It was down in the program as an audio drama, but it was more like the Stephen Lett show interrupted with a few bible verses. They really have to stick their mug in everywhere these days, don't they? It's like a popularity contest to see who can get the most coverage - Herd giving talks, Lett doing videos and Morris on the invitations. Oh and the bible verses were read by Jackson come to think of it.
Posts by 88JM
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
Symposium: Those Who Will Inherit God's Kingdom
by 88JM init's been said before that once you know ttatt, then you listen with very different ears to talks at conventions.
i thought the second symposium this year on saturday morning of the convention was particularly terrible - here's what i had as the summary of the four parts:.
those "who are poor".
It's been said before that once you know TTATT, then you listen with very different ears to talks at conventions. I thought the second symposium this year on Saturday morning of the convention was particularly terrible - here's what I had as the summary of the four parts:
- Those "Who Are Poor"
- According to this talk, Jesus wasn't referring to literal poverty at Luke 6:20. Without any justification, they did some gymnastics by linking it to Matthew 5:3 trying to show that Jesus was apparently referring to some sort of spiritual poverty/being aware of a spiritual need.
- Those Who "Become as Young Children"
- According to the WTBTS, being as young children means being obeying without question, and trying to show mindlless enthusiasm for preaching, even if we don't enjoy it.
- Those "Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake"
- They only really mentioned phyisical persecution in 3rd world countries, but they made the mistake of picking Malawi as an example and the brothers not buying party-political cards etc. I think we all know the hypocrisy of that situation - I can't believe they still have the tenacity to use it as an example.
- Those Who Help Christ's Brothers
- "Christ's brothers" in this context only referrs to the anointed, of course (there was no reference to even attempt back this up) and the talk was an advertisment for many ways to waste your time in various avenues of construction, pioneering etc.
- Those "Who Are Poor"
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
63 baptised here in Glasgow, Scotland (28 male, 35 female) from an attendance of 8164.
About par for Scotland from what I remember from previous years - maybe a few more than the last few conventions.
Anecdotal observation: the young/old split of baptisms was about a 50/50 split - not all teenagers but certainly a sizeable amount. I don't think I saw any pre-teen, really young kids getting baptised - maybe one young boy who could possibly have come into that category.
Definitely the most boring convention ever. And I think Sam Herd is back on this afternoon...
Assembly:Symposium:Who will not inherit God's Kingdom:"Idolaters
by raymond frantz inlol!
typing that while at the assembly, the benefits of technology.this theme is about idolatry.
the watchtower explains what is idolatry.
I heard the quote about the Mormons too raymond frantz. He also mentioned that they were favouring preaching on social media instead, implying that it was more productive. Such hypocrisy.
Agruably, I would say social media would be a better tactic than a single website alone, though plenty of JWs do their advertising for them on Facebook anyway.
Assembly:Symposium:Who will not inherit God's Kingdom:"Idolaters
by raymond frantz inlol!
typing that while at the assembly, the benefits of technology.this theme is about idolatry.
the watchtower explains what is idolatry.
KM Oct 2014 - Homosexuality (week of Oct 13th)
by Splash init would be interesting to have some present (stonewall?
) at these meetings to witness and record talk number three on the tms.. talk 3 - "what the bible says about homosexuality" (reasoning book p.368-369).
the reasoning book tells us in part:.
They'll probably try to skirt it by trotting out the old line about "hating the sin, but love the sinner" - I think that probably is about as close to the edge of legality without being identifiable hate speech? (although it really is)
Today's Watchtower study. Good example of "talk is cheap."
by stillin inall about love.
how to do it.
why jw's are the experts at it.. gag.
Whoops wrong thread
inactive ones going back...
by monis1 ini have quite a big group of friends who were all in the cong together when we were teens.
about 75% of them stopped going or were df'd right after high school.
it is a varied group; a couple are staunch apostates, some dont care one way or another, and another handfull are fully "worldly", but still believe it is the truth.
Maybe some elders are taking seriously the recent push from Circuit Overseers to contact inactive JWs?
Why the Nov. 2014 Study WT could be a good thing
by Apognophos inhey guys.
i am seeing a lot of flak on the forum over this study wt, and rightly so, as it's rather creepy.
but i'd like to suggest an alternate way of looking at this upcoming series of articles -- as an opportunity.
I wish I could afford to go on vacation. Maybe I could just hide in my basement for a month.
Oh wait...
11-15 WT- Drinking before meetings
by Absalom into be holy, we must weigh the scriptures carefully and do what god asks of us.
consider aarons sons nadab and abihu, who were executed for offering unauthorized fire, perhaps while inebriated.
Rutherford would be pleased.