Meeting for not paying assembly fees???!!!!

by Kool Jo 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    Hey folks……has anyone else heard of, or experienced this before?

    I visited by parents over the weekend and accompanied them to their assembly….same rubbish spoken about since I’ve been born….obey the GB, donate your last penny, no education and be a pushover.

    Anyways, our assembly hall has lush vegetation and scenery, so I was more focused on that….I started dozing off after lunch, so got up and went walking, saw some older folks from the congregation I grew up with.

    Upon the conclusion of the assembly, we’d normally leave out right after the prayer ends so as to avoid the traffic. However, for this assembly he told me that he’s gonna be a few minutes with the elders and branch representatives…so a few minutes turned into an hour.

    Why??? So normally my dad is 99% composed and hushed about the meetings that take place, but this one got him ticked off. My dad is an elder, and the other elders from the congregation met with the C/O and branch reps…they were told that their congregation is way behind in their contributions/donations to the assembly hall fund…our assembly hall is up for sale and we’re expected to revert back to renting stadiums ect… for our “spiritual activities”. The congregation I grew up in is in no way able to pay up what they’ve asked for. The congregation is divided into the following: retirees, unemployed/underemployed and youths who’ve moved away to the city for jobs…so they were told they need to pay up their dues…my dad says he doesn’t care what they’re gonna do and told me he’s going out for vacation for a while. J

    I was at a loss for words…but I told him, that the society is now reaping the rewards of the “no higher education” policy, hence the congregation can’t pay that amount from “window-washers” only. He hates the “no higher education” policy himself and has urged me to MBA and PhD if I want to, he also encouraged another young brother to move to the city to complete his degree.

    So folks….there you have it…they were told they need to payup what is due and make some type of arrangement ASAP. I asked my dad why can’t the borg absorb the cost since they’ve made millions selling off their properties upstate…I could see he was bothered and flatly mentioned that he feels something is wrong, but can’t pinpoint it…I hope for the day that both my parents will wake up to the reality of this cult…I hope for the day I could openly tell them they’ve been duped by a cult, but that would break them too much as they’ve given quite a lot to the borg.

    So since the congregation is unable to payup their dues….what could they do to the congregation or yet, the elders in the congregation?

    I’m happy my parents are going to be traveling so they can get their minds off the borg.

    Any feedback folks?

    Kool Jo

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    they were told that their congregation is way behind in their contributions/donations to the assembly hall fund…our assembly hall is up for sale and we’re expected to revert back to renting stadiums ect

    I'm a little confused. If your circuit is selling the ASS Hall and reverting back to using secular facilities, why would JWs be donating to an Ass Hall fund?

    Is this tied to the new "donation" (tithing) arrangement? Or is WT continuing to maintain a local Ass Hall fund for a future project?

    If I was an Elder sitting in that meeting, my first question would be: "What happens to the money coming from the sale of our Ass Hall? Why are we donating to an Ass Hall fund when we'll no longer even have one? What exactly are we donating to?"

  • AlphaMan

    The Watchtower Borg will get their money. Guilt and theocratic threats are very powerful weapons. You are right about the "no higher education" doctrine biting them in the ass. However, they don't seem to be getting away from it anytime soon.

  • KateWild

    It's good news that your dad got called into this meeting. He clearly knows that things aren't right. Hopefully both your mum and dad will wake up soon, it looks hopeful, keep us updated. Kate xx

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Advise your parents to strengthen their personal relationships with Jehovah and let the congregational chips fall where they may.

    Trust Jehovah. He knows what He's doing.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    The site is up for sale....not sure if they've met with any prospective buyers as yet....but it's still being used. Only the grounds are being currently maintained....they other physical structure they've allowed it to deteriorate somewhat, even my dad noticed it.

    Tere was an arrangement that the congregation would pledge a certain amount each month towards the assembly hall fund...hell, this side of town is still recovering the the recession.

    My dad also mentioned that C/O had a harsh tone.....why wasn't I in that meeting


    kool Jo

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    I overheard my dad talking to the other elders in his congregation about this matter....they're all wondering how the balance is gonna be paid and sweating themselves...the elders seem to have gotten a whipping from the C/O...smh

  • designs

    Kool- Thanks for posting this. The 'Accounts Report' from the Assemblies was among the most crooked fraudulent things promoted by the Wt..

  • 88JM
    If your circuit is selling the ASS Hall and reverting back to using secular facilities, why would JWs be donating to an Ass Hall fund?
    Is this tied to the new "donation" (tithing) arrangement? Or is WT continuing to maintain a local Ass Hall fund for a future project?

    As I understand it, there is now a "worldwide assembly hall fund" that most congregations (in the USA and U.K. at least) are paying either a lump sum and/or what used to be their KH loan into monthly as well. That's what the big fuss was mostly about in September - to the JWs, it's sold to them as "the society has written off your Kingdom Hall/Assembly Hall Loans" when what it actually is instead "give us any spare money you had in the bank" and "while you're at it, make a monthly pledge for a fixed donation" - a.k.a. tithing.

    It looks like in this post we are seeing the sharp end of the stick and what happens when those payments aren't kept up. Expect more of this in future?

  • tiki

    what a racket...........and amazingly they are getting away with it. makes you wonder where the corruption starts - way behind the scenes.....and some elite group is probably milking this one to the limit........laughing their way to the bank. i just wonder who/what is really behind it.

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