Wow I just realised Jesus wasnt' mentioned at all in this article.
Posts by 88JM
Today's WT study (10/12/14) - a sales seminar!
by OneEyedJoe inthis cult is getting really shameless.
the wt study was always supposed to be for discussion of 'the deep truths' of the bible.
the wt may have always been filled with utter nonsense, but at least it had the appearance of a topical discussion of bible doctrine.
Today's WT study (10/12/14) - a sales seminar!
by OneEyedJoe inthis cult is getting really shameless.
the wt study was always supposed to be for discussion of 'the deep truths' of the bible.
the wt may have always been filled with utter nonsense, but at least it had the appearance of a topical discussion of bible doctrine.
Yes the whole study was a pile of crap, but I thought the second to last sentance was just plain wrong:
"The Bible’s message is more powerful than anything we might say to try to reach the heart of another person."
Really? Even Athiests, agnostics, people of other religions? I really don't think those people would be remotely affected by anything the bible says.
Heard it from a friends JW mother
by Still Totally ADD inthe other day we went to our friends business to have our computer worked on.
our friend was raised a jw but never got baptized and left when he was in his late teens.
any way we started talking about the new and the new tv show they have.
Article: Inside the Jehovah's Witnesses' British Headquarters
by AndersonsInfo in
inside the jehovah's witnesses' british headquartersby adam forrestoct 8 2014. .
New December KM with changes all over
by pixel inis not on the public website yet, but here it is, full more changes:.
to the 2015 school:.
bible highlights: brothers as- signed this part will have two min- utes to consider one interesting and practical scriptural point from the weekly bible reading.
Bible Highlights: Brothers assigned this part will have two minutes...
They're really removing all instances of any actual bible discussion these days aren't they? The bible highlights is probably the final remaining instance where brothers are pretty much given free reign to pick the points they want and try to make them interesting. Every other so-called "discussion" involves sticking to assigned material in a publication. You'll certainly never see anything remotely complicated or deep doctrine ever discussed again at a midweek meeting.
That makes me wonder how long they'll continue with a Sunday public talk. How long before that is replaced by a weekly JW TV broadcast from the GB?
Implications of Dropping "Types/Anti-Types"
by Antioch ini've seen this part of the agm folded in with other topics and poked around, but no really critical discussion of the implications.. .
the hermenuetics of the type/anti-type practice was a big deal to me in realizing the tatt.
i searched high and low for a rational basis for concluding that god was communicating in a type/anti-type format that wasn't special pleading and circular.
Watchtower/Telecom Ownership Agreement!
by Atlantis inwatchtower-qcstelecom ownership agreement.. .
re: petition to transfer ownership of qcstelecom, inc., to watchtower bible and tract society.
Watchtower/Telecom Ownership Agreement!
by Atlantis inwatchtower-qcstelecom ownership agreement.. .
re: petition to transfer ownership of qcstelecom, inc., to watchtower bible and tract society.
Edit: You probably have it spot on, AnnOMaly
If it's this company it says they specialise in dark fibre (yes, where do I begin with the jokes), which means basically means stuff not connected to the internet, or at the very most run through secure tunnel VPN's.
Most likely I would say is that it's for construction purposes and communications inside or between branch offices. A little strange that they would go so far as purchasing a whole company, but I can see how it could be justified.
However, it is a very definite signal of moving towards even more I.T. based projects in the future - fibre is very expensive, and you would only need your own fibre company if you were transferring massive amounts of information very frequently (i.e. video productions and streaming). The fact that it's dark fibre means it's secure communications within that network, at least.
Thinking about it, my suspicion would be that this means we will be seeing much more video and streaming from the JWs in the future.
Powerful photo
by zakharijah inhi,.
i just stumbled upon this photo on facebook (pic by david j. m. coleman), and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.... .
I'm pretty sure that's a Royal Mail van in the background, so it must be in the UK somewhere.
It's definitely Scotland, and the Facebook page it's taken from is a clergyman in Greenock (west of Glasgow), but another poster said they thought the brother might be from Stevenson congregation though. Either way, it's still definitely Scotland.
And the guy on the right isn't wearing a "hoodie", it's just a windbreaker style jacket - highly nescessary in cold Scotland!
I actually did not think it was a beggar but another coffee drinker taking it easy, having a rest.
I'm pretty sure that's not the case - he's almost sat cross-legged on a bit of something to give him comfort, and in a major pedestrian throughfare where he will get noticed. If it's a town center or a town square, there will almost certainly be much comfier places nearby to sit than there, but wouldn't get you noticed.
Eating disorders - advice about someone
by 88JM ini'm sure there are probably a few posters on here that have had experience themselves or had family members with eating disorders.
i'm posting here not for myself, but out of concern for someone else.. there is a teenage (about 16, recently baptized) brother who quite obviously has an eating disorder.
i have personally been at a few gatherings and seen him refuse all food while everyone else was eating, with the excuse that "he wasn't hungry", so i can say it's definitely an eating disorder and not some allergy or just a one-off.. i'm also not the only one who has noticed it - i've been in discussions with a few brothers and sisters who have also remarked on his conditon, but don't seem to know any more about it than i do.
Confronting the situation head on is the answer.
Thanks - that's a helpfully clear answer.
Drawing closer to the family beofre you confront them is the best course of action
Also good advice - thanks. It's difficult when you're trying to do a fade, but are concerned for others at the same time.
People who have eating disorders have issues with control.
I've also heard that said by someone in the congregation, so it's reassuring to hear it from someone else.
I have very little doubt that he definitely has a serious problem. I will probably ask his parents as suggested, though I'm not sure what their reaction will be. I will be shocked if they flat-out deny he has any problem at all. Hopefully they will be aware of it and thankful for the concern.