Posts by 88JM
by The Searcher inhas the org's comment on the candace conti case been removed from
if not, can someone give me a clue how to retrieve it please?
thanks for any help..
Kingdom Hall consolidations in the UK
by raymond frantz in/from reliable sources (brothers in position within the congragation) i've been informed that in two different location within the uk congragations are to be consolidated .these men are loyal to the society and have no contact with ex-jw community .many brothers and sisters within these 4 congragations are devasted and undertantably very upset .one of these congragation has in excess of 150k in the bank currently "held" by the society as a loan .do you have any more information on this ?
is this just a one off or a new trend ?.
I also just realised, by dispersing even just one or two large congregations into surrounding ones, you can instantly put pressure on lots of congregations to build multiple new halls, instead of the pressure being just on one congregation to do a simple remodel or one rebuild.
Very clever...
Was It Designed? Rabies Purposeful Mode of Transmission.
by Island Man inwas it designed?.
rabies' purposeful mode of transmissionrabies is caused by a number of lyssaviruses that attack the cells of the nervous system disrupting their normal function.
symptoms include painful spasms in the muscles of the throat and larynx of patients, accompanied by a strong aversion to drinking liquids - hydrophobia.
If you do insist on rubbishing radio carbon dating, there are many other ways of dating things:
Was It Designed? Rabies Purposeful Mode of Transmission.
by Island Man inwas it designed?.
rabies' purposeful mode of transmissionrabies is caused by a number of lyssaviruses that attack the cells of the nervous system disrupting their normal function.
symptoms include painful spasms in the muscles of the throat and larynx of patients, accompanied by a strong aversion to drinking liquids - hydrophobia.
Firstly, well done for having a stab at it - that takes courage on an internet forum.
cofty has already highlighted the major flaw, but just to drive it home:
living creatures changed or evolved to survive
their genes were influenced by the cursed environment
Evolution doesn't do that. You're saying about 6000 years ago that all living creatures as soon as "the curse" struck concurrently changed their whole physiology, including their teeth, and these animals were able to survive and "evolve" at an equal rate without wiping each other out or dying of starvation? If evolution worked like that and so quickly, I would be pretty scared to walk out my front door, and if so, why aren't we seeing evolution like that today? Did God turn the dial up to 11 for a bit?
Also, if you're saying animals eating meat is all due to "the curse", your conclusion would mean there is no evidence of meat-eating animals from before 6000 years ago. Even for an old-earth creationist, that means the many fossils with meat-eating teeth and other features of carnivores are no older than about 6000 years? For example, it also means you're saying all those pretty obviously meat-eating dinosaurs were roaming the earth at the same time as Adam and Eve?
If you had gone with: "Satan put all the pointy-toothed fossils there to test us" that might have been a slightly more reasonable start.
Today's watchtower. Why no emphasis on doctrine?
by kneehighmiah ini believe the jws are morphing into a mainstream social religious group.
we've long been taught we had the truth due to our suoerior doctrine.
it appears that the gb knows that their teachings are ludicrous and indefensible.
Why no emphasis on doctrine?
I think if they had another whole meeting about 607 B.C./1914 A.D. then people really would die of boredom. Or get suspicious that the org doth protest too much.
Today's watchtower. Why no emphasis on doctrine?
by kneehighmiah ini believe the jws are morphing into a mainstream social religious group.
we've long been taught we had the truth due to our suoerior doctrine.
it appears that the gb knows that their teachings are ludicrous and indefensible.
Why no emphasis on doctrine?
I think if they had another whole meeting about 607 B.C./1914 A.D. then people really would die of boredom. Or get suspicious that the org doth protest too much.
Kingdom Hall consolidations in the UK
by raymond frantz in/from reliable sources (brothers in position within the congragation) i've been informed that in two different location within the uk congragations are to be consolidated .these men are loyal to the society and have no contact with ex-jw community .many brothers and sisters within these 4 congragations are devasted and undertantably very upset .one of these congragation has in excess of 150k in the bank currently "held" by the society as a loan .do you have any more information on this ?
is this just a one off or a new trend ?.
Dissolve and reform the congregation moving the members around, meanwhile the WTBTS takes over th funds in the bank accounts of the congregations that have been "dissolved."
If so (and it does sound a possiblity) I'd love to know how that was achieved - because to disperse 4 large congregations, surely it requires having nearby congregations with lots of spare capacity in their halls, or forming new congregations and sharing halls more?
EDIT: Ah okay Raymond Frantz - that's interesting. I would say I've heard of previous instances where a congregation couldn't rennovate because their current building was old or unsuitable and finding another location for a rebuild wasn't possible or too expensive, but even then, I've not seen a congregation dissolved over that - they usually just put up with their old hall. Obviously the congregations in your example were quite eager to push for a rennovation, and it sounds like they certainly had the cash to pay for it, but the cash was tied up with the branch who wouldn't release the funds? I thought the return of any loans made to the WTBTS was unconditional, or is that just personal loans?
I wonder with that loaned £150k if they found a way to funnel (or it was done willingly) it into the "worldwide assembly hall fund" so it's now non-returnable?
Interesting it should come at the same time as this:
It's almost like a memo went out to circuit overseers to try to find ways to kick congregations out of their halls?
Kingdom Hall consolidations in the UK
by raymond frantz in/from reliable sources (brothers in position within the congragation) i've been informed that in two different location within the uk congragations are to be consolidated .these men are loyal to the society and have no contact with ex-jw community .many brothers and sisters within these 4 congragations are devasted and undertantably very upset .one of these congragation has in excess of 150k in the bank currently "held" by the society as a loan .do you have any more information on this ?
is this just a one off or a new trend ?.
"Consolidated" is a bit of a vague description to me - does that mean:
- 4 congregations will be dissolved and reformed as 2 congregations, but they keep their halls? If members are "devasted" and "very upset" I'm guessing it's not this one.
- Or is it that all 4 congregations will be dissolved and their halls will be sold off and the members will be sent to other nearby halls and congregations? This sounds more likely from what you're saying.
If it is the first case, then I've seen previous instances where a congregation's numbers sometimes hover for years around the "too small to split, but getting too big for the hall" mark, and there are sometimes many years of splitting and merging.
However in the second case, whole congregations being dissolved entirely because they have become too small (or over some issue) are pretty rare in the UK until now, unless it's perhaps a small non-english language congregation?
But if they are being dissolved because they are too small, then how have they managed to raise £150k and lend it to the society? Someone left them something in their will?
I'd be very interested to know the circumstances around this if it does prove to be true - i.e. if it's a small rural congregation and the numbers involved - because the local congregation here is also very small and rural (and certainly doesn't have £150k) and would be interesting to know why they have "consolidated" the ones you speak of and not the one here.
Um, It's November...Where is that meat in due season?
by CaptainSchmideo is still on october programming.
what happened, did jehovah forget to turn in the script?.
They've never been all that great with their grasp of dates. Perhaps they're trying to stretch time again.
Is it later than you think,
Meeting for not paying assembly fees???!!!!
by Kool Jo inhey folks......has anyone else heard of, or experienced this before?.
i visited by parents over the weekend and accompanied them to their assembly....same rubbish spoken about since ive been born....obey the gb, donate your last penny, no education and be a pushover.. anyways, our assembly hall has lush vegetation and scenery, so i was more focused on that....i started dozing off after lunch, so got up and went walking, saw some older folks from the congregation i grew up with.. upon the conclusion of the assembly, wed normally leave out right after the prayer ends so as to avoid the traffic.
however, for this assembly he told me that hes gonna be a few minutes with the elders and branch a few minutes turned into an hour..
what recourse would the wolves have?
They'll threaten to take away that nice assembly hall you almost finished paying for, make you go back to sitting in those drafty cold (or swealteringly hot) stadiums and crumbling old town halls, while we sell your assembly hall (that you built for us with your free labour) for a nice tidy sum and take the all the money. Rinse and repeat.
Can someone how this model is any different from a property investor? Oh yeah, the free labour bit. But really that's what the WTBTS is - they're not even pretending anymore.
i just wonder who/what is really behind it.
I think if you've been watching the forums over the last couple of days alone, you would get a pretty good idea of why they might be trying to generate massive amounts of cash quickly.