I try my best to stay out of threads like this - but for some reason today I feel like commenting on your comment.
You carried on during your past - with sex and drugs - not because you were 'worldy' - but because you were a selfish person. You changed these habits, not because you became a Jehovah's Witness, but because you realized that this lifestyle was getting you no where and was unhealthy.
You feel 'free' but, in reality, you are controlled by your religion and it's rules. (Even though you appear to enjoy breaking a major Watchtower rule : by visiting and commenting on this site.)
You enjoy teaching Watchtower knowledge - not Biblical knowledge. I imagine that you love 'new light', the new methods of ministry, congregational responsiblities, involvement in commitees and JW.org.
You have left your natural family in favor of your un-natural Jehovah's Witness family. If you, in the future, have real life difficulties (say your kids become marked as 'bad associates') you will experience very quickly how these 'friends' un-friend you - in reality. Ask the quiet older folks in your congregation - they'll tell you all about it.
I applaud your effort to downsize your life - by reducing the amount of material 'stuff' you have to worry about. It's also something that many people in the States are doing - without being Jehovah's Witnesses.
I applaud your effort to find real happiness in this life. I hope that you do your research on the history of the Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses. Cross reference the Proclaimers book and the Society's DVD series on the organization with other non-Witness sources.
We are all looking for personal happiness - for some of us that means freeing ourselves from this religion and its man-made organization.