for all publishers to follow!!
I don't know of an underground shelter - but I do know that they'll have workout rooms, pool, tennis courts and walking/biking trails, picnic areas. The site includes a decent size lake as well.
the word out of bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.. there's also possible public reproofs handed out for irregular ones.. .
the scriptures they are using to support this:.
the very ones keeping away from you will perish.
In the early 1980's, if an active, unbaptized publisher was involved in behavior that was a disfellowshipping offense they were 'disassociated'. The judicial action was announced and that person was completely shunned. This policy was short lived but many (particularly young adults) never returned.
This original post may be rumor but don't consider it rubbish. This new Governing Body/Faithful & Discreet Slave will continue to change policies and manipulate scripture to fit their new objective - OBEY.