Excellent thread and comments!
For those of us that were raised in - during the 60's and 70's - our "religion" has transformed itself during our adulthood. Though most of the core beliefs have stayed the same, the way the religion operates is very different. Our age group can remember studing publications that were indepth analysis of prophesy - remember the Paradise book - Babylon book - Nations Shall Know book .... We really "studied" these books and slogged through miles of scripture.
The GB has kept the tight control on the personal lives of its members - except now it is demanding that all within the congregations police the actions, speech and "attitudes" of each other. Phrases like "it's a gray area", "it's a personal matter", or "its up to your conscience" aren't mentioned anymore. Elders and publishers alike used to use these phrases quite often. Not any more!
The WT society now produces mini-books for study - that focus on rules for daily living. It's really "dumb-downed" the "spiritual food" and treats all members as if they are children. The society - while still a bible study aid publishing house - now prides itself as.......... a construction company.