The timing belt didn't do engine damage, husband had it running ( ran good) but timing belt became lose so he has to tear engine down again. He has a dislike for new cars he would be happy if I would drive a 50 year old car but I said no.
JoinedPosts by gma-tired2
I FINALLY found a car I like & brought it home tonight = )
by FlyingHighNow inafter nearly seven months of bus rides and asking for rides, i have purchased a car.. for all of you who made helpful suggestions & contributions to my car buying thread, especially zed is dead, thank you so much.. my thread asking for advice on car buying:.
suggestions for car buying23.
i bought a 2009, pontiac g 6. my reasons for choosing a g 6: this car gets great miles per gallon.
I FINALLY found a car I like & brought it home tonight = )
by FlyingHighNow inafter nearly seven months of bus rides and asking for rides, i have purchased a car.. for all of you who made helpful suggestions & contributions to my car buying thread, especially zed is dead, thank you so much.. my thread asking for advice on car buying:.
suggestions for car buying23.
i bought a 2009, pontiac g 6. my reasons for choosing a g 6: this car gets great miles per gallon.
Congratulations I know how thrilled you are to have wheels again. My PT Cruiser is parked in driveway with a broken timing belt. The timing belt and husband seems to be fighting a dual. Timing belt winning.
TODAY I published my book THE MONORAILS of MARS the first JW sci-fi
by Terry in
under the cover illustration, click "preview".
a preview screen will appear.
Congratulations, you've got my attention. I look forward to reading it. Gma
I am doing Fab!!!!!!!!
by KateWild inhey everyone,.
well me, fraz and laika had a little meetup before we went on was great to meet fraz for the first time.
our hols were teriffic and i have enjoyed dating too.
Kate I am thanful you are much better, but as a mother and grandmother I know your attending meetings has to do with your son. Be very careful attending meetings, I have spent many hours the last month trying to figure out how my JW past has affected my life. The results aren't great. At 66 years of age 20 + years of inactivity I am still discovering little things that I was brainwashed with. These brainwashing are actually causing nightmares. Be very careful how you tread. I know you are df'd but as long as you are attending meetings the have their claws in you. Much Love and worry. Gma
Edited too add. My car has been broken down for a month. Too many idle hours to think.
Would JWs Really Drink The Kool Aid?
by minimus inif push came to shove and it was a showdown for loyalty to the organization or not following whatever decrees coming heir way, what percentage would remain loyal to the organization?
I have 5 close family members still JWS. This is a subject that I have given many hours of thought too. I know 2 will follow thru to death (like Jim Jones). I have 3 who I believe will go to the edge and suddenly make a u turn.
Today is my birthday !
by mrquik inafter missing 63 years of birthday celebrations, i'm making up for it in spades.
cake, presents & parties.
i tell everyone i meet that today is my birthday just to hear them say "happy birthday".
Happy Birthday. It is as exciting in our 60s as it should have been as children. Again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sisters conducting meetings where there is a lack of brothers
by booker-t ini remember years ago when i was a little boy aroung 9 years old, our bookstudy conductor was in the hospital and at the last minute one of the elders asked my aunt to be the book study conductor.
this was the first time i have seen this happen.
my aunt did a very good job and the bookstudy acted as it was not something from outer space.
Yes, my sister had her own bookstudy in the early 60's. We just didn't have enough qualified brothers. Sad to say for the last 48 years she is a wife who is browbeaten and can't make decisions for herself.
The hardship of being a gay Jehovahs witness.
by truthwillsetyoufree inplease spare a moment to consider the difiiculties faced by gay jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised and baptised as a very serious jw.
every waking moment of my day was lived for jehovahs and his organization and for nothing else.
My son wasa born-in tried praying, pioneering and even married. in his 20s he met a gay man he was very attracted to he chose togo to the elders to da but he was so well known they chose to df him. The story today is he and this gay man will soon be celebrating 20 years together. My son says he is so much happier out and gay.
I was 36 when I started posting here. This weekend I celebrated my 50th birthday!
by nicolaou inand i mean celebrated!
it was a cracking barbecue party for around 40 good friends and neighbours as well as my 'never jw' cousins and one of my brothers and his family.. .
drank a bit too much, embarrassed my kids with some 'dad dancing' and laughed until 2 in the morning.
Happy Birthday 50 is the start of senior discount Take advantage of them.
Do You Give Personal Information About Yourself On This Site?
by minimus inif someone asked you for information regarding your identity, would you tell them?
I have identified myself to a couple people, so far no regrets.