1. Is there a way to look at a Discussion topic and know HOW MANY HAVE VIEWED IT?
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3. How do I fold this account back into my original Terry account and delete this one?
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well, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
1. Is there a way to look at a Discussion topic and know HOW MANY HAVE VIEWED IT?
2. Is there a way to read a PM we have sent?
3. How do I fold this account back into my original Terry account and delete this one?
Thank you!
scientists seek religious experience -- in the brain.
by geoffrey mohan.
copied from http://ad1914.com/2015/01/10/i-find-this-humerus/ .
i am including this post to the site because it reveals something about just how crazy we have been at coming up with strange doctrines.
some would just chalk it up to the insanity of fred franz.. by 1951, the watchtower started doing some math: 33+37=70 so 1914+37=1951.
It was about this time I started attended the Kingdom Hall in Fort Worth, Texas.
I heard this quite a bit.
I have to say, most of the Bros. & Sister's were gleeful about it, as though they
were in on a macabre joke.
Much discussion of a gossipy nature centered on the birds of the heavens picking the bones clean.
What was my impression?
Compared to the bland vanilla piety of regular church, I thought it was rather entertaining like going to a horror movie.
Did I believe any of it?
I can't say that it penetrated my rational mind toward acceptance.
It was merely interesting. I'd compare it to knowing somebody who could touch
their nose with the tip of their own tongue. It was a bizarre novelty you'd show off
to others merely to get a reaction.
The above plus an obsession about Jesus NOT having a beard was really a big deal with JW's in the 50's.
Sigh. . .
today is my first post on jwd, i was one of jehovahs witness for almost 50 years of my life, i was born into the religion.
i was baptized at a young age and once i got married i was a very spiritual woman as they would call me.
my husband and i served as full time pioneers, we traveled abroad and went to international conventions, did some special pioneer service in other states in the us.
You are a writer.
The gift of narrative flows like a river in you.
I'm looking forward to your future posts.
We all go through the same process, but there are no shortcuts. So, fasten
your seatbelt.
Think of this place as a crucible and a hospital.
Here there is madness, hope, sanity, and a portal to freedom--but, you must
fight your way through it.
Nobody has any answers, we have only our experience to offer.
Welcome and Cheers!
was there a second coming?.
a 3rd coming?.
" (the 3rd coming?).
In case you haven't been paying attention, the Watchtower religion has reinvented itself.
To do so it has had to scrap previous teachings.
Apostates have beaten them over the head relentlessly. So many interpretations
are provable as false guesses passed off as 'channeled' truth.
Beginning with 1914 and its signficiance, the GB has taken a shrewed course in presenting
the clean slate as SIMPLIFICATION! Never has such care been taken in sneaking around the
wrongness of past teachings. No.
Instead, words are employed to turn the pile of shit into a hunting ground for ponies!
And they now have ponies galore!
I've been predicting for quite some time 1914 would be abandoned. With scathingly
brilliant sneakiness, they've done the next best thing. The 'significance' has been vandalized.
1. Did Jesus come back to the Earth? Did he return? Was there a second coming?
2. Since when has Jesus been PRESENT, although invisible?
Watchtower June 15, 1954
"This time began in 1914 and that means that Christ is now present and invisible."
Watchtower June 15, 1979
"This 2nd presence begins with his 2nd coming."
Watchtower July 15, 2013
"Jesus makes eight references to his "coming" or arrival. Regarding
the great tribulation, he states: "They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds."
Each of four of these references, it further states, "applies to Christ's future coming as Judge."
Question: How many times is Jesus "coming"?
1914 is Jesus' 2nd coming. What about the above mentioned "future coming," is that
a 3rd coming?
We are living in 2014 100 years after 1914 which is in our past.
For JW's, the 2nd coming is past.
This "future coming" is another coming!
"In the past, we have stated in our publications that these last four references applied to Jesus'
arriving, or coming in 1918 . . . " (The 3rd coming?)
". . . each of these eight references to his coming applies to the future time of judgment during
the great tribulation."
So. . .
WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE of 1914 if it cannot be the 2nd coming?
How is it Christ is "now present and invisible" ?
if you do believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
if you don't believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
on a personal note, there are many things that i can't help but notice that coincide with what the apostle paul wrote to timothy in his second letter chapter 3 regarding tough times:.
I like to ask this sincere question.
It should be the easiest question anybody ever asked, predicated on the premise God is supernatural and an omniscient being who inspired the Bible.
______________________ QUESTION : _______________
Name one provable bit of information provided in the Bible which
no human mind could have provided at the time of writing, which could have
only come from a supernatural source.
Now I'll sit back and watch what happens . . .
my latest study, "the watchtower still depends on '1914'" is available at:.
http://www.jwstudies.com/the_watchtower_still_depends_on_1914.pdf .
please tell me of the corrections i need to make.
The date of 1914 can't go away, but everything surrounding this event has recently
been scrapped and replaced!
1914 will become to JW theology eventually what the appendix is to the human body;
if you do believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
if you don't believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
on a personal note, there are many things that i can't help but notice that coincide with what the apostle paul wrote to timothy in his second letter chapter 3 regarding tough times:.
Look no further than the history of 'Christianity' and your answer is hiding in plain sight.
Who was the first Christian? Did this person become such by reading something like the Bible? Or, were there so many debates, arguments, controversies about who said what to whom that a NEED arose to "prove" things.
The first hack at a Bible came from a person named Marcion. Yes--THAT Marcion!
He was Gnostic and eagerly embraced the only 'Christian' writings available (letters from Saul (Paul) of Tarsus.
Marcion tossed out writings about the raving lunatic God of the Hebrews (Yahweh) and assembled Paul's letters into reference.
For awhile, Marcion's side was winning. But, the early Christian community calling itself Universal (i.e. Catholic) excommunicated Marcion and--not unlike the Governing Body of JW's today) marginalized Marcion as Apostate.
4 to 5 HUNDRED years passed . . .
After much arguing and in-fighting, a Bible 'canon' was collected.
This became--by men's decree only--the official BIBLE of history.
Would you like to guess how many books it contained?
There were more than we have today!
Under the 2000+ year history of the Universal Christian Church (i.e. Catholicism)
Christians got along just fine without ever reading their Bible. Their Governing Body told them all they needed to know!
Protestations by the monk, Martin Luther, led to a great upheaval and the splitting of Christianity into a do-it-yourself group of Protestants.
Their unique claim was naive: all you need is the Bible, prayer and the Holy Spirit.
The result?
Today, we have over 41,000 separate denominations with differning interpretations of the SAME Bible!
So, now--please ask that question again, won't you?
the generation scripture no longer is speaking about 'the end'.
i'll quote it...... side note: tons of lies in this article, i'll point out at the end of the post.
"yet, jesus words at matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least some of "this generation will by no means pass away" before seeing the start of the great tribulation.".
Let's get the BIG PICTURE clear before sweeping up the shakedown of little details.
EVERYTHING has changed.
Jehovah's Witnesses (the GB) have reinvented their doctrines!
We can congratulate EX-JW community of 'apostates' for successfully gutting that fish.
It was imperative they start from scratch. They swallowed hard and pulled the trigger.
The murderer has returned to the scene of the crime and the fingerprints, smoking gun, and blood spatters have been eliminated.
Bottom line: the GB has, in effect, stated: "That was THEN, but this is NOW. Deal with it."
I see the sex change operation went off without a hitch!