Apathy probably does kill more meeting attendances, but it's TTATT which stops people from going back.
Posts by 88JM
Studying for the meetings vs. going on Facebook
by Coded Logic inmost people on this thread seem to agree that the internet is having a harmful effect on the wtbts ability to gain new recruits and retain jw children.
my question is do you think this has to do with the fact that those who leave are learning ttatt?
or is it that people are just spending more time of fb and instagram and don't really care much about studying and fs all the time?.
I know as a web developer its a useful way of consuming feeds between and from other websites to use. It's often what's driving that sort of thing behind the scenes, even if end-users aren't directly consuming it. Agreed standards in markup languages are always a useful thing, and there are few as simple and universal as RSS.
Service meeting video....what a non-event
by sir82 inat our service meeting we saw the video of a jw explaining his beliefs about 1914.. it was.....well, "underwhelming" does not do it justice.
what is below "underwhelming"?
"boringly tepid"?.
It seems like they are subsconsciously saying: "don't bother trying to explain 1914, because we know you won't be able to - even we can't really."
Watchtower Library CDROM That Goes Back The Furthest?
by lambsbottom inhi y'all,.
can anyone give me the download for the wtcdrom that goes back the furthest (i think i heard it was 1993)?.
I'm told the older versions don't work unless you are on a pre Windows 2000 system - I don't know if they tried compatability mode. Maybe there's virtual machines you can run as well, but it's a lot of effort to go to just for the few years extra info it will give you.
What I really fear about JW.ORG
by StarTrekAngel inmuch has been written, twitted and youtubed about the extent to which the wtbts may go in order to keep its members from peeking out of the box.
from name calling, constantly telling members about the dangers of apostasy, all the way to dfing anyone who dares to look outside.
many tools and theories have been brought forward.
I don't quite agree that they will go down the "snooping on your browsing" route - I don't think it's in their interest to kick people out who could be contributing money simply because they're looking at what they would consider questionable material on the web. DF'ing is mainly used as a fear tactic to keep people in. If they were so interested in finding dirt on and kicking out ones they would call "spiritually weak" then they could easily start going after "faders", which they aren't really doing to any great extent.
I think while it is feasable, the infrastructure needed for such web snooping would outweigh any potential gains that would come from it. Unless they were going to start outright blackmailing people into donating. At the very very worst, they might snoop on those who they are considering inviting into the upper echelons to check they are legitimate, but they already have all that infrastructure at the branch offices which is well known to all there.
The JW.ORG stuff is mostly playing catchup - I think the timing of doing it now is more to do with old GB members dying and it becoming more affordable to run a website.
I do think you have a point about information control though - that's definitely on their agenda.
Car accident
by Clambake ini was in a car accident in a fatality.
without going into detail i wasnt found in the wrong.
alcohol and poor judgement were involved with the other party.
Sorry to hear about that - I'm sure you must be pretty shaken up.
As far as the JWs go, if you're an UBM and it wasn't your fault, then I personally don't think you'll see any action from elders or anything.
I personally know of an incident in the congregation here a couple of years ago of an elder in a serious collision on the way to the meeting with an oncoming foreign motorcyclist who was on the wrong side of the road. The elder is still the congregation secretary here and takes the Watchtower.
Something that is worth doing is getting yourself thoroughly checked out physically if you haven't already done so. The elder I mentioned did go to hospital and had what seemed like fairly superficial injuries at the time, but a couple of years down the line he now suffers with chronic back and knee pain and is unable to work.
One Day Assembly Costs How Much, WTF?
by NoMoreHustle inthe recent circuit assembly day cost get this... $17,0000 in an assembly hall that they own!
this was announced during the assmbly at the 3/4 mark of days activities.
after he said how much the assembly cost, he then proceeded to say that we have recieved $6,000 in donations up to this point of the day.
Costs were just announced as over £9000 (GBP) for a one day assembly here in Dundee, Scotland at an old rented town hall with about 1000 in attendance. (Capacity would be around 1300)
They apparently sent £1000 towards the new bethel project in Chelmsford out of the circuit funds.
They spent £300 on a projector which had the sole purpose for the day of projecting 1 Pet. 3:11 on a screen - that's all.
Donations for the day were apparently fell something like £2000 short of the "costs", so I think they must have already collected over £6000!
Coincidentally, the visiting "bethel" speaker was one of the guys from the new million pound translation office in Bangor, Wales.
Wow - I knew something like this was going to happen (linked to this, I think) but I didn't know it was for THAT item.
They obviously know that no-one can really explain 1914, so they need a pre-recorded video to demonstrate.
Lockheed: Limitless Energy?
by metatron inhttp://news.yahoo.com/lockheed-says-makes-breakthrough-fusion-energy-project-123840986--finance.html.
a prototype for testing in a year?
there have been a number of claims about fusion reactors in the past year but this seems the most bold.. .
It could be more of a patent grab, and it depends on lithium, which is already a resource that is becoming harder to obtain.
There are paralell projects happening though which also have a lot of promise too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITER
Today's WT study (10/12/14) - a sales seminar!
by OneEyedJoe inthis cult is getting really shameless.
the wt study was always supposed to be for discussion of 'the deep truths' of the bible.
the wt may have always been filled with utter nonsense, but at least it had the appearance of a topical discussion of bible doctrine.
Wow I just realised Jesus wasnt' mentioned at all in this article.