Whatever the 'changes' may be talked about at the upcoming AGM, I'm sure any new thoughts or ideas to be revealed will strengthen the authority and power of the WT leadership.
Perhaps a new version of the NWT bible will be released. If this happens, the wording of scriptures have been modified to fit WT thought. We've been hearing with word 'brazen conduct' (in place of 'loose') in articles and talks for a couple of years. That could be changed in the 'new' version. Of course, there is nothing new about a 'new' release of the NWT. It's been done before - in the 1980's.
Two things that won't change - building projects and 'the preaching work'.
I also don't see the GB leadership changing doctrine or policies with an attitude of openess and acceptance. They - and most JW's in power positions - want roles clearly defined - with lots of rules.
Any changes that effect the JW publisher will be even more confining. See Aug 2013 WT (study edition) 'You Have Been Sanctified' & Dec 2013 WT (study edition) 'Will You Make Sacrifices for the Kingdom?'.