Thoughts on the new AAWA video and other things!!

by iamwhoiam 154 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iamwhoiam

    So does this mean AAWA is going to stop shunning? Are they themselves not guilty of shunning those who shun? Shunning can never be stopped no matter how bad you want it to. As long as there are humans, it will never cease to exist.

    How do you stop a crowd of true believers? Taking too much action only reinforces the doctrines of true believers does it not? Its a mental war you cannot win. The only way shunning can be slowed is to educate yourself, set an example to others, and provide info when they ask for it. Let it work its way out on its own. Then, change just happens all by itself.

    The WT is its own worst enemy...and we forget that sometimes. No matter how bad one family member (such as a mother or father) shuns another (own child or parent), I'm fairly certain they still think about them before they go to sleep at night..thats human nature in its purest form. They fight these natural feelings with the doctrine they have been is not thier fault...they are just not in control of thier own minds; but let me tell you...they are certainly feeling miserable. And when that happens, you've already won the war without fighting. They have to want to change..and only they can do so.

    Lets use a useful forum like this to talk about our feelings and to support others who feel the same. It's a good theraputic process that will help us to move on; not to mention we can make a few friends in the process...and thats all it is...a process. We don't need another organization...we just need each other. Let the AAWA members (governing body) and thier "volunteers" (organization) do whatever they want. Sometimes the "good intentions" of people don't turn out so good; they then become thier own worst enemy...rinse and repeat.

    Am I wrong on these issues? I encourage feedback.

  • whathappened

    I subscribe to jw survey email and just saw the video that they posted on YouTube. I was impressed. The wording is very impressive and whoever made the video did a very impressive job.

    We are all in the same boat. We need to mend this rift. United we stand against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. They are the enemy, not our fellow ex jw's. Can we all co exist peacefully? How about supporting one another? Maybe they can't bring change to this evil organization, but they can call attention to the crazy cultish practices.

    Simon, Cedars, Lady Lee and the rest are all wonderful people who have helped so many people. Kudos to all of them!

  • problemaddict

    Ok feedback.

    I think you sound a little paranoid. Let people express themselves and what they feel to be their moral obligations free from the judgement of others? In one failw swoop, you appeal to the need not to reinforce the "true believers", and you call those who have put effort through a specific group to try to combat that influence their own governing body and organization, no doubt witht he implications that go along with it.

    I'm tired of hearing about AWAA and what people think about them. How about we jsut let people express their needs in regards to their former faiths in all the ways they see as valid? Simon says to live a life of peace and happiness is the best revenge. Others think that you need to try to grab as many as you can on your way out. Some ffel that "bringing it down from within" is important. AWAA has taken what will maybe become a more organized outreach approach. JWfacts just gave the info and lets people draw their own conclusions while steering them a bit.

    All of these are valid. Not all are things I would do, but it doesn't make them less valid.

    Can we jsut let this AWAA stuff go on this board? I really think it has jumped the shark.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I do think that it is a very nice PowerPoint/video. Succinct and to the very core of the issue of shunning.

    I know first hand of the damaging affects of it, as I have been shunned for a long time. I have seen what this practice has done to others, and it disgusts me. It actually bothers me more when I see others shunned by friends and family. Most of my family sucks, so it is not quite as bad for me.

    I know that a few people here think that I am just an AAWA basher. In truth I am a one trick pony. My only axe to grind with them was the blatent outing of faders on Facebook. If they would have taken down the offending site immediately, I could have brushed it off as growing pains of a new organization. I could have even understood if it would have taken a day or two to come to that decision.

    It was over three weeks that that Facebook page was up. Instead of deleting it, they made excuses. I found it particularly galling that John Cedars, the President of the group, cared so little about others being outed. He is very protective of his true identity because he personally does not want to suffer shunning himself. Apparently, he could give a rat's ass about anyone elses privacy. In my book, this fundamentally makes him just as evil as the organization that he is attacking.


  • eyesropen323

    zed the original site has been taken down on facebook. and an apology has been sent out. refer to the site. when did the watchtower ever apologize or even listen to those who complined. all of the issies you have mentoned have been addressed and remedied. on the aawa site you will find a very detailed apology letter.

  • eyesropen323

    aawa did a wonderful job in this video. they are combining all of our voices to make it a huge blow to the watchtower. they have my support.

  • EdenOne

    I think there's an aspect that the video should have made mention too: The threat of shunning upon those who don't comply with the shunning policy. That is, if your relative gets DF'd or DS'd, the ones that remain in are threatedned with DF themselves (with the consequent shunning) if they insist on keeping contact with the one that was DF'd or DS'd. That's a crucial part of the enforcement of the shunning policy that should have been mentioned.

    The emphasis is given on the mental suffering of the person that is being shunned, but there should also be made reference to the suffering of those that are suffering as well for being forced at gun point to comply with the shunning policy.


  • iamwhoiam

    I personally think the video was tastefully done. hits you right in the heart and many jws should see this. i hope the AAWA puts out more of this type of thing to educate others and get the word out. With that being said, I just don't think an organization needed to be started to accomplish this type of education; unless people just really feel they need to be a part of something or just part of a group. The WT no longer has to use a blanket statement about apsotates, now they have a face to put on it...the AAWA. Maybe not all apostates want to be labeled/affiliated with the AAWA.

    Hell, maybe all this will work, maybe it won't.

    From all the shit I have been through, another group is the last thing I wan't to be a part of. Thats just me though...everyone else is free to do whatever they wish. And freedom to choose is a great thing. Just think critically before you decide to be a part of something..thats all im really saying.

  • Phizzy

    Without individual activists doing something, nothing gets started, only when those individuals join with others does their activism get "legs" and start to accomplish a change.

    What if Rosa Parks had sat on that 'bus and then no one else did a thing ?

    AAWA are to be admired and encouraged, who knows what will happen ? something will, and as sure as I know that the WT is evil, I know that by simply pouring cold water on peoples efforts nothing positive comes about.

    GO AAWA !

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Educating the public, non-JWs, will help prevent people from joining and bring awkward questions toward JWs in the workplace.

    Nobody thinks the Borg is going to change its policies.

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