IS there anything one moment or experience that still haunts you?

by confusedandalone 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedandalone

    LAst night me and the wife were talking about things that happened to each of us while in the borg that we wished we could have reacted differently... I mean really put someone in thier place for the foolish thing they said or the deplorable action that enacted upon you. My wife literally almost came to tears relating something that I was not aware... I wanted to end up going back to the hall for a monthy or so just too handle it.

    Do you have anything you would like to share to help us remove our own thoughts from our minds LOL

  • KateWild


    I think getting it all out, and letting us know what happened helps. Talking it over like you have with your wife. We need to get things off our chest to be able to move on. Someone posted on one of my threads time heals, it takes roughly a month recovery for each year you are in for the pain to lessen.

    If thats the case, I am 3 weeks into my 20 month journey of healing. I learned TTATT 10 months ago but only left 3 weeks ago. My JC still haunts me, it was traumatic, but I did say everything I wanted to. Each time I listen the pain lessens a little.

    Kate xx

  • confusedandalone

    " Someone posted on one of my threads time heals, it takes roughly a month recovery for each year you are in for the pain to lessen."

    O MY, I am in for a long 30 month ride LOL...

    The JC is still harrassing you even after the conversation we heard earlier??? WOW

  • gma-tired2

    Yes, my husband and I were discussing the incident at breakfast this morning. My sons new wife decided to home to mommy and the Elders went after our son with no kindness or love. The lies directly to my husband and I still haunts us. We just said this AM we would never put ourselves in such a position again. The way ro do that is remove all their power. We stay far/away.

  • confusedandalone

    " My sons new wife decided to home to mommy and the Elders went after our son with no kindness or love. "

    I hope you do not get offended by me asking, but why did she leave? I have never heard this story. Is there a thread?

  • KateWild

    The JC is still harrassing you even after the conversation we heard earlier??? WOW-CAA

    No, they have left me alone, I am haunted by the ordeal at times, I recall it and am saddened by it.

    30 months from leaving is 2 1/2 years. It sounds long, but the kids will heal much quicker. Time is supposed to be a great healer. So we will be on JWN together for a while.

    Kate xx

  • confusedandalone

    Indeed we will, I hstill have things that anger me deeply. I come across blunt at times / all the time and it causes alot of people to get angry but I guess they will have to deal for atleast another 2.5 years LOL

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    There are so many hurts it is so hard to name only a few. The total lack of love was unreal. When we were first married my husband was in a hall where the CO had asked him to go, it was a horrible hall. My husband was the only elder at the time. The way I was treated as a new wife is beyond decribing, I was yelled at all the time, told I was stupid to my face. We were pioneering and when my husband was doing some elder thing the sisters would not let me even go out in service with them. When my husband was there they refused to use their cars and my husband said everyone had to go out unlike how I was treated, so there were times when we would have six people in our Honda Civic. We beat the crap out of our car.

    I talked to the CO and told him I was loosing it and he rebucked me telling me I was being selfish and that Jehovah needed my husband now that is why he was acked to go to this hall, I could have him (my husband) in the new system which was going to happen really soon. That was 25 years ago.

    This does not even begin to touch on what went on while we were at Bethel, and then after we come back and the pedophile problem in the hall which was beyond hell.

    I wish I could let go of the pain but its there, its like this huge wound that is just there, the hatefullness of these people knows no bounds. Like when my husband had a major heart attack and I called the CoBE and his wife answered and told me she could not help me because she had to go out in service, how while I was at the hospital even the Chaplin was blown away by how alone I was. The Chaplin said she had never seen a JW with no one there for the family.

    This is just a cold hartless religion.

  • KateWild


    I am blunt too, but that's my ASD. I need to put flowers round my sentences lol! Kate xx

  • confusedandalone

    " I talked to the CO and told him I was loosing it and he rebucked me telling me I was being selfish and that Jehovah needed my husband now that is why he was acked to go to this hall, I could have him (my husband) in the new system which was going to happen really soon."

    WHAT THE FLARK... so what about the whole "two becoming one flesh" thing????

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