I was df'd at the time...working for a construction company....and there happened to be a JW working with all of us..Of course he never crossed my path, 'oh well". he never sat with any of the crew, he ate alone reading his 'magazines...he had a nice haircut, looked not like the general look of construction workers. stood out....well some time later he was talking and sitting with one of the 'guys'....I just in conversation, him of course not knowing my df'd position as an xjw asked "see you 2 are pretty chumy, what gives?" well the guy told me he really can't stand him. he said "the other day this guy knocked on my door and started to preach to me, told him to get off my property." the worker mentioned " he's such a snot, acts one way at work and a chatter box at the door, and he (the jw)apologised the for how he was." now he sits with all us "godless heathens".
I can respect to some degree how he ports himself, but I'm sure after that incident he learned something about opening doors.