Posts by 88JM
Interesting Old WT & Awake Articles Regarding Acts 17:11 "Beroeans" & "Keep Testing"
by lambsbottom inthe beroeans first received the word with the greatest readiness of mind, and then they went to carefully examining the scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.
the beroeans made sure of all things.
the bible tells us that these people were more noble-minded than those in thessalonica, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.
Comprehensive NWT Comparison Project (calling all technically skilled members)
by Apognophos inis anyone aware if this project is already being done by someone?
if not, perhaps we can brainstorm how to go about this, now that the pdf for the revised nwt is out.
a couple initial impressions:.
Very impressive stuff MeanMrMustard - I know I would have given up by now.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Societys Publishing Buildings Caption in Brooklyn, New York, is STATING A LIE!!
by The Truth Shall Set Us FREE! inthe watchtower deceiving statement being: read the bible, the word of god, every day!
the watchtower bible and tract society states, with every fiber of its organization and publishing house, that you should not read the bible (not even everyday), without the holy bible additionally being accompanied by and explained by the watchtower bible and tract societys own publications.. the watchtower society and its witnesses claim that one can not understand the holy bible without the guidance of the watchtower publications.. the statement on the watchtower publishing building in brooklyn is therefore at best deceiving, lacking an under-title stating that one should not read the bible without the watchtowers additive writings.
thus the watchtower publishing house is deceiving (lying to) those who read this statement on their building... the watchtower publishing house is already familiar with explanatory subtitles to what they publicize, among others, the subtitles to the watchtower magazine.. the governing body of the watchtower witnesses (whom abuses g-ds holy name), excluded 4 out of the 7 members of the governing body in 1919, with the double vote by their president rutherford, when the watchtower magazines underscore shifted its wording from preaching the kingdom of jesus christ to preaching jehovahs kingdom.
if it is painted over, it is another cover up.
Haha! WTS responsible for yet another "cover-up"
Comprehensive NWT Comparison Project (calling all technically skilled members)
by Apognophos inis anyone aware if this project is already being done by someone?
if not, perhaps we can brainstorm how to go about this, now that the pdf for the revised nwt is out.
a couple initial impressions:.
I agree the challenge will be to get rid of or obfuscate those pesky cross-reference superscript letters. I'm looking at it just now in Acrobat Pro trying to convert it to different formats.
Recording meeting
by Fading Begins infirst 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
Apple devices will usually only let you install apps from their own app store, unless you "jailbreak" your device to load unauthorized apps. (Windows Phone too I think) So they have to let Apple host it if they want people to use it. I presume it will be free to download though.
Android is pretty much the same with the Google Play store, though loading unauthorized apps is much simpler and is a only setting to enable it in the phone menu.
Recording meeting
by Fading Begins infirst 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
Were you at the meeting 88JM?
Haha - hell no I wasn't thank goodness - I wasn't one of the "lucky" ones to get an invite, and I certainly wouldn't relish travelling 5-6 hours down to Livingstone just to hear this crap.
Recording meeting
by Fading Begins infirst 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
"Loose conduct" is now "brazen conduct"
I could see that one coming. I know it's in the elders "Shepherd" book but I had doubts whether they would have the balls to stick it in the new bible. "Brazen" is quite a change of meaning...
What Are Some Stupid Rules In Watchtower World?
by minimus inthere's a lot.
one that i just don't understand is that no one should hold hands during a prayer.. where the hell do they come up with these rules??
Two people of the opposite sex not married to each other must never be alone together
No bungee jumping or skydiving
What happened in 97-98 to reduce the increase?
by Splash inlooking at the yearly stats, it's apparent that something happened in 1997/98 which caused the increase %ge to drop off a cliff and remain low.. take a look:.
yearpeak pubsincreaseincrease %1981-822,477,608115,7124.8991982-832,652,323174,7157.0521983-842,842,531190,2087.1711984-853,024,131181,6006.3891985-863,229,022204,8916.7751986-873,395,612166,5905.1591987-883,592,654197,0425.8031988-893,787,188194,5345.4151989-904,017,213230,0256.0741990-914,278,820261,6076.5121991-924,472,787193,9674.5331992-934,709,889237,1025.3011993-944,914,094204,2054.3361994-955,199,895285,8015.8161995-965,413,769213,8744.1131996-975,599,931186,1623.4391997-985,888,650288,7195.1561998-995,912,49223,8420.4051999-006,035,564123,0722.0822000-016,117,66682,1021.3602001-026,304,645186,9793.0562002-036,429,351124,7061.9782003-046,513,13283,7811.3032004-056,613,829100,6971.5462005-066,741,444127,6151.9302006-076,957,854216,4103.2102007-087,124,443166,5892.3942008-097,313,173188,7302.6492009-107,508,050194,8772.6652010-117,659,019150,9692.0112011-127,782,346123,3271.610anyone know why this was?.
The internet.
Annual Meeting : where is yours?
by gingerbread inif the original announcement still hold for this weekends 'open' annual meeting, it will be streamed live to (only) english speaking members.
is this still the plan?.
i'm interested in hearing from all on the forum where 'their' program will be broadcast.. our local kingdom hall will be live streaming the meeting.. .
Here in Scotland it's at the brand new Livingston Assembly Hall/Kingdom Hall complex - thankfully many many away miles from me.