In case you haven't been paying attention, the Watchtower religion has reinvented itself.
To do so it has had to scrap previous teachings.
Apostates have beaten them over the head relentlessly. So many interpretations
are provable as false guesses passed off as 'channeled' truth.
Beginning with 1914 and its signficiance, the GB has taken a shrewed course in presenting
the clean slate as SIMPLIFICATION! Never has such care been taken in sneaking around the
wrongness of past teachings. No.
Instead, words are employed to turn the pile of shit into a hunting ground for ponies!
And they now have ponies galore!
I've been predicting for quite some time 1914 would be abandoned. With scathingly
brilliant sneakiness, they've done the next best thing. The 'significance' has been vandalized.
1. Did Jesus come back to the Earth? Did he return? Was there a second coming?
2. Since when has Jesus been PRESENT, although invisible?
Watchtower June 15, 1954
"This time began in 1914 and that means that Christ is now present and invisible."
Watchtower June 15, 1979
"This 2nd presence begins with his 2nd coming."
Watchtower July 15, 2013
"Jesus makes eight references to his "coming" or arrival. Regarding
the great tribulation, he states: "They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds."
Each of four of these references, it further states, "applies to Christ's future coming as Judge."
Question: How many times is Jesus "coming"?
1914 is Jesus' 2nd coming. What about the above mentioned "future coming," is that
a 3rd coming?
We are living in 2014 100 years after 1914 which is in our past.
For JW's, the 2nd coming is past.
This "future coming" is another coming!
"In the past, we have stated in our publications that these last four references applied to Jesus'
arriving, or coming in 1918 . . . " (The 3rd coming?)
". . . each of these eight references to his coming applies to the future time of judgment during
the great tribulation."
So. . .
WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE of 1914 if it cannot be the 2nd coming?
How is it Christ is "now present and invisible" ?