I thought of something more important to this discussion, the scandal must be wide spread so everyone knows about it. Kingdom Halls can have some very wicked pedophiles in their Congregation, if one zealous father learns of the sex-offender and warn's another stupid brother who has made friends with Chester and his child porn collection, "stupid brother" runs to the elders and tell's them that "brother protect my children" is spreading gossip about Chester the Child Molesting Jehovah Witnesses!.
The Watchtower has put the fear into their limited intellect and frightened members to keep silent or face Jehovah's Judgement for speaking out against others. The Scandal has to be big enough, shocking enough to get the Jehovah's Witnesses to think which is hard to imagine. The Secretary has the local pedophile play with his daughters and invites him over to every meal possible, your not dealing with rational human beings. One elder's wife who according to her brother played doctor with her pedophile brother for years, in my opinion she would not care if her older brother who is a child rapist molested another child because he took her sensitivity to car for fellow children away when she was 14 to 16 years old. Her brother swears to Jehovah this P.O.s wife was having sex with her when she was 14-16 years old and he was 18-20, "Kissing Cousins" and she kept the raping of a young girl secret according to her brother.
I heard the elder's wife and the P.O. lambaste the victim of this woman's pedophile older brother by making up the wildest accusations against this child. Jehovah's Witnesses are not the most moral people, it's mock morality, it's a form of devotion practice in front of men, not for God. Why does the Watchtower always have to tell the world with their Magazines about their good works they are doing? The reason is simple, since the Watchtower is self-sparing to most of the World, any acts of mercy on a miniscule scale is going to be broadcast by their Media so people think the Watchtower is Christian. How often do you hear of the Watchtower coming to the aid of non-JWs or helping victims in Pakistan or India and Turkey during their big earthquake a year or so ago? I know Christendom did while JWs were eagerly looking for he help from the Red Cross! JWs run to the aid given by non-JWs faster than those who truly deserve the help. JWs from Bethel are self-sparing, they are selfish and greedy, really what good have they done to make this world a better place? They destroy the forest by wasting precious paper better spent for use on your anus after defecating. They waste fuel driving around in strange directions, standing out in front of coffee shops while real Christians are working on "missions and helping with dental work, surgery's for cleft-palate and eye disorders", instead we spend our money on handing out magazines better used to wipe our asses on!
I don't think any type of scandal will gain traction, think about the cobe and his wife, they are really f'ed up sexually with her older brother "Chester", the Organization is a Safe Harbor for Pedophiles to sail their dinghys around the Kingdom Hall when someone starts to worry the pedophile is creeping up to close, the pedophile can scream he is a victim of malicious gossip!