Jacksonville for a few years
JoinedPosts by gma-tired2
Wow... you WERE right! The KH was to teach you how to SELL!!
by ILoveTTATT in.
as you can see from the picture, in the kingdom hall there was a board with "publishers, books, booklets," etc... aparently for the entire congregation.
not sure what the other line is, maybe it is a goal?.
I remember the board with publishers names listed and their hours, mags, books, etc. I use to sit and study it when I was bored as a child. This was the 50s
Facebook Friend
by Pete Zahut inmrs. zahut made facebook contact with a friend she grew up with.
the friend is from a large jw family.
so far she's only sent the following brief message.. " ....no one in our family are jw.
Pete my experience with JWs I grew up with most have now moved on with their lives. 3 kids in my family 2 faded and 1 JW. My husband 4 children' 3 faded and 1 JW. Simular satistics in the familes I was in KH with. My best guess is 1 in 3 raised in JWs remains a JW for life. By the way all these kids are now senior citizens except one she is only mid 50's
How Cold is it Where You Are?
by PYRAMIDSCHEME inwith the polar vortex swirling further and further south and breaking records how cold is it where you are?.
here in gettysburg pa last night night we hit a low of -4 degrees but we were blessed with some wind that dropped the wind chill down to -22..
North Florida 36° at 5:30 PM. Way too cold for Florida
by love2Bworldly indid anyone else get a huge all caps urgent message showing at the top of your screen where sometimes ads are?
the words were so big, it jumped out at me and it was weird.
i did not click on it, and hope it's not a virus or something..
Yes, i have the Urgent Message. Im ignoring it
Very nice pictures. Treasure your little one. They are little for only a little while.
What Shall I do tonight? I am young and single
by KateWild inso i have a couple of options..... 1. an other poster is happy to chat with me but although him and his partner seem lovely i am not sure if i want to, especially at midnight, it's seems a bit sad.
my jw friend is busy tonight with other jws going to a firework night, would have been nice if i wasn't a secret friend now.. 2. my ex collegue fro my mcdonald's years finishes work around midnight / 12.30, but he can't drink, i am trying to get him to be my wing man, but he needs to be in work new years day anyway.. 3. or i can post away here 24/ f ing /7.
i love this place guys i really do, but i am so dependent on you guys for human contact, i need to do something more productive with my time.. there are my three options, which one would you choose?.
Kate have a great night. Enjoy.
IS there anything one moment or experience that still haunts you?
by confusedandalone inlast night me and the wife were talking about things that happened to each of us while in the borg that we wished we could have reacted differently... i mean really put someone in thier place for the foolish thing they said or the deplorable action that enacted upon you.
my wife literally almost came to tears relating something that i was not aware... i wanted to end up going back to the hall for a monthy or so just too handle it.. .
do you have anything you would like to share to help us remove our own thoughts from our minds lol.
She left because her parents always took 2 vacations every summer plus the DC. My son and his wife were only married 2 1/2 months and he explained they could attend the DC and one weekend on one of their vacations. She went balistic on him and they started arguing. She left that day and never returned. She and her mother cooked up lies because she didn't want to be married. Arguing was changed to domestic abuse rven though they had two witnesses to the arguement. this was when it became clear that her dad a former Elders word was taken over our families even though no one had ever been before a JC. I even had CO lie directly to me. This mess went on for over 4 years until my son accicdently ran into someone from her circuit who let it out that she had two children and had been df'd. My son remained faithful for 7 years but finally decided to go out and have a life. He was tired of so many JWs lying to him and about him.
IS there anything one moment or experience that still haunts you?
by confusedandalone inlast night me and the wife were talking about things that happened to each of us while in the borg that we wished we could have reacted differently... i mean really put someone in thier place for the foolish thing they said or the deplorable action that enacted upon you.
my wife literally almost came to tears relating something that i was not aware... i wanted to end up going back to the hall for a monthy or so just too handle it.. .
do you have anything you would like to share to help us remove our own thoughts from our minds lol.
Yes, my husband and I were discussing the incident at breakfast this morning. My sons new wife decided to home to mommy and the Elders went after our son with no kindness or love. The lies directly to my husband and I still haunts us. We just said this AM we would never put ourselves in such a position again. The way ro do that is remove all their power. We stay far/away.
My sister died
by poppers injust got word that my sister died.
she had surgery for heart valve replacement about 5 weeks ago, and when they opened her up for it they found cancer.
we had an extra special relationship since i was her "birthday present" when she turned 10 in 1951. this is my second sibling to die of cancer in 14 months..
I am so sorry. Take time for yourself, and enjoy your memories