JoinedPosts by keynumber
R U DFshipped?
by DFshipped ini am a dfshipped person who is working towards reinstatement.. i would like to meet anyone else who also would like to return.. i really would prefer not to meet people who want to criticize my desire to return.
i would like to enjoy and offer encouragemnt to others like me.
R U DFshipped?
by DFshipped ini am a dfshipped person who is working towards reinstatement.. i would like to meet anyone else who also would like to return.. i really would prefer not to meet people who want to criticize my desire to return.
i would like to enjoy and offer encouragemnt to others like me.
Personality of "Anointed" JWs
by Smiles indid you notice any similarities in the personalities of "anointed" jws?.
did they use their anointed status for personal advantage?.
were they the most loving person you ever met?.
Personality of "Anointed" JWs
by Smiles indid you notice any similarities in the personalities of "anointed" jws?.
did they use their anointed status for personal advantage?.
were they the most loving person you ever met?.
Ive been with and as a jw all my life officially and unofficialy.
I did find it unusual that some or most of the annointed were off there rocker
the only way I found to excuse this, was watching Moby Dick/ gregory peck one,
were before before boarding the peque, ELIHAH comes from behind some barrels
and in profetic word warns them of the I quess prophets were, as they
were unorthodox socially so some of the "annointed" are too. o will tell you how we wanted
to help an annointed get there faster
Disgusted with JW Funeral Today!
by time2keepmoving inmy son grew up with one of the young brothers in the kingdom and after graduation both him and my son left the kh.
the young man who left the hall fell into the wrong crowd and i mean a really dangerous crowd and as a result of him getting involved in illegal activity he was murdered.
i really feel for this young man, because he was a decent kid.
Lois, magwitch, talesin and all you others.
this is a new experience for me on to say once you've been involved with the 'organisation' , its anexperience, sometimes very traumatic that will never really leave you. much like a nice tattoo in the beginning but turns out looking like you layed on a newspaper, horrible smudged and duffuclt to remove... I was born into the jws, did well in school , turned down a scholarship and spent 4 years in bethel. I'll add more to the story. it took me many years to figure this out and now i carry a 'two edged sword' I'll explain this later...thank you KEYNUMBER
Ciro Aulicino - Watchtower Man for Life
by VM44 inusing various online databases i looked up what was available on ciro aulicino who is well known for getting the watchtower signed up as an ngo with the united nations.
the following information was returned.
note that his residences have all been at watchtower owned addresses.. considering his age, and dependence upon the watchtower for most of his life, ciro probably won't be considering any change in his relgion!.
I "served" at watchtower farms. would like to communicate w/ex wtf bethelites.
its something too late to turn back. it made me who i am today. on the other hand came out w/ no real skills and no real support. it was a difficult time. I actually feel sorry for some that have the aspiration to go. read in the awake long time ago, never forgot this statement: "life is a comedy to those who think and a tradgedy to those who feel"---horace walpole.
if your charactor is very sensitive acclamation to bethel is not as difficult as the hell your going to go thru if youve been there awhile and trying to readjust out in the real world... I should of listened to my father who was not JW, only went to the memorial...when he said "learn a skill, go to school before you dicide to go." I was very sensitive and leaving it was quite a tragedy....
I'm df'd and thru my life , i always come across df't ones or those who just got lost and ended up in better situation in life and those that everything fell apart...the most interesting ones are the ones that are not df'd. when they find out Im dfd they have told me "I cant speak to you." funny thing about is they dicide when they CAN speak to me. for somereason the problem for them is usually about the elders, "the elders did this or the elders didnt do that". I don't every personally ask why there in the situation there in. this particular one was applying for a job, I was there also. I couldnt believe how he looked. he looked like a homeless individual and he was. He found out I was dfd and said he couldnt speak to me. my big ears got his cell# give it to my asshole brother (elder) telling me never to calll. Oh yes they called him later, got him a job and an apartment..this was before as he was walkking out the door w/his back pack, felt sorry for him and offerd him aride to wherever he needed. can you belive he told me "didnt you rremember I told you not to talk to me and I dont want a ride" I told him "go to hell you m....." sorry for the language. anyway another tragedy.
If man evolved?
by tornapart ini know anyone who believes in evolution is going to say that there is no 'if' about it.
however.... if man evolved over hundreds of thousands of years ago, why were there only about 200-300 million people alive 2,000 years ago?
surely there'd have been many billions by then?.
cofty, boy did I go from a cave into a cavern, from a smoke signal to modern technology
I stand corrected. you certainly are well read on this subject, certainly w/ strong background of education,
remember their is no absolute truth, and as well educated in this as you are, its sad that your contribution is swallowed up in your longwinded explanations and self-assuming arrogance. go back into your cave, that you think is a cavern....KEYNUMBER
If man evolved?
by tornapart ini know anyone who believes in evolution is going to say that there is no 'if' about it.
however.... if man evolved over hundreds of thousands of years ago, why were there only about 200-300 million people alive 2,000 years ago?
surely there'd have been many billions by then?.
cofty, look at the evolution theory, belief, from this angle. jws and maybe others have very strong assertions that man has only been on the earth around 6000 years.
maybe their not exactly wrong and exactly right.
I found it interesting that the discovery of fossils not wood chips but of humans, animals, birds that date back millions of years. when you present this to a fundamental christian asking them why the dates go to the millions contrary to homo sapians only being on earth 6000 yrs +-, some respond that scientist are in error with their carbon dating methods, others, the rank and file just believe because they are told.
I think we are a genetic experiement. God and his Angels were creating life through process of genetics. cro-mangdun, peking man, neanderthal and what ever the "evolutionary" ladder was in order, "they" finally got it right, and comes the homosapien. you can't explain to fundumentlist the different "creations" that stand unique to their kinds in islands such as madagascar, australia etc in a 6000 yr. pod. its not only unscientific but it insults the 'Gods, Creators to insult the beauty of all this planet as if we were making a ramon noodles. KEYNUMBER, THANK YOU
Disgusted with JW Funeral Today!
by time2keepmoving inmy son grew up with one of the young brothers in the kingdom and after graduation both him and my son left the kh.
the young man who left the hall fell into the wrong crowd and i mean a really dangerous crowd and as a result of him getting involved in illegal activity he was murdered.
i really feel for this young man, because he was a decent kid.
I've just joined the site. and sorry that I don't keep within the "funeral topic"
"make friends with unrighteous riches...." my first time dfd was a blow and emotional spiril. I was so determined to come back . got involved with drugs, immorallity and hung out with rif raf, not to say I was. I work in construction and always had good jobs and never without work. only what made me sad was i missed the organisation as i was hardwired, and the friends.
a retired C.O. and another elder took a special interest in me. it was very encouraging. my reading and study habits were never a problem as it was part of my "genetics". even to this day I still enjoy reading Gods word.
ultimately was reinstated and a very joyfull moment. to consider all i enjoyed about studying to learn, never really seen the reality of the irregularities in the jw organisation. I just wanted back.
during the period comming back made friend w/a study of the C.O. and had his association. well after being reinstated I totally disregarded him because i had my mother brothers,sister and many established jws. he was very hurt and he told me.
but thats not worst of it...I had many work connections, all types, every heathen you could think of but we all respected each other and passed leads. well as soon as i was rens. 99% had nothing to do with them, i recieved alot of work jw networks. great huh, secure huh well I was dfd a second time. no witness would call me unless they were desprete or on the way out. and the killer of it my "worldly" contacts said i changed and lost that so i was stuck, struggled w/medocre jobs, and it took along time to reconnect as they I'm sorry to say you have to have "break bread" with them. was back in the game.
was reinstated the 2nd time only this time kept all my contacts. I was jew to jew and greek to greek, of course i had my boundrys. didnt loose the respect and contacts, not to mention my renewed (ones).
well here we go again a 3rd time (you must wonder what is wrong with this guy!) the jw connection colapsed but i kept the friends of unrighteous and life carries on.
of course theres more to the story to this.... "unrighteous righteous" are valueable and they'll take in good and bad season, whereas when involved with a religeous denomination as jws in respects to what i said you keep yourself in there control. this of course doesn't apply to all. realize we're all the same, every man women and child, no matter who what or are. in this respect the difference is our BELIEFS. AND ITS THIS THAT CAUSES ALL THE PAIN TO THE BEST OF US. KEYNUMBER
Disgusted with JW Funeral Today!
by time2keepmoving inmy son grew up with one of the young brothers in the kingdom and after graduation both him and my son left the kh.
the young man who left the hall fell into the wrong crowd and i mean a really dangerous crowd and as a result of him getting involved in illegal activity he was murdered.
i really feel for this young man, because he was a decent kid.
I'm df'd, ex-bethelite from '76-'80. greater majority of my direct family are jws, including my mother, brothers and sister. my father never has taken a interest but was most of the time suporritive. his attitude was as mark twain is quoted, "its easier to stay out then to get out" how I found this out as many thousands have.....anyway my father recently passed. my brother(elder)called me to hospice along with the others, thanked him for the consideration....the memorial services were to be held at the kh. and told me that there will be mny jws there that dont know your circumstance, so watch out you don.t make them feel uncommfortable. couldnt believe it, I assured him and mention that you should get all us df'd ones and at the kh, teach us df'd funeral jw protocal, well actually dont get me wrong after my "3rd stint" Im fully aware of this. I didn't find his request difficult untill he gives me a call, this time that I'm not to attend the after memorial dinner, which was taking place at a "elks lodge". I was very hurt and angry I didnt sleep at all that night. I mistakenly called my mother and asked if it would not be offenceful for me to be there. as mny of non-jw realives would be there. she told me that the C.O. was just making the visit of the congr. and it was deteremined it would not be right that I attend. my mother said to accept the dicision of the elders and dont come. well my unbeleiving side of the famly who dont have much taste for the jw side got wind of this. I mentioned to my bro. elder. this action is not going at all make them more receptive but ineffect is bringing reproach on Jehovah and the jws. and YOU are responsible for this. just as some information on the side my wife is a jw and my kids are also and shocked. I will not go, but its up to family to make there dicision. and I have been going to the hall on a regular basis with her. I am reaching for reinstatement but do see clearly unbalance view and the cultic control. as I read " good people do good things and bad people to bad things, but it takes religion to make good people to do bad things" believe me I really enjoy this site and why would i be on it iff i was in total mind and heart control. I wanted to be with my mother and father, now its only my motive.