Thank you for providing the final attendance number for England: 149,174.
Does that include attendance numbers for Wales and Scotland?
Yes, I can verify that it includes Wales, Scotland and Ireland - the same number was announced in Scotland (watching the same live feed). They actually announced the numbers for each individual convention (someone probably has those if you are interested) - so there was no fudging going on. Keeping in mind that Twickenham was an international convention, so the grand total is quite a bit larger than a normal year for Britain - you can't really use it to calculate growth percentages (as I've seen some doing) as it includes international delegates as well as many many children who would not be counted as publishers in the "official" statistics report that is produced. Sadly, it does mean that percentage figure will probably be a bit higher. There is also still the last convention in Coventry still to go, so sadly more baptisms to add to that figure as well :(