Not your fault it is his choicesto step down. I chose my son over shunning but I always felt different about DFs than the average. My son at 20 married because he thought it might help his sexuality differences. My heart is with you. There are many exJW men who are gay its a tough road but it is survivable and you can live a awsome life. By the way my son has a gay relationship with another man (exMorman} for 16 years. We call his partner our son-in-law. You can still pray to god for help if you still believe. There are websites that may help. If you would like I can call my son thiw evening for suggestions how to start healing. He pioneered to the end aand had a deep love for God. My love I am sending I wish I could be y ur sub mom for a while. My son iswriting a novel about a gay JW. I believe he has a lot to say. Gma-tired 2
There are more gat Elders that are hiding than you realize but it is not healthy to have to your true self. Take one day at a time