There has been an ongoing experiment since the middle of the 16th century.
A thesis has been tested and disproved.
The thesis is simple: a pious person professing Christ as Saviour who prayerfully studies the Bible will be instructed along the path of the true faith.
How has it been disproved?
41,000 Christian denominations reveal the consequence of such tests.
Garbage in can only yield garbage out.
Christianity is only what people imagine it to be.
The Bible tells the pious and devoted supplicant an echo of his own opinions. Nothing more is possible.
There is no there there.
Each man has the Jesus he chooses.
Each denomination thinks it has THE true faith.
Each denomination believes the others cling to error.
Can you imagine anything of the sort being possible with
Euclid's text on Geometry? Unthinkable!
No matter where you travel, you'll find Euclid's texts yield exactly
the same results for each student everywhere.
No discord. Results match.